Joan Fry
Joan Fry, a society woman, falls in love with Chuck Riley, the white-leader of a powerful gang in Chinatown, and he quickly drags her down into the depths with him. But seeing her so much in love with him causes him to realize he isl in love with her, and he determines to lift her up again. "Boston" Charley, the rival gang-leader, has other plans.
Countess Ostermann
El zar Pablo I de Rusia sólo confía en el conde Pahlen; éste le defiende, pero los actos terroríficos ejecutados por el zar le hacen pensar la posibilidad de apartarlo del trono. Stefan, un guardia humillado por el zar se une a la conspiración. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mme. Florence Laverne
Count D'Estrange tries to save his nephew Hubert from Denise Laverne he believes a heartless flirt. Denise's mother Mme. Florence Laverne uses all her charms to solve the problems. Finally Count D'Estrange marries Mme. Florence Laverne. Both couples leave for a honeymoon in Venice
Mary Viner
Mary Vilner vive con su padre, anciano y enfermo, en una modestísima casa en la granja de Doomsday, propiedad del millonario Percival Fream. Este propone a Mary ser su esposa. Pero Mary, que ve en esta propuesta una manera de tener acceso a la comodidad material para ella y para su padre, está muy dudosa. En secreto, ama a Arnold Furze, un agricultor que trabaja en Doomsday.
Film was released in 1927
Yvonne Montfort
Philandering husband George Montfort purchases railroad tickets for a weekend tryst in the mountains with his latest paramour. When his wife Yvonne finds the tickets, George hastily explains that they were bought as an anniversary present for her. Yvonne doesn't believe George, but she decides to use her ticket anyway, while George remains behind in Paris on "business."
Louise Lestron
Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac. Ricardo Cortez stars as Sazarac, a bold American pirate captain who proves to be putty in the hands of New Orleans belle Louise Lestron (Florence Vidor).
On her way to the theater, Vera, star of a Russian vaudeville troupe, is rescued from a falling girder by Eugene Foster, a wealthy broker who persists in his efforts to win the girl. Foster engages the troupe to perform at his home, and Vera, stunned by a fall, awakens to find Foster pleading his love, while Norodin, her partner who loves her, sees them embrace. Norodin, who performs an underwater stunt, asks Vera not to be present for his act and causes her to believe him dead; heartbroken, Vera tells Foster of her mistake; and enraged, he attempts to seize her. The magician appears, pins Foster to the wall with knives, and advises him to leave before the last blade is thrown.
Helen Salvia
Sea Horses is a 1926 American drama silent film directed by Allan Dwan and written by Becky Gardiner, James Shelley Hamilton and Francis Brett Young. The film stars Jack Holt, Florence Vidor, William Powell, George Bancroft, Mack Swain, Frank Campeau and Allan Simpson. The film was released on February 22, 1926, by Paramount Pictures. It is considered a lost film.
The Grand Duchess Zenia
Albert Durant, a young millionaire, poses as a waiter in order to woo an exiled and financially hard up Grand Duchess. She finds him impertinent and clumsy, but also quite fascinating. She takes him into her employ insisting he does everything she asks.
Gail Ormsby
Based on a Peter B. Kyne novel, The Enchanted Hill featureds a triangle romance between Jack Holt, rancher's daughter Mary Brian and jealous foreman Richard Arlen.
Grace Hyatt
William Hyatt (Tom Moore) runs an exclusive shoe store, and his happy marriage to Grace (Florence Vidor) is nearly derailed by his well-meaning, but hopelessly gauche pal, Al Hennessy (Sterling). Dagmar, a Parisian shoe designer (Esther Ralston) has come to town to meet with Hyatt and Hennessy, and Hennessy describes the situation to Grace in the worst possible manner, convincing her that her husband is having an affair.
Alice Sorbier
Mrs. Hazlitt
The teenage daughter of a wealthy couple is horrified to find out that her parents, who spend most of their time fighting with each other, are planning to divorce. She schemes to get them back together by pretending to fall for a dimwitted actor, hoping that her parents will unite to prevent the "romance".
Helen Merrimore
Lucius Merrimore is the wealthy owner of a mine called "the Gold Girl," and as a result his daughter, Helen, has an endless number of suitors. Needless to say, she gets tired of being courted only for her money, so she attends a party under an assumed name. There she meets Schuyler Livingstone, and they are immediately attracted to each other. What Helen doesn't know is that her father has paid Livingstone to marry her.
Grace Livingston
James y Grace son un matrimonio que vive abocado en la rutina. Ella está harta de que su marido solo la quiera para desempeñar tareas del hogar y que no se interese por el cambio de look que se ha hecho solo para resultarle más atractiva. En cambio, el mejor amigo de James empezará a flirtear con ella.
Christine Madison
Christine weds Stuart Knight only to discover he prefers the high life to married life. When Dr. Alan Monteagle comes along, Christine is drawn to him. But, still determined to stick to her wedding vows, she runs from him, only to get in a car accident with her husband, who happened to be riding by with one of his floozies.
