Gilberto Dimenstein


June - The Riots in Brazil
In the month of the Brazil World Cup, the documentary shows how the demonstrations against an increase in public transportation fares in São Paulo in June of 2013, evolved to national scale, reaching hundreds of cities. The movement took over one million people to the streets and it became an uprising against corruption, the lack of public services and the copious spendings on the World Cup. The film proposes a reflection on the changes conquered by protesters and asks the question: will tomorrow be bigger?
Las mejores cosas del mundo
Manuel tiene 15 años, le gusta tocar guitarra, besar a su chica en la boca, reir con los amigos, andar en bicicleta y bailar una balada. Un suceso en su familia hace que perciba que la vida de un adulto no siempre es tarea facil, entre tantos desafios, la popularidad de la escuela, su primera relacion sexual, las relaciones en su casa, sus propias inseguridades, los preconceptos y el descubrimiento del amor. Manu descubre o inventa las mejores cosas del mundo.
Children's War
There is a silent and not officially declared war. A minefield where there is a battle of unequal forces. A combat without causes, disputes or conquests, where the combatants do not even distinguish their enemies.