Wardrobe Woman (uncredited)
Biopic sobre la estrella de Broadway de los años 20 Jeanne Eagels (1894-1929). Aunque Eagels aspira a ser una gran actriz, acepta un trabajo como bailarina en un pequeño local neoyorquino. Cuando llega a "La Gran Manzana", recibe clases de la estricta Madame Neilson, logrando así debutar en Broadway en 1922.
A crusading psychiatrist battles a sadistic female warden to improve conditions at a women's prison.
Elderly Woman at Square Dance (uncredited)
Cerca de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos cae algo que, a primera vista, parece ser un meteorito. Los vecinos acuden al lugar del acontecimiento y descubren que un extraño objeto de que emerge una especie de ojo que empieza a disparar un rayo mortal. Es una nave marciana que, junto con otras muchas, ha llegado a la Tierra para conquistarla. La invasión está teniendo lugar simultáneamente en todo el planeta y ni siquiera la bomba atómica podría detenerla. La humanidad está perdida.
Armistice Day Reveler at Theatre (uncredited)
La cantante estadounidense Grace Moore, a punto de debutar en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York, recuerda sentada en su camerino el largo camino que ha tenido que recorrer hasta esta primera noche de éxito absoluto. Por su memoria van pasando los primeros años de su infancia, cuando su tía Laura logró convencer a su padre, el severo coronel Moore, para que la mandara a Washington a estudiar canto. Biopic de la gran soprano Grace Moore, cuya magnífica carrera operística se vio truncada prematuramente por su muerte en un accidente aéreo.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Un hombre que ha conseguido dejar el vicio de la bebida gracias a las reuniones de Alcohólicos Anónimos, se enamora de una actriz que se niega a admitir que se está convirtiendo en una borracha. Dadas las circunstancias, él empieza a dudar si quiere realmente romper su matrimonio por ella.
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Un obrero se ve envuelto en una historia entre dos mujeres de distinta clase social, una aristócrata y una trabajadora. Cuando la segunda queda embarazada, el destino del joven da un vuelco inesperado.
Union Station Extra (uncredited)
A Joyce Willecombe le inspiran desconfianza dos hombres que viajan con ella en el tren; llama entonces a Calhoun (Holden), el jefe de policía de la Estación Unión. Aunque éste, al principio, se muestra escéptico, todo parece indicar que los sospechosos están implicados en un caso de secuestro, razón por la cual Calhoun pide ayuda al inspector de policía Donnelly, pero los secuestradores son muy escurridizos.
Party Guest (uncredited)
En el rancho "Las furias" viven T. C. Jeffords y sus dos hijos. Clay, que es un buen chico pero sin carácter, y Vance, una mujer ambiciosa aunque justa. El patriarca desea expulsar de sus tierras a una familia de mexicanos, los Herrera, cuyo primogénito es amigo de la infancia de su hija.
Two talent scouts for a New York-based country music TV show called "Square Dance Jubilee" are sent out West to get authentic western singing acts. They find what they're looking for, but also get mixed up in cattle rustling and murder.
Courtroom Spectator (Uncredited)
Una misteriosa mujer inicia un romance con el fiscal de distrito. Él intuye que ella le oculta algo, y sus sospechas se confirman con el hallazgo de un cadáver.
Rosa (Bette Davis), la insatisfecha esposa de Lewis Moline (Cotten), un bondadoso médico de pueblo, es una mujer ambiciosa y sin escrúpulos que no se detendrá ante nada con tal de lograr su propósito: acostarse con el rico industrial Neil Latimer (David Brian) e irse a vivir con él a Chicago. Para conseguirlo utiliza todos los medios a su alcance: el engaño, la traición y el crimen.
Delivery Woman (uncredited)
Año 1849, en Nueva York. Catherine Sloper, una rica heredera, tímida, inocente, poco agraciada y no muy joven, es pretendida por un apuesto joven. Ella se enamora de él apasionadamente, pero su cruel y despótico padre se opone a la boda y amenaza con desheredarla...