Barbara Frietchie
Two lovers in a small town in Maryland are torn apart by the Civil War--she is loyal to the south while he heads north to join the federal army, determined to protect the Union. Eventually his unit arrives in his hometown and he is reunited with his lover, but things aren't the way they used to be.
Nancy Burrard
A jazz-mad Nancy Burrard is a young matron easing her boredom by flirting with married men.
Charlotte Braun
El profesor Stock y su mujer Mizzi siempre están peleándose. Mizzi trata un día de de seducir al Dr. Franz Braun, el nuevo marido de su buena amiga Charlotte. Un colega del Dr. Braun, el Dr. Mueller, que está enamorado de Charlotte, ve este flirteo de Mizzi como una buena oportunidad para él, aunque Franz y Charlotte son un matriminio felizmente casado. Por un malentendido, Charlotte piensa que su marido está interesado en la Srta. Hofer, y piede a Mizzi que le mantenga ocupado. Mientras, el profesor Stock comienza a sospechar de su mujer, y contrata a un detective para que la espíe, con la esperanza de obtener pruebas para un divorcio.
Molly Wood
Molly Wood arrives in a small western town to be the new schoolmarm. The Virginian, foreman on a local ranch, takes a shine to her, and vows that he will make her love him. The Virginian's best friend, Steve, falls in with bad guys led by Trampas. The Virginian catches them cattle rustling. As foreman, he must give the order to hang his friend. Trampas gets away and shoots the Virginian in the back. Molly nurses him to health, and falls in love with him. They plan to marry, but on their wedding day Trampas returns, looking for trouble.
Carol Milford
The arrival of pretty Carol Milford in the staid Midwestern town of Gopher Prairie really shakes up the locals.
Herself - Celebrity Actress (uncredited)
A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.
Ethel Carter
The plot concerns a war hero who returns home determined to give up his old ways as a crook. Bud Doyle (Milton Sills) is still being hounded by the cops, and both his wife (Marcia Nanon) and a former associate, a dishonest politician, want to do him in.
Rose Stanton
Rose Stanton conoce al pudiente abogado Rodney Aldrich en el tranvía de Chicago. Poco después, los dos son una pareja felizmente casada. Sin embargo, la joven quiere algo más que tener que cuidar todo el día de su marido: lo que desea realmente es ser reconocida mucho su igual. Tras ver cómo sus planes de entrar en la escuela de derecho fracasan, coge sus maletas y se marcha a Nueva York. Ahí trabaja como música hasta que tiene la oportunidad de diseñar los vestidos del espectáculo. Cuando la compañía pasa por Chicago se encuentra nuevamente con Rodney, que no es precisamente un aficionado del trabajo de su mujer.
Judith Beresford
Oliver Beresford is a stern, Puritanical, and uncompromisingly rigid father. When shameful stories about his daughter Judith surface, rather than determine whether the stories are true, he bans her from his house. Her brother David, a pusillanimous reprobate, has secretly married and fathered, then abandoned, a child. Judith takes care of the child and finds a way to restore her family through the love for the babe.
Nellie Steel
Lawrence Revel, celebrated in society circles for his success with women, is devoted to his son Dick and objects to his marrying Nellie, a cabaret dancer. To prove her unworthiness, Beau asks his son not to see her for 2 weeks. Unwittingly, Beau falls in love with the girl, but his attentions are refused.
Nancy Abbott
A spoiled rich girl from England encounters a wonderful young man who, unfortunately, has no money. Will love or money win out?
A Trip Through the World's Greatest Motion Picture Studios (1920) presents a fascinating glimpse into the Thomas H. Ince studios at Culver City.
Marcia Montgomery
Un anciano solitario, Peter Lane, ex-capitán de un barco fluvial, vive solo en una barcaza. Una noche, durante una fuerte tormenta, una mujer enferma y su hijo, Buddy, buscan refugio en su barcaza. Cuando ella muere, Peter se queda con el niño. Para entretener al niño, Peter talla animales de madera, ganándose el corazón del pequeño.
Beverly Tucker
Beverly Tucker, the daughter of an impoverished aristocratic Southern family, has scraped together her last pennies to put her brother Dal through college in the hope that he will support the family after graduation. However, Dal harbors no such ambition and instead spends his time gambling and drinking in a saloon owned by the town's mayor, Curran. During a raid led by Curran's crusading son Merle, a detective is killed and Dal is accused of the crime.
Katherine Boone
Donald Trent, el hijo del dueño de una planta de metalurgia, no cree en la lucha de clases y paga su deuda para con el prójimo luchando en las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial. A su regreso a casa, dice a su padre que quiere empezar desde abajo y se convierte en un operario. Trabaja con su colega del ejército, el cabo Jimmy, asimismo maquinista. Mientras que Donald y su novia Katherine Boone ayudan a Jimmy para tratar la enfermedad de su novia Jennie Jones, Donald se entera de que su padre ha muerto y debe asumir el control de la empresa...
