El astuto y perverso Urfin decide convertirse en el gobernante de la maravillosa tierra de Oz, tomar la ciudad Esmeralda con sus soldados de madera y renombrarla como “Urfinville”. Él está casi listo para celebrar la victoria, cuando sus planes son arruinados por Dorothy, una chica normal que termina en Oz junto a su perrito Toto justo en el momento adecuado. Ella debe regresar a su casa, pero antes ayudará a sus amigos: El Espantapájaros, El Hombre de Lata y El León, para derrotar a Urfin.
Marital doldrums and second thoughts beset Ivan and Vasilisa's "happily ever after", until boredom leads to a staged abduction.
Marital doldrums and second thoughts beset Ivan and Vasilisa's "happily ever after", until boredom leads to a staged abduction.
With a cheeky wolf as a travel companion, a prince from a faraway kingdom embarks on a quest to win a princess's heart.
Ilya Muromets has to rescue his trusty horse Burushka and Kiev treasury from the greedy hands of the famous bandit, Solovey-Razboynik.
Key Animation
When he refused to support power-hungry witch, the good shoemaker's boy, Jacob is transformed into a hunchbacked dwarf with overlong nose. Of their mother no longer recognized, mocked by the people of the city and driven away, Jacob runs one day a goose on the road. Together with the spring animal - in fact the king's daughter Greta enchanted - Jacob is now trying to make the transformation to reverse and put the wicked witch craft.