Pietro De Silva

Pietro De Silva

Nacimiento : 1964-12-28, Roma


Pietro De Silva


I migliori giorni
Attilio (segment "La vigilia")
Anthology comedy film about ordinary stories of holiday hypocrisy.
La macchina delle immagini di Alfredo C.
Alfredo C.
April 1939. Fascist Italy occupies Albania. Thousands of Italian workers, settlers and technicians are transferred to the country. November 1944, Albania is liberated. The new Communist government closes the borders and places dozens of conditions on Italy for the repatriation of its citizens. In 1945 27,000 Italian veterans and civilians were still held in Albania. Among them there is a cameraman, Alfredo C. An operator of the Fascist propaganda effort, he has been traveling around Albania with his movie camera for five years. Before that, for almost two decades, he had immortalised the great machine of the regime. Now, by a twist of fate, being the only cameraman around, Alfredo has been asked to work on behalf of Communist propaganda. Shut up in his storeroom, surrounded by thousands of reels of film, Alfredo watches what he has shot again on an old Moviola. It is his film that we are watching. And perhaps, not his alone.
Magari resto
Lucio De Dominci
In the splendid setting of the Cilento, Francesca is preparing for her wedding but feels that something in her life is not quite right. Surrounded by her longtime friends, with wedding preparations in full swing, she begins to ask herself important questions and to look for answers where she has always built her most solid certitudes, as ever finding help from her counsellor, Don Fabio. She will end up stumbling on a truth that will completely subvert the tidiness of her life, questioning her tenets, only to realize she is ready to find herself.
Alessandra - Un grande amore e niente più
Fight Like Angels
Paolo Piazza
In a Fascist Milan, a group of boys decided to say no and founded the Aquile Randagie [stray eagles]: led by Andrea Ghetti, who continue clandestine scout activities, they keep their promise: to help others in all circumstances.
Ercole De Fabris
Twenty-four hours in the life of Loris Daitona. He is a former best-selling author, who had published his only novel when he was only sixteen.
Tomorrow's a New Day
Cuando el actor de teatro Giuliano recibe una visita inesperada de su amigo de la infancia Tommasso, el encuentro es agridulce. Esta reunión es su primera reunión en muchos años, provocada por la mala salud de Giuliano y su decisión de renunciar al tratamiento. En cambio, se concentra en poner sus asuntos en orden: distribuir posesiones, reconciliar disputas pasadas y, lo más importante, encontrar un hogar para su querido canino, Pato. Durante cuatro días, los dos hombres caminan por las calles de Roma, visitan librerías, restaurantes, veterinarios y amigos, examinan sus vidas y especulan sobre lo que depara el futuro.
La Banda Grossi
Il Reverendo
Anche senza di te
Sara, a young and diligent elementary school teacher, is about to marry Andrea, but two more men are competing for her. She needs a friendly hand to help her manage work, friends and love.
Una niña con orejas mal formadas usa la fantasía para ayudarla a lidiar con los matones del salón de clases y procesar la muerte de su padre.
E se mi comprassi una sedia?
Bendita ignorancia
A pesar de conocerse desde la infancia, Filippo (Alessandro Gassman) y Ernesto (Marco Giallini) están enfrentados en todo. Su forma de ser de y de pensar es muy diferente. Mientras el primero es extrovertido, pasional y pasa las horas en las redes sociales, el segundo es educado, severo y desprecia internet y el mundo tecnológico. Los dos son profesores de secundaria y por casualidad se encontrarán dando clase en la misma escuela. Sus puntos de vista opuestos les conducirán inevitablemente a un nuevo choque. Y el reto será que Filippo no podrá utilizar por un tiempo determinado ni smartphone ni ordenador, y en cambio Ernesto, que jamás los ha usado, deberá utilizarlos.
I delitti del BarLume - Aria di mare
Sea Air - Massimo seeks help for his nightmares and depression. The uncles have it in for a blind choir conductor. Tizi find a dead body, which leads to Massimo and Vittoria, who wants her old job back.
L'età d'oro
don Sandro
Il guardiano del ghiaccio
In a house, on the top of a snowy mountain, the driver of a cable car (Claus Lein) hides a woman with mental disorders, Cloris, at his home. The situation is deteriorating their lives because of her psychic disorders, so Claus decides to resumes his old experiments to nurse her, since he was an accomplished neurosurgeon with revolutionary ideas. The extraordinary event of the explosion of the star Betelgeuse offers a unique opportunity to put the theories he had abandoned into practice. The scientist kidnaps a girl who looks like Cloris and tries to use her as a test subject in his experiments. After his success on the girl, Claus is now ready to operate his beloved Cloris, but the secrets he had buried long ago come to light turning reality upside down.
Il ladro di dita
Una domenica notte
At 46, Antonio Colucci realizes his dream of becoming a great horror movie director is far from being accomplished and he tries hard to seize what might be his last chance of getting a story of his on the screen.
Trilussa - Storia d'amore e di poesia
Biographical movie on the life of Trilussa, aka Carlo Alberto Camillo Mariano Salustri. Italian poet, writer and journalist known for this works in Romanesco dialect.
La marchetta
La terra e il vento
Zio Giovanni
A family portrait in Tuscany. Leonardo and Riccardo fight to defend what they really love - Leonardo is looking for freedom and Riccardo for family.
The detective Silvestri has a zealous wife, a child on the way and a double murder to be solved in a livid Rome selling drugs and consuming lives. His investigation intersects the lives of young people and affected Nina and John, in spite of themselves involved in the murder of a drug dealer and his mother. Aerobics instructor her layabout him, the young lovers try to work out and awkwardly from a story larger than themselves. In the background is moving while the murder underworld clan committed to winning a prestigious post in the heroin market. Among African criminals and delirious, Silvestri will be up to restore order and find the culprits. The price you pay will be high, however.
