Marius Panduru
Nacimiento : 1975-03-03, Bucharest, Romania
Director of Photography
Overworked and underpaid, Angela drives around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a 'safety at work' video commissioned by a multinational company. When one of the interviewees reveals the company’s liability in his accident, a scandal erupts.
Director of Photography
An overworked and underpaid production assistant who must drive around the city of Bucharest to film the casting for a workplace.
Director of Photography
Poppy Field sigue la lucha de un joven gendarme rumano, Cristi, que intenta encontrar el equilibrio entre dos partes aparentemente opuestas de su identidad: la de un hombre que trabaja en un entorno jerárquico machista y la de un gay en el armario que intenta mantener su vida personal en secreto. Mientras su novio francés a distancia, Hadi, lo visita, Cristi es llamado para una intervención en un cine, donde un grupo ultranacionalista y homofóbico ha interrumpido la proyección de una película queer. Después de que uno de los manifestantes amenaza con sacarlo del armario, Cristi pierde el control.
Director of Photography
The life of human beings, seen from birth to old age. Only that this generic life is not represented with humans, but with the artefacts that we the humans have created for our children (or should we say ‘cubs’?), in order to prepare them for life: the toys. So, the film is a collage of scenes in which the toys help us understand better a possible essence of our life.
Director of Photography
Cielo es una madre cuya hija adolescente es secuestrada en el norte de México. Cuando las autoridades no ofrecen apoyo para la búsqueda, Cielo toma el asunto en sus propias manos y se transforma de ama de casa en una militante vengativa.
Director of Photography
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
Director of Photography
John, un limpiador de ventanas de 35 años, dedica su vida a criar a su hijo Michael, un niño de cuatro años a quien su madre abandonó justo después de nacer. Ambos llevan una vida simple, elaborada a través de rituales diarios, en una relación de amor sin fisuras. Por desgracia, a John sólo le quedan unos cuantos meses de vida. Dado que no tiene familia, decide invertir los días que le quedan en buscar una nueva familia que adopte a Michael con el fin de salvar a su hijo de descubrir la terrible realidad de la vida.
Director of Photography
Editing film composed entirely of archival photographs and documents related to the Iasi Pogrom from June 1941. The first part of the film consists of photographs of the victims, accompanied on the soundtrack by statements and testimonies about their fate. The second part, shorter, is a montage of the actual photos of the Pogrome, some of them unique.
Director of Photography
In 1981, chalk slogans written in uppercase letters started appearing in public spaces in the Romanian city of Botoşani. They demanded freedom, alluded to the democratic developments taking place in Romania’s socialist sister countries or simply called for improvements in the food supply. Mugur Călinescu was behind them, who was still at school at the time and whose case is documented in the files of the Romanian secret police. Theatre director Gianina Cărbunariu created a documentary play based on this material.
Director of Photography
Adrian es un poeta rumano que llega ilegalmente a España en 2002. Sin papeles, comienza a trabajar como vigilante nocturno en la tienda de un lugareño, Rafael, y su vida dará un giro cuando conozca a María, que toca la guitarra en un grupo de jazz.
Director of Photography
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.
Director of Photography
Rumania, 1937. Emanuel, un joven veinteañero enfermo de tuberculosis ósea, pasa sus días en un sanatorio a orillas del mar Negro. El protagonista, que se enamora de otra paciente, narra su esfuerzo y el de sus otros compañeros por exprimir al máximo la vida mientras sus cuerpos languidecen y sus mentes se niegan a rendirse. Inspirada en la novela autobiográfica Scarred Hearts del escritor rumano Max Blecher, escrita antes de morir a los 29 años, tras diez años de sufrimiento.
Director of Photography
A couple in their late 30’s sets out to prepare a fake photo album of a pseudo pregnancy period in order to prove their biological tie to the baby they’re planning to adopt.
Director of Photography
Box is a story of two people who meet at a crossroad. Two different destinies, two different lives, face to face in a game of sweat, blood and tears. Rafael (19) is a young boxer who dreams to conquer the world; Cristina (33) is a single mother who lost her balance. Two lives; one running very close to the earth, the other trying to fly high up, too high.
Director of Photography
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
Director of Photography
Sigue la historia de Cristian, un joven e idealista fiscal cuya carrera está en un momento ascendente mientras intenta resolver un caso contra un colega senior acusado de corrupción. El dilema de escoger entre su carrera y la verdad cae sobre sus hombros. Intentando resolver el caso, entrará en una zona peligrosa donde emergerán peligrosas e inesperadas relaciones
Director of Photography
Ionut and Mariana will get married soon. It's time to meet their families and to plot the happy event. In-laws seem to understand perfectly: passion for TV series unites luxury, Romanian music of the '80s and brandy. Especially brandy. As the bottles are emptied, misunderstandings begin to appear. Three couples, three visions on marriage: fast and opulence (with white doves and Holograf Fuego), traditional wedding (with musicians and tent), or a youthful? Different options, different camps. No one fails. Moreover, the two parents-in-law remember that they met once, 25 years ago. They were in different camps. Now that miraculously brought back to life to face. Follow great challenge. It takes a miracle that this wedding is to be held.
Director of Photography
An old solitary woman feels the urge to go outside and feel again.
Director of Photography
An old man tries to play backgammon with friends while babysitting his granddaughter, who's terrified of the young suicide in their building.