Townswoman (uncredited)
Jacon Waltz quiere recuperar los 20 millones de dólares escondidos en una antigua mina abandonada, haciendo caso omiso de la maldición que caerá sobre todo aquél que quiera hacerse con el botín.
El teléfono es el único medio que une a Leona Stevenson con el mundo exterior. Leona, directora de una fábrica de productos químicos, es hipocondríaca y está postrada en la cama a causa de una dolencia psicosomática. Su marido Henry es un hombre de origen modesto, pero muy ambicioso, que se casó con ella para mejorar su posición en la fábrica. Un día lo llama por teléfono y, entonces, se produce un cruce de líneas que le permite escuchar una conversación en la que dos personas hablan del inminente asesinato de una mujer.
Irate Radio-Listener's Wife (uncredited)
Poor Red Jones gets fired from every job he tries. His fiancée gives him one last chance to make good when he becomes a Fuller Brush man. His awkward attempts at sales are further complicated when one of his customers is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect.
Reveler at Country Dance (Uncredited)
Basada en la vida real de Betty MacDonald, que es encarnada por Colbert. Una mujer de ciudad accede a ayudar a su marido (MacMurray) a cumplir su sueño de tener un granja y, para ello, procurará adaptarse a las inevitables dificultades de la vida en el campo.
Servant (uncredited)
Un torpe barbero se ve envuelto en una intriga política en la corte del rey Luis XV cuando se hace pasar por un apuesto noble prometido a la princesa de España...
Woman Customer
The stooges are three fish peddlers who decide to cut out the middleman by catching their own fish. They trade their car and $300 for a "new" boat which turns out to be a piece of junk that soon falls apart and sinks in the middle of the ocean. Luckily the boys also have a row boat which they climb into and then try to signal some passing planes for help. Unfortunately, their paint spattered rag is mistaken for a Japanese flag and they are bombed from the sky.
Family Member
Curly learns that he is named in the will of his rich uncle, so the boys head for the uncle's mansion to attend the reading of the will. They arrive on a dark and stormy night only to find that the lawyer has been murdered and the will and the body have disappeared. All the relatives must stay in the spooky house while the police investigate and the stooges are given the bedroom where the uncle was murdered. After a series of misadventures with a walking skull and the uncle's body, which keeps turning up in strange places, the stooges unmask the butler and maid as the killers and recover the will. Then they learn that Curly has only been left sixty seven cents.
Guest at 1st Pleyel Concert (uncredited)
Adaptación de la biografía del gran músico polaco Frederic Chopin.
Shipyard Worker (uncredited)
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
Cook (uncredited)
Un empresario artístico regresa a su Alemania natal para una visita y allí quedará sorprendido por la propaganda nazi.
Wardrobe Woman
Una bailarina de Brooklyn abandona a su novio tras ganar un concurso de belleza y convertirse en una famosa modelo de revista, pero pronto descubrirá que la fama y la fortuna no pueden reemplazar al amor verdadero.
Justice of the Peace's Wife
El auténtico protagonista de esta película es el destructor bélico norteamericano John Paul Jones, barco que sirvió en la I Guerra Mundial. La película repasa cada etapa de su vida y para ello se sirve de varios miembros de su tripulación. Uno de ellos es Steve, que ayudó a construirlo y ha aprovechado la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) para volver a filas; el otro es el capitán del destructor.
Woman in newspaper office (uncredited)
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.
Party Guest (uncredited)
A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.
An unknowing orphan idolizes the horse thief/mail robber who has shot his father.
Spectator at Dedication
Hannah Hoyt, una anciana centenaria, asiste a la inauguración de una estatua en homenaje a su marido, un pionero con el que, en 1848, vivió en las montañas, donde buscando oro corrieron toda clase de peligros.
Member of Audience at Performance of Hamlet (uncredited)
Las tropas de Hitler invaden Varsovia. En la ciudad, una compañía de teatro que iba a representar una obra, se ve obligada a sustituirla por Hamlet. Mientras, la esposa del actor principal empieza a flirtear con un apuesto oficial.
