Valéry Inkijinoff

Valéry Inkijinoff

Nacimiento : 1895-03-25, Bokhan, URSS

Muerte : 1973-09-26


Valéry Inkijinoff (Russian: Валерьян (Валерий) Иванович Инкижинов; 25 March 1895 – 26 September 1973) was a French actor of Russian-Buryat origin. His strong facial features made him a favourite villain of French cinema for exotic adventure films and crime movies. Inkijinoff was born to a Christian Buryat father and a Russian mother in Irkutsk gubernia. He studied at the Polytechnical Institute of Saint Petersburg and was for a time one of the resident actors of an imperial theater of this city. At the beginning of his career in Russia, he appeared first as stuntman in a few movies and then as director and as actor. His major lead role during the Russian part of his career is The Son in Storm Over Asia by Vsevolod Pudovkin in 1928, a major Soviet propaganda film about a fictional British consolidation of Mongolia. He was also an actor in the troop of Vsevolod Meyerhold and was then appointed as director of the movie and theater school of Kiev in Ukraine. In 1930, while in France on a European tour, he refused to return to the USSR. According to Boris Shumyatsky, after Stalin learned Inkijinoff had never returned in 1934, said: "Too bad that the man escaped. Now he, probably, is dying to come back but, alas, too late." He starred in 2 movies while living in the Soviet Union, and contrary to Stalin's assumption, Inkijinoff became immensely popular in Europe, arguably the most successful Soviet actor abroad, starring in a total of 44 French, British, German, and Italian films. In France he frequently played the part of Asian villains. His most active period was in the thirties, when he appeared in Les Bateliers de la Volga and the G. W. Pabst film Le drame de Shanghai. He played for Fritz Lang in 1959, in Der Tiger von Eschnapur and its sequel Das indische Grabmal, in which he played the role of the high priest Yama. In 1965, Philippe de Broca cast him as Monsieur Goh, the wise but scary Chinese who guarantees to the Jean-Paul Belmondo character a certain death in Les tribulations d'un Chinois en Chine. His last movie was with Brigitte Bardot and Claudia Cardinale, where he played the role of Indian chief Spitting Bull in Les pétroleuses. He was a great friend of Charles Dullin and Louis Jouvet, and had a long career in French theater, appearing for instance in Marie Galante by Jacques Deval. He died at his home in Brunoy, Essonne, France, aged 78. Source: Article "Valéry Inkijinoff" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Valéry Inkijinoff


