Kate Woods


BlackJack: Ghosts
Nearly 20 years ago a young mother was shot during an apparent kidnapping and subsequent police chase. Now after all that time, the man in jail for the murder is about to be paroled. Jack has two missions - to bring the father and his daughter back together and to find out if any justice has been done by the conviction.
Buscando a Alibrandi
Nunca hubo un hombre en la vida de Josephine Alibrandi (Pia Miranda). En su último año en el instituto, hay tres. El padre de Josephine que la dejó cuando su madre era una adolescente embarazada, vuelve a la ciudad cada vez más implicado en la vida de su hija. John Barton (Matthew Newton), pulido, rico y destinado al colegio de abogados, está románticamente interesado en Josephine. Y también está Jacob Coote (Kick Gurry), un chico de clase obrera, de buen ver, que emociona a Josephine de una forma que ella nunca pensó posible. Enmarcada en el contexto de Sydney, Australia, y en una vibrante comunidad italoaustraliana, esta película con gran carga emocional presenta la lucha de una heroína batalladora para controlar las presiones del instituto, familia y amigos, mientras al mismo tiempo se conoce a sí misma.
The Farm
After the death of his father, Tom Cooper want to modernise the family farm, and borrows a lot of money. When disaster strikes, the loan cannot be repaid.
The Rat Tamer
In this Aussie prison drama directed by Kate Woods, no one can explain why inmate Kevin Jones (Hugh Jackman) arrived at Blackstream Penitentiary with brain damage and horrible bruises on his body -- least of all Kevin. Can a jailhouse psychologist (played by Deborra-Lee Furness) help Kevin regain his memory, or will it take an act of violence to bring out the truth? This "Correlli" TV series pilot "The Rat Tamer" was later released separately on DVD as a feature.