En 1868, el explorador del Ejército Johnny Ware es obligado a ayudar a los indios contra sus opresores blancos, pero escapa y se encuentra en la pedanía de Desert Center. Allí se cruza con Christine Larson, que está a punto de casarse con uno de los malvados agentes indios... pero no si Johnny puede evitarlo.
Townswoman at Celebration (Uncredited)
El conde Franchi tiene dos hijos gemelos. Cuando el barón Colonna decide exterminar a la familia Franchi, el doctor Paoli escapa con los dos bebés.
Matron (uncredited)
A woman who refuses to become involved with a dedicated police officer unknowingly dates a man who is in cahoots with a criminal mastermind.
Kewpie's Mother (uncredited)
En Nueva York, el propietario de un teatro de Broadway, está enamorado de la bella corista Sheila Winthrop. Su mujer no deja de vigilarle, mientras que Sheila sólo tiene ojos para el coreógrafo del espectáculo, Robert Curtis. Cuando son descubiertos, Robert no tiene más remedio que escapar, hasta que finalmente acaba en el ejército. Robert nunca se hará rico como soldado, pero al menos habrá salido del apuro... ¿O no?
One of Pike's Cooks (uncredited)
Durante un viaje en un trasatlántico, Charles Pike, un soltero millonario experto en serpientes que vuelve de la jungla, se enamora de Jean Harrington, una jugadora profesional que, junto con su padre, hace trampas con las cartas. Jean, que también se ha enamora de Charlie, decide abandonar el juego pero, cuando Charlie se entera de cuál es su medio de vida, rompe su compromiso con ella. Jean, dolida, intenta vengarse. La oportunidad se presenta cuando Los Harrington se encuentran con un estafador amigo suyo. Entonces Jean decide hacerse pasar por su sobrina: Lady Eve Sidwich. Charlie conoce en una fiesta a Lady Eve y queda anonadado por su parecido con Jean.
Mrs. Gregory
In this his penultimate Western for low-budget company Monogram, Jack Randall assumed the identity of a murdered ranger in order to track down the killer. In the lawless town of Brimstone, the citizens are being terrorized by a gang of outlaws headed by Mason (Tom London), who, to no one's great surprise, proves to be the very man Jack has been trailing. The relieved citizens of Brimstone then elect Jack as their new sheriff. The murdered ranger's sister was played by Margaret Roach, the 19-year-old daughter of comedy producer Hal Roach. Ernie Adams replaced Glenn Strange (who himself had replaced Frank Yaconelli) as Randall's sidekick, Manny, and Nelson McDowell provided additional comic relief as Brimstone's busy undertaker.
Old Lady (uncredited)
Divertida comedia, de la que W. C. Fields tuvo el control casi absoluto. Aparte de ser el protagonista, el actor firmó el guión con el curioso seudónimo de Mahatma Kane Jeeves. En realidad la trama es completamente disparatada, casi mera excusa para acumular gags sobre el personaje de Egbert Sousé, una especie de 'alter ego' de Fields, o al menos de la imagen que tenía de él el gran público. El actor da vida a un borrachín, que por casualidad detiene a un atracador de bancos. A partir de ahí nace una fulgurante carrera de detective, prácticamente a su pesar, pues él incluso intenta participar en una estafa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cafe Patron (uncredited)
Para evitar un matrimonio arreglado con un hombre al que no quiere, Sara Millick huye a Viena con su profesor de música, Carl Linden, a quien ella ama. Carl escribe una opereta y trata de conseguir un productor pero en su camino aparece el Barón Von Tranisch.