Las petroleras
Spitting Bull
La bella Frenchie King y sus cuatro hermanas, después de asaltar numerosos bancos y trenes, deciden sentar cabeza y compran un rancho. El problema es que Marie y sus cuatro salvajes hermanos han descubierto que en las tierras de de Frenchi hay petróleo.
La rubia de Pekín
Fang Ho Kung
Los servicios secretos americano, ruso y chino, están muy interesados en conocer la identidad de Christine, una joven amnésica que ha sido encontrada en París. La joven, que tiene en su poder una perla de incalculable valor, podría ser la amante de un científico chino y poseer información de vital importancia.
Los aventureros
Kyobaski, producer
Tres amigos de espíritu aventurero; Manu, Roland y Laetitia, parten al Congo en busca de un avión hundido con un tesoro oculto, y son perseguidos por un grupo de mercenarios que también van en busca del mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tokio hora cero
Una organización que opera desde Tokio quiere vender a los Estados Unidos un arma secreta por cien millones de dólares. Si no aceptan comprarla, amenazan con destruir las bases americanas. Un agente especial, conocido por la clave OSS-117, es enviado para abortar los planes criminales.
The Death Ray of Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Krishna
The evil Dr. Mabuse develops a death ray with which he threatens the world.
License to Kill
Li-Hang (as Inkijinoff)
Didier Formenter, the French scientist, has just put the final touch on an invention that will be able to destroy to destroy any sort of flying apparatus. An international crime gang is very interested in stealing this equipement to sell it to the higher bidder of lawless nations. Menaced, the scientist, who was friends with Nick Carter's father, calls Nick for help. At Nice airport, Nick Carter escapes death, but that night he is unable to stop Formenter's murder. He suspects Bruno, Formenter's adoptive son, and Tonio, the owner of a bar near Formentier's home. Bruno is actually after Formenter's heritage, and for that he tries to kill Catherine, Formentier's granddaughter. Therefore, Nick Carter finds himself against more than a gang, but he will uncover the plots, in time to break every gangster apart.
The Rebel Gladiators
In order to persuade the Emperor to spare his village, the mighty Ursus is forced to fight the greatest gladiator in Rome in the Roman Arena.
Nuevas Aventuras de Miguel Strogoff
El triunfo de Miguel Strogoff toma su título y sus principales personajes de una famosa novela de aventuras de Julio Verne. Esto, sin embargo, es donde la semejanza entre los dos llega a su fin. Curt Jurgens interpreta a Strogoff, un agente de espionaje de Rusia que participa en la guerra contra los turcos. En el lugar de entrega de valiosos documentos secretos (como en la novela), Strogoff tiene tiempo para ir a la ayuda de un joven príncipe. (FILMAFFINITY)
Maciste: En la corte del Gran Khan
High Priest
Maciste (o Sansón, o Goliath, según el doblaje) combate contra el Gran Khan de los mongoles, que ha usurpado el trono de China, y se propone de paso liberar a la princesa Lei Ling.
Journey to the Lost City
Yama, High Priest
Película formada por extractos de "El tigre de Esnapur" (1959) y "La tumba india" (1959), un montaje entre los dos largometrajes que conformaban lo que se consideraba la saga india épica de Lang.
Mistress of the World - Part II
Karin is now continuing her father's research and is also caught in the cross hairs of the mysterious opponents. Johanson himself retreats to a Cambodian monastery in order to escape the gangsters' shots and recover. Meanwhile, the international criminals manage to steal Johanson's energy formula. Karin then goes after the thieves, supported by Lundstrom. But he also has his own goals. The hunt takes them around the world. It soon turns out that a certain Madame Latour is behind the sinister machinations. Eventually old Johanson falls into her hands. In Southeast Asia, a showdown ensues between the kidnappers and Lundstrom and Karin.
La tumba india
Continuación de 'El tigre de Esnapur'. El arquitecto europeo Harald Berger y la bailarina Seetha son capturados por los hombres de Chandra. Mientras tanto, Ramigani planea arrebatarle el poder a su hermano, sirviéndose de sus aliados en palacio. Cuando Chandra se entera de la relación amorosa entre Seetha y Berger, hace llamar al doctor Rhode para encargarle la construcción de una enorme y lujosa tumba destinada a los dos enamorados.
El tigre de Esnapur
Un arquitecto europeo llega a la India contratado por el Maharajah de Esnapur para diseñar y construir una nueva ciudad. En el camino salva la vida a una bella bailarina cuando es atacada por un tigre y se enamora de ella, pero la muchacha resulta ser la amada del Maharajah.
El médico de Stalingrado
1943. La gran batalla de Stalingrado ha terminado. Batallones de prisioneros alemanes son conducidos a campos de concentración. A uno de estos campos, el 5110/47, llega el médico militar Fritz Böhler, Böhler no puede olvidar su juramento hipocrático y se salta todas las reglas del campo para poder operar de peritonitis a un alférez. El médico y su equipo además de robo, pueden ser acusados de asesinato en caso de que fallezca el alférez. (FILMAFFINITY)
Corinna Darling
Miguel Strogoff