Dr. Stone's daughter
Toyama wants to go to college in America but his alcoholic father won't supply the funds. He gets the money to go, however, from Sada, whom he has married in secret. But Sada has a secret of her own -- she told Toyama that she got the money from a relative, but the truth is that she has signed up to do a four-year stint as a Geisha girl.
Yvonne von Krutz, a Belgian, lives with her German husband Karl, whom she was forced to marry, and her spirited little brother Jacques in a farmhouse on the Belgian countryside. With the German invasion of Belgium, Karl joins the German forces, and Jacques is taken to a reformatory to be trained as a munitions worker. When Karl is taken prisoner, Capt. Jefferson Strong, an American engineer, assumes the German's identity and discovers an underground supply of explosives near the von Krutz farm. By means of a tunnel, the Americans plan to mine the explosives. To save Jacques and a group of children from the munitions factory, however, Jefferson sends them across the American lines through the tunnel, but they lose their way, and he is forced to disable the mine. Jefferson is court-martialed, but King Albert of Belgium, who has befriended little Jacques, intercedes on his behalf. Learning that Karl has been killed, Jefferson pursues his budding romance with Yvonne.
Nume Rogers
Japanese actor Sessue Hayakawa was one of the most popular leading men in American silent films-this despite the fact that orientals were traditionally (and stereotypically) cast as villains at the time. In The Bravest Way, Hayakawa carries self-sacrifice to the nth degree. He is so devoted-in a perfectly platonic manner-to the widow of his best friend (Tsuri Aoki) that he loses the love of his American fiancee (Florence Vidor). Lost film.
Juliet Raeburn
Charles Murdock neglects his fat and lazy wife for another woman; When his other love interest becomes involved in a murder, he leaves for Paris.
Maida Verne
Japanese leading man Sessue Hayakawa stars as John A. Ghengle, the Oxford-educated son of an Arab chieftain. Entering into a business partnership with Sir Harry Falkland (Jack Holt), a notorious roue, Ghengle relocates to Sierra Leone, where he falls in love with French-Sudanese girl Maida Verne (Florence Vidor.) Upon proposing marriage, Ghengle is turned down and hotly demands to know why.
Lora Horning
Marooned on a desert island, Dr. Robert Farlow and wealthy toxicologist Count Ito Onato both fall in love with Lora, a beautiful Japanese-American girl. Lora prefers Robert but decides to reject him because of his excessive fondness for drinking. After their rescue, Lora marries Count Ito, but Robert, still in love and resolving to win her, stops drinking, and soon attains a reputation in medicine matched only by the count's.
Enid Benton
Hawaiian prince Tom Garvin (Sessue Hayakawa) receives an American college education and falls in love with Enid Benton (Florence Vidor).
Irene Stuart
Dick Tavish, a young New Yorker, decides that there is money in cows, and he buys a western ranch. When the novelty has worn off he decided there is monotony as well. Then he falls in love with a girl on a calendar, and life takes on a new interest, particularly after he discovers who the girl is. The fact that her uncle swindled him on the ranch does not matter. He figures he can take care of the uncle, and he does, but not until he has been forced to masquerade as a woman, and have half the men at a fashionable resort fall in love with him.
Kitty Little
Espías alemanes y japoneses amenazan con destruir la estabilidad de Estados Unidos en el transcurso de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Un japonés, de acuerdo con el servicio de contraespionaje norteamericano, tratará de evitar que dichos espías lleguen más lejos en sus objetivos. Es curioso observar cómo al personaje de Sessue Hayakawa, en casi todas sus películas estadounidenses, le cupiera el dudoso "honor" de hacer gala de su americanismo para dejar bien claro que lo de sus ojos rasgados sólo era "un error de nacimiento". Esto daría para más de un tratado sobre la conveniencia de aparentar lo que la naturaleza no nos ha dotado. Disquisiciones aparte, aquí el buen y bajito Sessue se encarga de desmantelar toda una compleja trama de espionaje que atenta contra su país de adopción. Aunque no se queda con la "chica", faltaría más. Concesiones a los emigrados las que sea menester, pero tampoco sin pasarse.
Betty Lovering
Stanley Jordan, a wealthy young bachelor, attends a Red Cross Benefit at the country club where he meets and falls in love with Betty Lovering and unwittingly offends Mrs. Vandergraft, the social leader.
At the outbreak of the French Revolution, Charles Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned former family servant. He is himself imprisoned and condemned by the revolutionary forces there. His wife, the former Lucie Manette, is secretly loved by a gentlemanly wastrel, Sydney Carton. Carton embarks on a daring plan to save the husband of the woman he loves.
Pretended Countess Sonia
A sci-fi/espionage film in which world powers vie for control of a death ray during World War I as an undercover countess infiltrates enemy ranks to prevent them from getting their hands on the weapon.