Ren Yamamoto

Ren Yamamoto

Nacimiento : 1930-05-12, Kanagawa, Japan

Muerte : 2005-06-17


Ren Yamamoto


Aru Islands in resort development. Was a succession happening the abandoned corpses in there are holes in body. Ligia exotica appeared on an isolated island of mutants is taking the panic and horror.
Rainbow kids
Después de ser secuestrada por tres jóvenes, una anciana multimillonaria consigue dominar la situación con gran habilidad e inteligencia, manipulando a su antojo a sus captores y logrando dividirlos y enfrentarlos.
The film tells the story of a man who was washed ashore on an uninhabited island after a ship wrecked by a storm, and after twelve years, he returned to human society.
Doble suicidio en Sonezaki
Tokubei es un joven comerciante locamente enamorado de una prostituta llamada Ohatsu. Las circunstancias están en contra de la pareja de enamorados, mientras que Ohatsu tiene que terminar de pagar su deuda ejerciendo la prostitución, a Tokubei le quieren concertar un matrimonio de conveniencia.
Zero Fighter
Lullaby of the Earth
The story of an orphan girl, brought up in naive, rustic innocence by an elderly relative, who is suddenly exposed to the brutality, greed and deceptiveness of the outside world when her grandmother dies. Notwithstanding her healthy distrust of all strangers, which her upbringing instilled in her, it is not long before a cunning racketeer finds her weak point, that temptation which she cannot resist, that weakness, different as it may be, that each of us has, and brings her into his power. What follows is a depiction of her cruel descent into the depths of moral decay, as she becomes a collaborator in a system of exploitation, unbridled lust, vanity, and greed, in which she and other victims are always the losers.
Battle Cry
During the military phase of the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Sentaro joins a local militia loyal to the Tokugawa Shogunate in order to fight Imperial troops. But Sentaro's friendship with a pickpocket, who switches sides whenever it suits his needs, leads to complications that could cost Sentaro his life as they infiltrate enemy lines.
Ultraman Taro: Burn On! The 6 Ultra Brothers
ZAT Central Hospital Doctor
Theatrical version of episode 25 of Ultraman Taro TV series.
La batalla de Okinawa
Sergeant Omori
Recreación desde el punto de vista japonés de la batalla de Okinawa, una de las más sangrientas de la campaña del Pacífico.
El emperador y el general
Después de la detonación de las bombas atómicas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, el ejército japonés y el gobierno se enfrentan por la demanda de los aliados de la rendición incondicional. El Ministro de Defensa Anami defiende el continuar luchando, hasta la muerte del último japonés si hace falta. El Emperador Hirohito se reune con sus ministros para solicitar la impensable rendición pacífica del Japón. Cuando el ejército planea un golpe para derrocar al gobierno civil del Emperador, Anani debe decidir entre sus deseos o su lealtad al Emperador.
Rise Against the Sword
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
La batalla de los simios gigantes
Un pulpo gigante ataca un barco, cuando repentinamente aparece Gaira, un enorme simio de color verde, que destruye el pulpo y devora a los marineros. Es entonces cuando empieza una senda de terrror y destrucción. El único que puede deterner a Gaira es Sanda, su hermano gemelo de color marrón, el lado positivo de la original masa de la que surgen ambas bestias. La batalla está servida.
Aventura en el castillo de Kigan
Un soldado de fortuna viaja a lugares exóticos donde encuentra encanto y romance en la corte de un rey malvado.
Frankentein conquista el mundo
Alemania, 1945. El corazón del monstruo de Frankenstein es conducido a Japón y, mientras es examinado, cae la bomba de Hiroshima. Quince años más tarde, un niño que ha brotado del corazón inmortal es atrapado, pero se comprueba que su crecimiento es imparable.
The Retreat from Kiska
Branch Chief
In 1943, the Aleutian island of Kiska was fortified by a small contingent of Japanese soldiers. When word arrived of an impending attack by an overwhelming force of Americans, the Japanese Navy attempted one of the most daring and unlikely evacuations in military history. This is that story.
Samurai Assassin
Japón, 1860. Los hombres del clan Mito, víctimas de la purga de Ansei, merodean ansiosamente en torno a la puerta Sakurada del castillo de Edo con la intención de asesinar a Naosuke Ii de Hikone, tairō del shogunato Tokugawa y responsable de su desgracia.
Set at the end of the Siege of Osaka this film follows the exploits of several members of the defeated Toyotomi clan as they cope with the post battle chaos and the persecution of the Shogun's army. Five samurai decide on different fates when it becomes clear that their side is being destroyed. One wants to attack the enemy head on in a final honorable death. Another decides to commit hari-kiri but wants to find a glorious view to do it. His close friend, the "coward", just wants to run and give up the life of a samurai. The final two set their own castle on fire to garner favors from the enemy and therefore avert their own death during the massacre of all defeated soldiers as
