Primerose Perret


I Was It Three Times
Andrée, une jeune fille (uncredited)
A husband who had divorced twice because he had been betrayed by his former wives, takes his precautions to prevent the deed from happening a third time. And yet it does.
Monte Carlo Baby
Vendeuse d'articles pour bébés (uncredited)
When a measles epidemic forces the temporary closing of a child care center, the son of a film star and her estranged husband, a concert pianist, is mistakenly delivered to a touring musician.
Adhémar or the Toy of Destiny
La bonne de l'hôtel
Is it because his father was a groom that Adhémar Pomme has a long horse head and a horse- toothed smile? Maybe but the fact is that his head has invariably caused laughter whatever the circumstances, which is the tragedy of his life. After having worked as an undertaker, a theater prompter, a casino bouncer, and so on, and failing at each job, he applies out of desperation to an institution where those rejected for physical reasons can hide and live together. But Adhémar immediately starts... laughing at them and gets kicked out as a result! In the end though, he finds his way as a circus artist.
Keep an Eye on Amelia
Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
The Blue Veil
Georgette Volnar-Bucel
In 1914, in the first months of World War I, Louise Jarraud loses her husband, killed on the front. Shortly after, she gives birth to a baby, who soon dies. Devastated by this double misfortune, Louise decides to dedicate her life to caring for the children of others. She becomes a nurse with several employers, giving her affection to little boys or girls. A widower and another man propose to her but she refuses twice determined as she is to live only for the children in her charge.
Patrouille blanche
An Oriental villain named Halloway is called in by wealthy oil interests who want to destroy a dam project for hydroelectric power that may threaten their profits.
Caprices tells the story of two young rich people. A famous actress poses as a poor florist, and a distinguished society man camouflages himself as forger and swindler. This game leads them to make close relations in a series of adventures.
The House of the Seven Maidens
A widower is in trouble with money, and has seven daughters to marry. A creditor, a timid suitor, is unable to make up his mind.
De Mayerling a Sarajevo
Julio de 1914, atentado de Sarajevo. Francisco Fernando de Austria, heredero del Imperio austrohúngaro, se enamoró de Sophie Chotek, una condesa checa. Las ideas políticas del archiduque ya resultaban bastante problemáticas para la familia real, pero este romance con una joven que no pertenecía a la realeza era inadmisible. La Corona, sin embargo, accedió a la unión matrimonial, pero despojando al heredero de sus poderes, que se limitaban a la rutinaria inspección de las tropas. Sophie solicitó permiso para acompañar a su marido en algunos viajes protocolarios. En julio de 1914, de visita en Sarajevo, la real pareja fue víctima de un atentado perpetrado por Princip, un estudiante nacionalista bosnio. Esta fue la causa inmediata de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918).
They Were Twelve Women
Early in the war, a group of women decide to help the soldiers in the war front. They enlist the help of the wealthy Madame Marion.
Cavalcade of Love
Amanda (uncredited)
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!