Woman at Railroad Station
Margot (Myrna Loy), la editora de una glamurosa revista femenina, para evitar el continuo asedio de sus colegas masculinos y la cólera de sus celosas esposas, decide ponerse un anillo de oro en el tercer dedo de la mano izquierda, haciendo ver que está casada. Todo se complica cuando el artista Jeff Thompson (Melvyn Douglas), harto de sus continuos fracasos con Margot, decide fingir ante todo el mundo ser su marido, que se creía desaparecido hace mucho tiempo.
Faculty Extra
Mr. Casey's daughter, Connie, wants to go to Pottawatomie College and without her knowledge, he sends four football players as her bodyguards. The college is in financial trouble and her bodyguards use their salary to help the college. The football players join the college team, and the team becomes one of the best. One of the football players, Clint, falls in love with Connie, but when she discovers he is her bodyguard, she decides to go back East. The bodyguards follow her, leaving the team in the lurch.
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
Voting Registrar (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, años 30. Durante la Gran Depresión, un vagabundo es reclutado por un partido político de su ciudad para colaborar en un fraude electoral.
Train Passenger
Buster, a reporter, takes a train trip and winds up innocently involved with a gangster's wife.
Tennis Spectator
An obnoxious heckler at a baseball game infuriates everybody.
Diner (uncredited)
While on her way by stagecoach to visit relatives out west, Flower Belle Lee is held up by a masked bandit who also takes the coach's shipment of gold. When he abducts Flower Belle and they arrive in town, Flower Belle is suspected of being in collusion with the bandit.
Snoring Bus Rider
To save money, Buster and his wife decide to drive to Detroit to buy a new car, then drive it home.
In this sequel to Four Daughters, Ann struggles to move on after the death of her husband as she falls in love with Felix, but on the day of her engagement discovers that she carries Mickey's child.
El esfuerzo del ejército para capturar al jefe de Apache, Gerónimo, que lidera una banda de guerreros en un alboroto de asaltos y asesinatos, se ve obstaculizado por una disputa entre dos oficiales, que son padre e hijo.
Fight Spectator in front of Mrs. Kelly (uncredited)
A fighter trains for the big bout, and discovers that his opponent is his girlfriend's brother.
Dressmaker and Wedding Guest
Un oficinista de Nueva York se une a un vagabundo y a un inmigrante ilegal que se dirigen a unas tierras de Arizona que acaban de comprar.
Townswoman at Dance
An Irish convict sentenced to hard labor in Australia escapes into the outback, and organizes a band of fellow escapees to fight a corrupt landlord.
La llegada de la ingenua maestra June Lake al villorrio donde el caballeroso Hopalong Cassidy tiene su famoso rancho Bar 20, revoluciona la vida de los vaqueros. Pero también irrumpe por allí el cuatrero Sutton, quien con sus forajidos aterroriza a los pueblerinos y roba el ganado del rancho
Woman (uncredited)
Cuando no puede salvar a su cliente de la silla eléctrica, un abogado de oficio ayuda a la hermana del hombre a limpiar los bajos fondos.
Woman at Country Club (uncredited)
Steven tiene problemas con la relación entre él y su prometida Amanda. La convence de ver a su amigo el Dr. Flagg. Después de unos malentendidos, Amanda acaba enamorada del doctor. Cuando él intenta hipnotizarla para hacerla sentir más por Steven, las cosas empiezan a complicarse.
Neighbor (uncredited)
Alice Sycamore, la única persona con un poco de cordura en una familia llena de lunáticos, se enamora de su jefe, Tony Kirby, que pertenece a una familia muy rica y muy cursi. La diferencia entre el estilo de vida y la mentalidad de ambas familias se agudizan cuando los padres de él van a cenar a casa de ella, y la cena termina con la llegada de la policía y la detención de todos los presentes, acusados de anarquistas.
Hotel Guest
A small town soda jerk discovers a gang of criminals staying at a local hotel. Comedy.
College Staff Member
Julie e Ives Tower se conocen en la universidad y se enamoran. Proyectan casarse cuando terminen sus estudios. Sin embargo, debido a la oposición de los padres de ella, la relación se rompe y Julie acaba casándose con un escritor alcohólico, con el que se traslada a París.