Godzilla contra los monstruos
Sailor at the dock
En una playa de Japón, unos pescadores descubren un huevo gigantesco. El huevo es vendido a Yamamura, un corrupto hombre de negocios que pretende incubarlo para convertir a la criatura contenida en él en la principal atracción de un parque temático de próxima inauguración. Yamamura no toma en serio a las dos diminutas gemelas protectoras de Mothra, las Aelinas, que lideran una iniciativa popular para que el huevo sea devuelto a su madre, que solo accederá a enfrentarse con Godzilla cuando este amenace la integridad de su criatura.
The Elegant Life of Mr. Everyman
A salaryman's drunken ravings in public attract the attention of journalists who coerce him into telling them his life's story.
Young Swordsman
Kashima Heinosuke
This Japanese action-adventure is set in the 17th century when all forms of swordplay were banned. One fighter, an excellent swordsman believes the law is unfair. His brother keeps his opinions about the law to himself. The swordsman vents his frustration by cutting off the thumbs of an enemy. The fighter is then banished. To live, he becomes a thief. To restore the family's lost honor, the other brother is forced to challenge the fighter to a duel.
47 Ronin
Esta impresionante historia épica ha sido a veces etiquetada como la versión japonesa de "Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó". Chusha Ichikawa personifica a un señor feudal poderoso y despiadado que lucha contra el virtuoso y joven noble, Yuzo Kayama. Ichikawa encuentra una victoria parcial cuando engaña a Kayama y lo convence de hacerse el Hara Kiri. La venganza será realizada por los cuarenta y siete samuráis de Kayama. Basada en una leyenda japonesa venerable, la historia de Chushingura ha sido filmada en varias ocasiones, pero sólo la versión de 1941 (47 Ronin) estuvo a la altura de la versión de 1962, del gran director Hiroshi Inagaki.
Operation Enemy Fort
Soldiers on the front lines in China during World War II are besieged by guerrilla attacks and attempt to destroy an enemy fort.
King Kong contra Godzilla
Commander of Operation Burial
Versión japonesa. Una expedición organizada por el director de publicidad de un compañía de farmacéuticos, viaja a la isla Farou para recoger bayas rojas y captura a King Kong para usarlo en una campaña publicitaria. Cuando Godzilla se libera de un iceberg se genra un frenesí mediático con el combate de lucha libre mas grande de la historia.
Blood on the Sea
Four fishermen friends are caught up in a piracy plot.
Ship Survivor
Un par de gemelas de aspecto diminuto, habitantes de la isla de Beru, custodian celosamente a su deidad "Mothra". Desgraciadamente, son raptadas y trasladadas a Tokio por un expedicionario sin escrúpulos para ser explotadas artísticamente. Las gemelas utilizarán sus poderes místicos para revivir al gusano gigante a través de la telepatía. Éste a su vez se dirigirá a Tokio, con el firme propósito de recuperar a sus guardianas, ya convertido en polilla gigante y arrasándolo todo a su paso.
Big Shots Die at Dawn
An early Okamoto yakuza film, though it's not in the Underworld series (along with The Last Gunfight and The Big Boss) despite being alternatively known as "Death of the Boss." While Okamoto did not write this film and took on the project because he was assigned and "just doing [his] job" according to an interview with Chris Desjardins in Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film, he did express a general excitement about working in action cinema (which shows through in this film's energy.)
Daredevil in the Castle
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
The Human Vapor
Nomura the Robber
Un bibliotecario es objeto de un experimento que sale mal y lo convierte en el "Vapor Humano". Utiliza su nuevo don para el robo de bancos y para ayudar a su novia bailarina. Buscado por la policía, y con varios crímenes a cuestas, el Vapor Humano es el enemigo público número 1 de Tokyo
Westward Desperado
Follow-up to Desperado Outpost (1959) sees Japanese soldiers seeking the flag of a defeated regiment in China.
The Secret of the Telegian
Detective Marune
Men are being murdered by a psycho called "The Telegian," who uses a matter-transmitting device to locate his victims.
The Gambling Samurai
Chuji Kunisada vuelve a su pueblo natal y descubre que Jubei Matsui, un juez corrupto, ha sido el responsable de la destrucción de la familia Kunisada. Una nueva tragedia lleva a Chuji a unirse a una banda que vive en el bosque robando a los ricos para dárselo a los pobres, siempre con un ojo puesto en vengarse del Magistrado Matsui.
The Last Gunfight
Japanese police detective Saburo Fujioka is suspected of corruption, demoted, and sent to the city of Kojin. Kojin is the scene of fierce fighting between rival gangs. Fujioka is assigned to investigate the death of the wife of gangster Tetsuo Maruyama of the Kozuka gang, probably at the hands of one of the Oka gang. During a gang gunfight, Maruyama is rescued by Detective Fujioka and the two become friends. But Maruyama insists on avenging his wife's murder, even if it means conflict with his new friend.
