Vytautas Paukštė

Vytautas Paukštė


Vytautas Paukštė


Qué difícil es ser un dios
Unos científicos son enviados al planeta Arkanar, donde la civilización se ha quedado estancada en plena Edad Media. En ese mundo, uno de los investigadores es tomado por el hijo ilegítimo de Dios. Épica adaptación de la novela de los hermanos Strugatski, rodada y montada durante más de un decenio.
And He Bid You Farewell
Film based on Eduardas Cinzas novel Moris Bred’s Notes. After car crash Marius finds himself in the pension house, together with it\s weird inhabitants. Marius recovers his memory but he cannot return to his previous life.
Lithuania, 1968. After serving in the Soviet Army, Lukas comes back from Prague to his friends: Andrius, a state prosecutor's son, Julius, an unsuccessful artist, and Beatrice, who is attractive to all of her friends in her purity.
Avstriyskoe Pole
О неполноте и недостаточности простейших чувств: осязания, зрения, слуха. В кино такой взгляд традиционно обозначает коллизию между подлинным и иллюзорным. Истины и мнимости даны в фильме как образы чувств. "Я люблю с вами забыть время, — говорит героиня слепому возлюбленному и добавляет, — Вы самый зрячий из всех зрячих".
Kremlin secrets of the XVI century
Spring of 1584. The Magi predict the death of King John within 24 hours. Warring boyars are rebelling and are ready to unite against Boris Godunov. The royal court is in turmoil. The already unstable moral principles become completely unbridled. Moscow is filled with violence, drunken orgies and the wild revelry of tsarist power.
Perfect crime
Roger Iwam - judge
The manufacturer lance Gerero on the basis of irrefutable evidence accused of killing a girl. However, the young lawyer still hopes to expose the criminals involved in the fabrication of false evidence, saving their customers from competitors…
Kerosene Salesman's Wife
Drama film about different lifes of twin brothers.
Weekend in Hell
Melders (German officer)
Two POWs - Russian and Lithuanian - are trying to escape a German Camp during WWII.
All Against One
Мередит Борден (бизнесмен)
The Mercedes Man File
emergency doctor
A professional intelligence officer Ingmar Ross, an employee of one of the embassies, is tasked with recruiting a specialist from a Moscow classified company. But, having fallen in love with a Russian woman
Снег в июле
A Simple Death
A Soviet film adaptation of Tolstoy's 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich.'
Electronic Granny
Agata is badly ill and nobody knows how to cure her. No doctor can help. Friends of Agata learn, that she is ill, because all children have Grannies but Agata does not. They go to the shop "Electronic Granny" and beg the dealer to sell them one Electronic Granny. The dealer warns them, that her electronic circuits are very sensitive - and this Granny will only work if loved. Agata get healthy and plays with her new Granny and other friends. Granny can invite new games and even fly with all children to the Moon. But later due to the jealousy and bad heabits children forget that they must love Granny, they begin to treat her just as a robot that "must do what they ask". As a result Granny dies. To resurect her Agata and friends must get off their ambitions, rudeness, jealousy and again become loving, cheerful and kind.
My Baby Wife
A sad story about love between Linas and Ruta - two young students in Vilnius.
Kelionė į rojų
"Travel to Paradise" - The rich widow Marta Anker, owner of a renowned trading company, loves the poor fisherman Ansą Balčiai. The locals keep the ongoings under close watch.
The Devil's Seed
In the Lithuanian village of Lietuvos, a farmer brings his sheltered nephew, Joni, to the rich Bani. By biting the prospective host's hand, the teenager gains the nickname of "the devil's seed."
I'll Not Become a Gangster, Dear
A criminal story based on the novels by O. Henry.
The Face in the Target
Izaokas Hukas
A classic mystery based on "The Face in the Target" story by G.K. Chesterton.
Salty Dog
A dog survives a bad master and finds a good one - a sailor from a Soviet ship.
piešimo mokytojas
In his dreams little Tomas escapes from his every day live to experience a lot of thrilling and exciting adventures.
Captain Erich
Reet loves her long-distance coxswain husband Reinu, but the long separations have tortured her. It seems to her that the man cares more about his work than about her. Rein really loves his work, but his wife just as passionately. He does not understand how loneliness can overwhelm Reet, when women have always been waiting for men from far away. Their family friend Mart loves Reet and cannot see her suffer. It is in Marti's power to offer Reet a safe life, and the woman plagued by internal struggles makes a choice, but happiness seems to slip even further away.
Slomannaya Podkova
По мотивам повести Жюля Верна "Драма в Лифляндии". Французский аэронавт Жюль Ардан, путешествуя на воздушном шаре, случайно оказывается в Ревеле. Здесь он знакомится с доктором Петерсоном и его дочерью Лейдой. За женихом Лейды охотятся жандармы. В городе происходит убийство сына банкира. Подозрение падает на Петерсона. За расследование преступления берется Жюль Ардан.
Northern Crusades
Historical epic about the uprising of the Prussians agains the Teutonic crusaders.
Ave, Vita
Film - Reflection. The characters are the people who survived the war, the horror of the fascist concentration camps and the danger of suffocation, as well as those whose parents past is known only theoretically
Film, based on a story by Latvian novelist Egons Līvs, focuses on the resolve of a human being and the whole Lithuanian nation in the face of cataclysmic events to find the time and room for simple emotions. The film depicts a chaotic period through the relationship of the two brothers, one dedicated to his family and conscience; the other dedicated to a political ideal. These divided brothers can be read as a representation of a country torn in two, of a history rudely divided. Lithuania has a history of occupation and the struggle to survive is as much personal as it is cultural.