Church Member (uncredited)
Cuando su tía se cansa de cuidarla, Heidi, una niña huérfana, debe ir a vivir a las montañas suizas con su arisco abuelo (Jean Hersholt), un ermitaño que pronto se encariña con ella. Pero la tía regresa para llevársela a vivir con una familia que necesita una compañera para su hija inválida (Marcia Mae Jones). A pesar de que una malvada institutriz (Mary Nash) le hace la vida imposible, Heidi consigue ganarse el cariño de todos los de la casa y no ceja en su intento de volver a reunirse con su querido abuelo.
Mrs Brewer
A Cornish fishing village is struck by tragedy.
Townswoman at Dance (uncredited)
A wild cowboy changes course and becomes a sheriff after his father is murdered.
Woman Patron
n Vienna, a new jazz club featuring American trumpeter Buzzy Bellew threatens the existence of its neighbor, the Waltz Palace, run by Franz Strauss and featuring his granddaughter, singer Elsa. Smitten by Elsa, Buzzy hides his identity and association with the club -- whose owner intends to buy out the Palace property. When Elsa accidentally learns who Buzzy really is, it appears he may have to return to America alone.
Townswoman at Dance (uncredited)
The Pony Express is finished as the Post Office plans to award the mail contract to a stage line. Bill and his father put in a bid for the mail, however there are three bids close together. The officials will run a race to pick the winner, and the Banton Brothers sabotage Bill's stage. Mary still believes in Bill until they try to get rid of him by holding up the regular stage with his well-known horse. Bill needs proof to clear himself and expose the bad guys.
Townswoman (uncredited)
Lynnfield es una pequeña ciudad mojigata y represiva que se siente turbada ante la publicación de una atrevida novela llamada 'El pecador'. La autora es Theodora Lynn, una escritora que firma con el sobrenombre de Caroline Adams, y que pertenece a una influyente familia. Ante el miedo a ser descubierta como la autora del libro, Theodora viaja a Nueva York para negociar con el publicista. Pero en el camino conoce al ilustrador de portadas Michael Grant, del que se enamora.
New Years Eve Reveler (uncredited)
La cantante de ópera Mary Blake huye de la miseria y busca cobijo en Blackie Norton, un empresario de San Francisco que le proporciona trabajo. Inevitablemente, surge una estrecha relación entre ambos que es desaprobada por el sacerdote Mullin. Mientras tanto, nos aproximamos a la fatídica fecha del 18 de abril de 1906, cuando un terremoto arrasó la ciudad y provocó más de 3.000 muertos.
Townswoman (uncredited)
Frank Sr. sells his supplies to Hook, but then Hook has the Bannion Boys bushwhack his wagon to get the money back. Frank is murdered, but Junior gets away. He comes back 10 years later to settle the score as the Singing Cowboy. He finds that Hook is still doing his dirty deeds on the unsuspecting people. Along the way, Frank meets the lovely Jen, who came out in the same wagon train 10 years before.
Woman Running for Bus (Uncredited)
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.
Mrs. Humphrey
When mild mannered Joe comes into an inheritance, he leaves his job as a clerk, and embarks on a sea cruise. Posing as a successful writer, Joe attracts various attractive women to him on the voyage, but his deceptions start to land him in trouble.
Townswoman at Dance (uncredited)
A cowboy comes to the aid of a lady rancher threatened by Mexican bandits who believe there is a treasure buried on her land.
Country Store Customer
Una estrella de cine padece una crisis nerviosa. Mientras se recupera, se enamora de un hombre
indiferente a su condición de diva, y que sólo parece interesado en la fotografía y la pesca.
impática comedia que empareja a Ginger Rogers con George Brent. Ella da vida a una artista de cine que ha sufrido un colapso, por lo que decide huir de los focos, y pasar una temporada tranquila bien lejos, en las montañas. Allí se encontrará con el personaje de George Brent, y claro, no pueden tener caracteres más contrapuestos.