Escort in Love
35 year old Alice has a husband and a son. Her life seems a beautiful dream, but it soon turns out to be a nightmare. Her husband dies in a car accident and her lawyer tells her that she is on her uppers. The only way she finds to earn money in short time is to do the oldest job in history.
Un cane per due
Signor Giulietti
Oggi gira così
Carolina se enamora
Carolina, de 14 años, es libre e independiente. Optimista y alegre, llega al instituto con ganas de más paga semanal y una moto que le permita llegar antes a su cita con sus nuevas amigas y, especialmente, con Massimiliano, su primer amor. Sin embargo, este romance adolescente, que nunca se olvida, también será su primera decepción. (FILMAFFINITY)
Feisbum - Il film
Vincenzo Gemma
The title translates literally as "Faceboom." An omnibus film helmed by seven top-tiered Italian directors, this comedy explores the worldwide Facebook craze of the early 21st century by recounting the adventures of numerous Europeans whose lives are altered by that social networking site.
All Human Rights for All
Collective film for the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with 30 directors each helming a segment about one of the 30 articles of the Declaration.
Adius, Piero Ciampi e altre storie
A free and imaginary portrait of Piero Ciampi (1934-1980), singer-songwriter and poet from Livorno, which takes its name from one of his last texts. Through the evocation of illusory spaces, real places, interventions of those who were his friends and knew him, we proceed by flashes and suggestions to the staging of an artistic parable, nourished by tumultuous love, contempt for life, alcohol and genius, which has left an indelible mark in the history of songwriting.
Giovanni Falcone - L'uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra
Giuseppe Ayala
TV-Movie on the life and accomplishments of Giovanni Falcone, the legendary Sicilian judge who boldly opposed the Mafia
Líbero - Los padres no siempre aciertan
Dos niños, Tommy (Alessandro Morace) y Viola (Marta Nobili), y su padre, Renato (Kim Rossi Stuart), forman una extraña y luchadora familia después de ser abandonados por la mujer más importante de sus vidas, su madre y esposa. Aun así, inmersos en las incómodas imperfecciones de la familia, sus buenas intenciones, desbordante humanidad, soledad inconsolable, un torbellino de emociones a veces crueles e hirientes, la lección implícita sobre la importancia de "saber amarse" ha mantenido fuertes y a salvo sus vínculos. Inesperadamente, la madre (Barbora Bobulova) reaparece trastornando sus precarios equilibrios y defensas...
No te muevas
Un día de lluvia, una adolescente de quince años sufre un accidente de moto y queda tendida en el asfalto. La recoge una ambulancia y la traslada al hospital en el que su padre trabaja como cirujano. Delante de su hija, que se encuentra en coma profundo, confiesa un doloroso secreto que con el paso del tiempo ha quedado relegado al olvido.
Cuore di donna
Le ragazze di Miss Italia
Flavio Calò
A story set behind the scenes of the annual Miss Italia pageant, with its load of young girls and recognizable characters.
Blek Giek
La sonrisa de mi madre
Curzio Sandali
Ernesto es un famoso pintor e ilustrador de cuentos para niños. Separado de su mujer, mantiene con su hijo una estrecha relación. Un día se entera de que a su madre la quieren beatificar. La noticia lo deja pasmado, no sólo por el hecho de que su familia se lo haya ocultado, sino también porque se trata de algo incompatible con sus ideas de artista libre y ateo. Sus familiares lo presionan para que participe en el proceso de beatificación e, inevitablemente surgen conflictos. Sin embargo, inesperadamente, el recuerdo de su madre y de su sonrisa harán que Ernesto reviva su pasado y cambie radicalmente su forma de vida.
Appunti per un film su Zio Vania
An encounter between two women: Sonia confesses to Elena that she would like to escape her town and her friend promises to help her.
Si fa presto a dire amore...
Pásate a la pasta
Renato, editor y codirector de una moderna revista y homosexual convencido hasta que conoce a Ginevra, militante feminista y cantante del grupo punk "The Fucking Sisters". Ginevra hará que Renato se replantee su condición sexual e inicien una peculiar relación a la que no será ajena la tradicional familia de Renato.
I fobici
Awake man (segment "Turno di notte")
Four stories about phobias, manias and other complexes.
Tú ríes
Collega di Felice
Film que consta de dos episodios. En el primero, ambientado en la Roma de los años 30, Felice, un barítono que se ha tenido que retirar por problemas de corazón, trabaja como contable y vive sumido en la frustración. Ríe por las noches en sueños, aunque luego es incapaz de recordar el porqué. El segundo se centra en el secuestro de un chico de doce años en la Sicilia actual. (FILMAFFINITY)
La vida es bella
En 1939, a punto de estallar la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el extravagante Guido llega a Arezzo, en la Toscana, con la intención de abrir una librería. Allí conoce a la encantadora Dora y, a pesar de que es la prometida del fascista Rodolfo, se casa con ella y tiene un hijo. Al estallar la guerra, los tres son internados en un campo de exterminio, donde Guido hará lo imposible para hacer creer a su hijo que la terrible situación que están padeciendo es tan sólo un juego.
La classe non è acqua
Primo Poliziotto
Cartoni animati
Il vampiro difettoso
Croce e delizia
Il 'cobra'
Il Bi e il Ba
Figlio del droghiere
Sing Sing
Glauco, il regista dei film horror
Eduardo accidentally discovers that he is adopted. His real father is dying, but before his death he said that his mother was the "Queen of England", failing to clarify that this is the nickname of Italian prostitute. But Eduardo is already rushing to the capital of England...
The Soup
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
L'amore ti salva sempre