Lena Nylén


Beck 45 - 58 Minutes
Alex Beijer will be on morning TV where the entrepreneur Tomas Tormalm will also participate. But in the middle of a live broadcast, an armed man appears and threatens Tormalm and suddenly everyone in the TV studio is drawn into a hostage drama. For the Beck group, a fight against the clock is now beginning to free the hostages, where one of their own is included. Beck - 58 minutes is the 45th film in the series with Peter Haber.
Simon y los robles
Simon es un joven muchacho que disfruta de una infancia idílica en el campo sueco mientras la sombra del nazismo y la Segunda Guerra Mundial va cubriendo Europa. Aunque lo han educado unos padres de clase obrera que le han transmitido su cariño y sus principios, él se siente distinto. Un día conoce al joven Isaac (Karl Linnertorp), un niño judío hijo de un rico librero que huye de la persecución nazi en Alemania... Adaptación del best seller "La historia de Simon", de Marianne Fredriksson.
Travemünde Trelleborg
Customs officer
David is a drummer supported by unemployment benefit, disappointed that life didn't turn out the way he planned. Now he's on the night ferry from Germany with three thousand ecstasy tablets taped onto his torso. The plan is to sell the pills in Sweden in order to get enough money to start all over somewhere else. But when David meets his first love Sara in the all you can eat buffet, he starts to question the course his life is taking.
The Guardian Angel
Jessica, his daughter
A radical socialist is placed as a bodyguard with a minister for the purpose of murdering him. The meeting with the minister's family complicates his task.