William A. Seiter dirige la cinta, y aunque no se trata de un musical, hay espacio para que la Rogers se marque un solo de danza, y para que baile una canción que se escucha en la radio.
La historia del legendario jugador Diamond Jim Brady y su romance con la actriz y cantante Lillian Russell.
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
G-Man Jeff Crane poses as a crook to infiltrate the notorious Purple Gang, a band of hoodlums which preys upon other hoodlums. Orchestrating the jailbreak of the gang's leader, Crane joins him in a Dillinger-like flight across the country.
Trading Post Woman (uncredited)
A fur trapper catches another trapper trying to steal his furs. He stops the thief, but later on the furs are stolen anyway. Rin Tin Tin Jr. tracks down the thief to try to get the furs back.
Wardrobe Woman (uncredited)
Un abogado abandona su profesión para convertirse en agente del gobierno con la intención de descubrir al asesino de su mejor amigo. Las primeras investigaciones le conducen hasta un gángster que fue compañero suyo de la infancia. Mientras resuelve el caso, en escena aparece la hija de su jefe, de la que se enamora locamente.
Maid (uncredited)
Después de la huida del monstruo creado por el doctor Frankenstein, el siniestro Dr. Praetorius propone al científico la creación de una compañera para el monstruo.
A north-country chimney sweep standing for Parliament is opposed by a local bigwig. His campaign is imperiled when his artist son, Tony, falls in love with a girl who has reason to hope that the bigwig will be elected.
Mary's Mother
The stooges join the "Women Haters" club and vow to have nothing to do with the fair sex. Larry marries a girl anyway and attempts to hide the fact from Moe and Curly as they take a train trip.
Boat Passenger (uncredited)
Dos niños que han perdido a sus familias en un accidente son adoptados por el mismo padre. Sin embargo, el destino los llevará por caminos muy distintos y hará que se enamoren de la misma mujer.
Jurywoman (uncredited)
Fast-talker extraordinaire Tracy gives one of his quintessential wiseguy performances as a conniving ambulance chaser who falls in love with Evans, unaware she's a special investigator for a streetcar company he's repeatedly victimized.
Tenement Neighbor
A reporter sets out to prove that his girlfriend was framed and sent to prison.
Spectator Outside Courtroom
A man's wife is put on trial for the murder of his first wife.
Seance Attendee
A phony spiritualist hypnotizes the daughter of a wealthy banker in a scheme to swindle the banker out of his money. A reporter investigating the swami discovers the plot, determines to expose it.
Purse Snatching Victim at Aquarium (uncredited)
New York schoolmarm Hildegarde Withers assists a detective when a body of unscrupulous stockbroker Gerald Parker suddenly appears in the penguin tank at the aquarium.
An immigrant and his wife arrive in America hoping to make it big in the world of music. Shortly thereafter, though, the husband finds out his wife is having an affair with a local lowlife; when he turns up dead, the husband is jailed for his murder, even though he protests his innocence.
No Saloons League Woman
Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton...
Servant (uncredited)
A partir de una historia escrita por él mismo, John Gilbert interpreta a Karl, un chófer despreocupadamente amoral, cuya avaricia y lujuria amenazan con alterar el orden establecido en las propiedades del barón para el que entra a trabajar. Confiando en su atractivo, intentará seducir a la baronesa, la doncella y la cocinera. (FA)
Mrs. Meyers
Janet Holman is suspicious of her fiancé, Allen Wells, after he kisses her best friend Gwen when the lights are turned out during a party. Allen leaves early, purportedly for business reasons, but in reality, he is going to visit his secret girl friend, seventeen-year-old Ruth Jarrett. When Ruth's neighbor and landlady, Mrs. Humphries, overhears her talking to Allen on the phone, she becomes morally outraged and calls the police. Ruth is taken away to juvenile hall, and when Ruth's older brother Nick comes home to celebrate Ruth's birthday, Mrs. Humphries explains that Ruth has been seeing an older, wealthy man who has been leading her astray, and that she sent her away for her own good. Nick is saddened that he has failed to keep Ruth on the right track, and when he returns to his apartment, he becomes enraged to see Allen there. When Allen claims ignorance of Ruth's age, Nick hits him, and they engage in a brawl.
