Catherine Erard

Catherine Erard

Nacimiento : 1928-03-23, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France

Muerte : 2009-03-27


Catherine Erard fue una actriz francesa.


Catherine Erard


If Paris Were Told to Us
La Journaliste
Ambiciosa producción sobre la historia de París que narra con sentido del humor las peripecias de personajes como María Antonieta, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, el cardenal Richelieu o Luis XVI. El polifacético Sacha Guitry la dirigió, escribió el guión y se reservó el papel de Luis XI.
Saluti e baci
Carlo Mastelli, the young radio presenter of "New Voices" has run short of ideas and his program is likely to be suspended from the radio schedule if he does not find any new ones.
The Midnight Witness
Jacques Montet, a successful crime story writer, has already written a hundred books and would like to call it quits now to devote himself to loftier writing. But his wife, a cold-hearted, money-minded, bossy woman won't allow. All the more as she is the one who supplies Jacques with the plots of his detective stories. When Jacques, yearning for true love, meets young, pretty Muriel, he can't stand the situation any longer. Fortunately - for him - the plot of the 101st detective story imagined by his wife is about a ... perfect crime. He simply has to follow her instructions to ... get rid of her. Everything goes according to plan until Jacques discovers a scary detail: the presence of a mysterious witness on the scene of the crime.
La danseuse nue
Colette Andris
Colette gives up her studies to become a cabaret dancer. She breaks with her fiance who does not approve of her choice.
Three Women
Mouche (segment "Mouche")
The short stories of Guy de Maupassant enjoyed a renaissance in the early 1950s, thanks in great part to the Max Ophuls production Le Plaisir. In Trois Femmes, three De Maupassant stories are dramatized, each conveying the central theme of women falling in love. In the first, a black female carnival entertainer causes an uproar when she falls in love with a white soldier. In the second, a young bride is pressured into having a baby to collect a huge inheritance. And in the final episode, a pregnant girl is "adopted" and protected by a small circle of friends. In standard De Maupassant fashion, each of the three stories in Trois Femmes is capped by a surprise twist.
Le crime du Bouif
A poacher nicknamed "Le Bouif" is accused of having murdered his son-in-law, trainer of a horse stable in Maisons-Laffitte.
Young Love
Odile de Frontin
Catherine, 18, loved Jean, a young accountant, who loved her in return. And yet, one morning, two policemen find their dead bodies on a stretch of waste ground. The case is obvious: the two young people have killed themselves. But why? Chief Inspector Ernest Plonche, feeling upset, decides to investigate personally.
The High Life
Jojo is a seventeen-year-old factory worker living poorly in Aubervilliers with his grandmother. Dissatisfied with his lackluster everyday life, Jojo dreams of the high life. He starts mixing with shady individuals such as thieves and traffickers. At a time, he even contemplates murdering a rich butcher. Fortunately, his protector Monsieur Charles, a warm-hearted gangster, will stop him from carrying out this crazy plan, thus wasting his young life.
The Century Is Fifty
As the title of this French documentary indicates, Ce Siecle a 50 Ans examines the 20th Century at its halfway point. Utilizing the archives of several European film reserves, director Denise Tua offers a fascinating mosaic of the people and events that shaped the years 1900 to 1950. Complementing the vintage film clips are three dramatized sketches, delineating the romantic customs of three different points in time. These sketches are inadequately performed, and can easily be ignored. Ce Siecle a 50 Ans both preserved and provided celluloid material for scores of future documentaries.
Loves, Delights and Organs
Yolande de Coeur Joly
The head of a school in a little French country town encourages the playful romances between his young students, as well as a love of jazz music.