Director of Photography
Strong se pondrá en la piel de Max Rosenthal, un antiguo jefe de una unidad de investigación policial de Bucarest que roba un banco junto a varios hombres (para ello utilizan como tapadera la supuesta filmación de un largometraje). El atraco sale mal y, tras su juicio, son condenados a muerte (el hecho de que sean judíos influye en la decisión). Antes de ejecutar la sentencia, el gobierno comunista quiere que vuelvan a representar el crimen en una película de propaganda. Farmiga se pondrá en la piel de la ex amante y madre del hijo del protagonista (la mujer regresa a la ciudad tras haber estudiado en Moscú).
Director of Photography
In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
Director of Photography
Two Albanian brothers migrate to Greece and try, each in his own way, to integrate into their host country by following two different lifestyles.
Director of Photography
Luca es un joven seductor cuyas presas envía directamente a una red de trata de blancas. Es el concepto que el tiene de enamoramiento hasta que conoce a Veli, una joven que provocará que cambie todo en la vida de Luca. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Jonathan Vogel (Guillaume Depardieu) would like to turn back the clock and undo the accident that led to his disability and destroyed his life. When he learns that Stivlas Karr (Carlo Brandt), a well-known professor and geneticist, has developed a gene therapy for regenerating the human body, he makes an appointment with him for some clinical tests. But the therapy doesnt go according to Professor Karrs plan and leads to unexpected results. Jonathan, whose life is now in danger, has become aware that there is only one person who can help him: Alice (Alysson Paradis), the professors daughter.
Director of Photography
Cuenta la historia de Matilda, una mujer con problemas que está cumpliendo una condena de cinco años por un crimen que no ha cometido. Cuando su madre muere, le permiten salir durante 24 horas, pero Matilda no tiene intención de volver a la celda... (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Cuando faltan dos semanas para que Silviu salga de un centro de detención de menores, recibe la visita de su hermano pequeño, que le cuenta que su madre, que acaba de llegar de Italia, quiere llevárselo con ella. Silviu tiene razones para tratar de impedirlo por todos los medios. Mientras tanto, se enamora de una chica de un grupo de estudiantes de sociología que va al centro a hacer prácticas.
Director of Photography
A cop named Cristi must go undercover to trail teen Victor who is suspected of selling pot in the north-eastern city of Vasliu.
Director of Photography
Delia, una joven de 18 años que ha ganado un coche de lujo en un concurso, debe ir a Bucarest con sus padres para hacer una grabación que demuestre que es, realmente, la ganadora. Las conversaciones que Delia mantiene con sus padres, durante la grabación, se convierten en agrias discusiones: mientras que ella quiere quedarse con el coche, sus padres, en cambio, quieren venderlo. De este modo, lo que parecía un hecho afortunado degenera en un conflicto que obliga a la protagonista a cuestionarse sus relaciones familiares.
Director of Photography
15 years ago, Luiza decided to make a fresh start in Spain. She left her 3-year-old daughter Cristina in the care of her relatives and took off. When she returns to Romania, the woman learns some shocking truths that were kept hidden from her: Cristina ran away from home, is a drug addict and has a 2-year-old girl who lives in an orphanage. Overwhelmed by guilt, Luiza attempts to save her daughter
Director of Photography
In 1911-12, the Romanian movie director Grigore Brezianu and the financial tycoon Leon Popescu made together the 2 hours long movie "Romania's Independence" - an as faithful as possible screen adaptation of the real Independence War that had been fought in 1877. Now, "Restul e tacere" tells us, in a loose and half-fictionalized way, the story of this movie making.
Director of Photography
Victor, a business man from Bucharest who can’t stand anymore to see his son beat up in school, takes the boy to boxing classes. But Vlad, who’s 12 years old, is not interested in learning how to fight and refuses to enter the first training. To teach him a lesson, the father enters the boxing ring himself.
Director of Photography
In a small village in the Danube Delta, where traditions are confronted with new material purposes, a teenage girl is becoming a woman. This is the story of Ryna, a 16 year old girl, working as an motor mechanic in Sulina, who strives to find her identity next to a father who is firmly denying her femininity.
Costume Design
In a small village in the Danube Delta, where traditions are confronted with new material purposes, a teenage girl is becoming a woman. This is the story of Ryna, a 16 year old girl, working as an motor mechanic in Sulina, who strives to find her identity next to a father who is firmly denying her femininity.
Director of Photography
A father and son go to town to try to fix a broken TV set.
Director of Photography
¿Qué pasaría si 16 años después de la revolución rumana y la caída de Ceaucescu el dueño de un canal local de televisión rumano ofreciera a dos invitados compartir sus momentos de gloria revolucionaria? Uno es un viejo retirado y eventual Santa Claus, el otro un profesor de historia que acaba de gastarse el sueldo en saldar sus deudas de bebida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Bucharest 1989 - the last year of Ceausecu's dictatorship. Eva lives with her parents and her 7 year old brother, Lalalilu. One day at school, Eva and her boyfriend accidentally break a bust of Ceausescu. They are forced to confess their crime before a disciplinary committee and Eva is expelled from school and transferred to a reformatory establishment. There she meets Andrei, and decides to escape Romania with him. Lalalilu becomes convinced that Ceausescu is the main reason for Eva's decision to leave. So with his friends from school he devises a plan to kill the dictator.
Director of Photography
A strange dream forgotten in the morning and an unaccountable feeling cause Liviu to look with resignation upon the world he's living in. His awakening to reality may coincide with the birth of his child ...
Director of Photography
The amazing and tragic life story of the Russian Paralympic judoka Oleg Kretsul. Having lost his sight in a car accident, Kretsul did not give up the sport and was subsequently able to win Olympic gold at the Paralympics in Beijing.