Tenant (uncredited)
A finales del siglo XIX, un sádico doctor de París se dedica a secuestrar a mujeres jóvenes para realizar experimentos que puedan ayudarle a confirmar sus teorías sobre la evolución del mono al hombre. Desgraciadamente, las víctimas no sobreviven a los estudios del científico, y éste se ve obligado a capturar a nuevas desafortunadas para continuar con su trabajo. Mientras, la joven pareja formada por Camille y el joven médico Pierre vive ajena a los planes del doctor, hasta que ella se convierte en el próximo objetivo del científico.
Acting on a tip from former stage actress Fern Madden, who is now working as a movie extra, Jimmy Burke, a Hollywood reporter, publishes an article revealing an independent film producer to have mob connections. As a result of the story, Jimmy becomes city editor.
Irate Mother at Birthday Party (uncredited)
Best pals Penrod and Sam are leaders of a super-secret neighborhood society, the In-Or-In Boys Club. Troubles arise when a pompous prig tries to join the club and when the boys lose their clubhouse in a land sale. But there’s also plenty of time to play pranks, put on a carnival, experience the pangs of first love, and romp with Duke, the world’s best dog.
El escenario es una manzana anónima durante un verano sofocante, donde los residentes - italianos, judíos, suecos, alemanes e irlandeses- representan el no muy idealizado crisol de razas estadounidenses. Hay cháchara ociosa... chismorreos... celos... racismo... adulterio... y, de repente pero no inesperadamente, un asesinato.
An Irish policeman handles gangsters, a mystery woman and a wise-guy reporter.
Junior's Mother (uncredited)
Mr. Schmidt's costume store is bankrupt because he spends his time on Rube Goldberg-style inventions; the creditors send a young manager who falls for Schmidt's niece Louise, but she'll have none of him. Schmidt's friends Ted, Queenie, and some goofy firemen try to help out; things come to a slapstick head when Louise needs rescuing from a fire.
Mother of Many Children
Herman Melville's mad Capt. Ahab (John Barrymore) spends years hunting the white whale that got his leg.
A gambler wanted for murder hides under the guise of a clergyman.
Charwoman (uncredited)
Mítica película antibélica que plasma los sentimientos, sensaciones y desilusiones de un grupo de jóvenes estudiantes que son enviados al frente en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Es una adaptación de la novela homónima del escritor alemán Erich María Remarque. Su estreno provocó enfrentamientos entre nazis y comunistas.
Stagecoach Passenger (uncredited)
Harry is mistaken for "The Fighting Parson" in a tough western town.
Farina, Joe, and friends use dogs to power their "roadsters," but following a lesson from the head of the Be Kind to Animals Society, they make it their cause to rescue animals from bad treatment. Joe even manages to find patience for a nagging flea that persists in biting him. Meanwhile, Wheezer, who has been tormenting animals with his games, dreams that the animals have turned the tables on him.
Concern for her father, who is being slowly ruined by cattle rustling, prompts Mary Benson to do some investigating in a distant cattle town, where she briefly encounters drifters Oklahoma Adams and Sneezer Clark. They follow her back to Arizona, go to work on the Benson ranch, and discover the ranch foreman to be responsible for the rustling and the robbery of a rodeo box office.