Féofor Khan
Cuando los tártaros, mandados por Ogareff, asesinan a su mujer e hijo, Miguel, un intrépido oficial del Ejército Imperial Ruso, pierde la alegría de vivir. Cuando el Zar le encarga la peligrosa misión de atravesar la zona de Siberia controlada por Ogareff, para restablecer las comunicaciones con el ejército, Miguel no dudará un instante.
Mata Hari's Daughter
In this espionage film, Mata Hari's daughter takes the mantle from her notorious mother and entangles her self in an Asian web of intrigue and war.
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.
La renégate
Conchita married the caïd Tahamar who deceives her about her “race”. She had to leave her love, Jean Costa, who is a prisoner of Tahamar. She decides to flee with Jean.
The Shanghai Drama
Lee Pang
A Russian emigrant sings in a Shanghai nightclub under the assumed name of Kay Murphy. All she dreams of is a peaceful life with her daughter Vera. But this is only a pipe dream as she has been forced by her former lover Ivan to work for a secret criminal organization, "The Black Dragon". Vera, who studies in a Hong Kong boarding-school, knows nothing about her mother's past. When Ivan, who is also Vera's father, resurfaces and blackmails Kay, the young woman is determined to fight back...
Street Without Joy
Jeanne supports supports his family on his modest salary. Her boss is arrested for fraud. Jeanne is forced, out of poverty, in the street.
Rail Pirates
Henri Pierson, the chief engineer of a railway line crossing Yunnan in China, must prevent the incessant attacks of a gang of looters.
The Wife of General Ling
General Ling
In this espionage drama, a Secret Service agent must discover who has been smuggling British arms into China. The prime suspect is a prosperous Chinese merchant-philanthropist and the agent thinks the merchant is working with the notorious Chinese guerilla warlord General Ling.
Kommissar Tschernoff
The peaceful life of a village of Frisions by the river Volga is troubled by the arrival of a troop of Red Guards led by the inhuman commissary Tschernoff.Not only content to mistreat the brave villagers led by no-nonsense young man Jürgen Wagner, he makes Mette, a girl born from a Frision man and a Russian woman, his mistress. Outraged, the villagers expel the girl who takes refuge in the marshes. The Bolsheviks are prompt to react, one of them raping a young Frision girl. The Frisions, in desperation, set fire to their village after slaughtering the "Reds" and head for a new motherland, Nazi Germany maybe...
Les Bateliers de la Volga
In 1912, a Russian officer is wrongly accused of having stolen important papers. His only alibi being to have spent the night with the wife of a colonel, he allows himself to be condemned so as not to compromise the latter. He manages to escape and hides in the guise of a poor boatman. One day, the truth comes out, the colonel commits suicide and the lovers are finally reunited.
La Bataille
The Battle is a 1934 Franco-British co-production English language drama film directed by Nicolas Farkas and Viktor Tourjansky, and starring Charles Boyer, Merle Oberon and John Loder. It was adapted from a novel by Claude Farrère. In 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War, a Japanese naval officer gets his wife to seduce a British atachee in order to gain secrets from him. Things begin to go wrong when she instead falls in love with him.
Maté / Amok-afflicted Native
Dr. Holk leads an isolated and lonely existence in a small, Dutch colony in the tropics. Having fled from love and civilization, his only companions now are alcohol and his work, which takes him to villages ravaged by dirt, fever and a strange illness which turns innocent people into madmen: Amok. One day, he is called on by Helene Haviland, who asks him to abort her lover's child before her husband returns from abroad. Even though Holk is enchanted by her seductive beauty, he haughtily refuses her request. Rejected, the woman turns to a Chinese practitioner. When Holk tracks her down in a dirty dive, it's already too late for the two of them.
Volga in Flames
Lieutenant Orloff, a recently graduated Russian officier, is making his way across the snow-covered steppes to the garrison where he is to be stationed. He comes across a man who has lost his way in the blizzard and takes him to the safety of an inn. Arriving at the garrison, Orloff meets and falls immediately in love with Macha, the daughter of his commander. The town is suddenly attacked by a hoard of bandits who claims to be the true Tsar of Russia.
Polizeiakte 909
Dr. Nitobe Tokeramo
A Man's Neck
Willy Ferriere is dead broke and his mistress costs a lot. One day, he says in a pub that he would give 100,000 francs to get rid of his wealthy aunt. Someone lets him know it's a deal. The aunt is murdered, and a poor chap is manipulated to be the perfect suspect. But Superintendant Maigret feels something is wrong.
The Yellow Captain
Tempestad en Asia
Ambientado en Siberia y el Tibet durante la ocupación inglesa de esas tierras, Tormenta Sobre Asia cuenta la historia de un cazador local que es confundido con un descendiente del legendario Genghis Khan. Entonces los invasores deciden usarlo como títere político, sin saber que el cazador tiene sus propias ideas al respecto.