Hotel Housekeeper (uncredited)
Queenie y Hank son dos hermanas que buscan triunfar en Broadway como cantantes y bailarinas. Queenie se enamora de Eddie Kearns, pero él prefiere a Hank, y se vuelven pareja. Con la ayuda de Eddie empiezan una carrera en los escenarios de vodevil... El primer gran musical de la historia del cine (recién estrenado el cine sonoro, en 1927) obtuvo el Oscar a la mejor película (recién creados los premios de la Academia en 1928). (FILMAFFINITY)
Comedy Player at Farewell Banquet (uncredited)
Peggy Pepper (Marion Davies) sueña con ser una actriz dramática y su padre se dispone a llevarla a Hollywood para que le hagan un casting, donde piensa demostrarle a todos que su hija es una verdadera actriz. Ayudada por Billy Boone (William Haines), la chica conseguirá la dichosa prueba... pero algunas cosas van a cambiar en lo que han sido sus pretensiones, mientras entre ellos nace algo que es mucho más que una simple amistad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Young lovers pursued by her father -- and then a series of sight gags based on the mayhem of their auto ride.
Aunt Molly
Rose Shannon, una bailarina de Kelly's, en el distrito Tenderloin de la ciudad de Nueva York, adora de lejos a Chuck White, un joven miembro de la banda que utiliza el lugar como su lugar de reunión. A Chuck sólo le interesa como un juguete más en su colección. Rose se implica sin saberlo en un crimen del que ella no sabe nada. La policía la detiene y la pandilla envía Chuck a desembarazarse de ella por si sabe algo que pueda implicar a la banda.
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Friend of Joe's mother
It's the Fourth of July and the mother of Our Gang member Joe Cobb is doing a brisk business at her fireworks stand. Briefly left in charge of the stand, Joe does his best not to blow up himself or his friends, but a poorly-aimed skyrocket owned by Allen "Farina" Hoskins triggers a somewhat premature but undeniably spectacular display of pyrotechnics.
"Twinkletoes" Minasi wants to be a great dancer like her deceased mother. Twink meets Chuck Lightfoot, a noted prizefighter, who falls in love with her at first sight. She tries to avoid falling in love with Chuck, whose wife, Cissie, is a drunken harridan and more than a little bit spiteful. Meanwhile, Twink has secured a job in a singing-dancing act in a Limehouse theater, under the auspices of Roseleaf, who has more than just a protective interest in the girl. The jealous Cissie discovers that Twink's sign-painting father also has a night job as a burglar, and she turns him into the police. While a big success dancing on the stage, the arrest of her father has left her somewhat down in the dumps, and she decides to toss herself into the Thames. Possibly, the now-free Chuck, since Cissie has been killed in an accident, might come along and rescue her.
The Boy's Mother
"In "Queen of Aces" released through Universal she [Wanda Wiley] appears as an athletic young woman whom her prospective father-in-law characterizes as a he-woman and forbids her to come to a party in his home. Wanda puts on male attire even donning a mustache. Father takes a shine to the "boy" when "he" says the party is too tame and they slip away to a poker party. The place is raided but they make a getaway and there is a general mix- up when the "boy" is seen slipping into a girl's bedroom." - Synopsis via The Moving Picture World
Townswoman at Accident Scene (uncredited)
A general store clerk and aspiring detective investigates a mysterious disappearance that took place quite close to an empty insane asylum.
Mickey's Mother
The boys are showing off their dogs to each other when little rich girl Mary Kornman rides by in her pony-drawn cart. When the pony shies and runs away, Mickey comes to the rescue with his dog. In gratitude, Mary invites all the boys and their dogs to her party, much to the chagrin of her wealthy mother.
Mrs. Brown (as Dorothy Burns)
A young Irish immigrant gets a job as a conductor on a streetcar and fights off an attempt by crooks to take over the company, all the while pursuing the boss' beautiful daughter.
Restaurant Hostess (uncredited)
Country doctor Jack Jackson is called in to treat the Sick-Little-Well-Girl, who has been making Dr. Saulsbourg and his sanitarium very rich after years of unsuccessful treatment.
Widow McKay
A bored Lord saves a fishergirl's lover from drowning
A mild-mannered, well-meaning but bumbling janitor gets unwittingly involved in a battle between two opposing political groups, with each side trying to use him to destroy the other, and the secret police--who have already thrown him out of their office when he worked there--watching all of them.