Desperado Outpost
When Sergeant Okubo's brother is murdered at a Japanese outpost in Northern China during the Second World War, Okubo poses as a war correspondent and seeks out his brother's killer.
Saga of the Vagabonds
Lord Taro must deliver a money chest but is robbed by brigands led by Jibu. One of Jibu's men, Rokuro, steals the money from Jibu, but after meeting and befriending Taro, Rokuro decides to return the money to Taro. But Taro's unscrupulous brother Jiro falsely accuse Taro of the theft, and Taro reactively joins the outlaw band and encourages them to steal from the nobles and give to the poor.
Gigantis: The Fire Monster
Commander of Landing Craft Ikeda
The altered American release of Godzilla Raids Again. Originally meant to be known as the The Volcano Monsters, the film was eventually released as "Gigantis."
Samurai Saga
Edmund Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac, transplanted to Japan. A poet-warrior with an oversized nose (matched only by his great heart) loves a lady. But she sees him only as a friend, so he helps another man to woo her by giving him the poetry of his own heart.
The Story of Iron Arm Inao
Teruhisa Inao
An Ishiro Honda film.
The Big Boss
Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.
El hombre H
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.
Yagyu Secret Scrolls
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
Los hijos del volcán
Soldier in jeep (uncredited)
Animales gigantes mutantes y pterosaurios prehistóricos emergen de una mina japonesa, aterrorizando a toda la población.
Aishu no machi ni kiri ga furu
Suzuki, a student
The Storm
With one of the busiest film industries in the world, Japan was able to submit several films into competition at the 1957 Berlin Film Festival. One of the best of these was Arashi, directed by Hiroshi Inagaki of Rickshaw Man fame. Anticipating Hollywood's Table for Five by nearly a quarter of a century, the film concerns the efforts by a recently widowed high-school teacher to raise his four children alone. Chihu Ryu is terrific as the central character, while Izumi Yukimura is even better as Ryu's eldest daughter. For reasons unknown, Arashi is often omitted from "official" lists of Inagaki's films.
Ed Goldman vio el filme Gojira en un cine asiático de Los Ángeles y la compró inmediatamente para volver a vender a Jewell Enterprises, pruductora y distribuidora de explotations. Era un buen momento para las monster movies, pero las referencias a la bomba atómica y que fuera una película 100% japonesa (los estadounidenses todavía recordaban Pearl Harbor), los hizo dudar. Finalmente decidieron eliminar toda referencia antinuclear del film y añadir nuevos ajustes con el actor Raymond Burr (Perry Mason) haciendo de periodista, testigo occidental de todos los hechos. La película pierde todo el trasfondo social y crítico para convertirse en un mero entretenimiento; haciendo que la crítica destrozara el film pero que se convirtiera en un éxito de público. (FILMAFFINITY)
The President Talks Bank
The president learns that the company's biggest stockholder is also a friend of his singing teacher and spies on his movements.
Sudden Rain
A husband and wife's pet peeves and minor irritations escalate into major rifts and animosity.
Samurái 3: Duelo en la isla Ganryu
Takezo abandona su condición de samurai errante para vivir tranquila y humildemente con su amada Otsu, rechazando trabajar como maestro samurai para el líder del clan más poderoso del Japón. No obstante, Takezo accede a luchar con el joven y habilidoso guerrero Sasaki Kojiro. El combate final tendrá lugar en la isla Ganryu.
Half Human
Three competing parties all race against time to track down an elusive creature known only as the Snowman.
Samurái 2
Tras años recorriendo multitud de lugares, labrando su reputación como el más grande luchador del Japón, Takezo regresa a Kioto para enfrentarse al líder de la más prestigiosa escuela de samurais de la región. Como demostración de su valor, Takezo se dirige deliberadamente hacia una emboscada preparada por los seguidores de la escuela, mientras el joven y brillante luchador Sasaki Kojiro le observa, con el convencimiento de que puede derrotar a Takezo...
Mother and Son
Yasuo Noda
An Ishiro Honda film.
Godzilla contraataca
Commander of Landing Craft
Godzilla, resucitada por arte de magia tras su muerte al final del primer título, se enfrenta esta vez a un nuevo monstruo, Anguilas, un extraño gigante cuadrúpedo acorazado, y tras destruir parcialmente la ciudad de Osaka, acaba enterrada en el hielo de una pequeña isla a causa de los bombardeos de los aviones del ejército japonés. Segunda película de la saga Godzilla.
Godzilla, Japón bajo el terror del monstruo
Masaji Yamada
Las misteriosas destrucciones de barcos en el Pacífico provocan el pánico. Los nativos de una isla afirman que el culpable es una criatura legendaria, Godzilla, un lagarto mutante convertido en un gigantesco monstruo a causa de unas radiaciones atómicas. Godzilla se dispone a atacar las principales ciudades del Japón.
Ghost Man
A ghost man with his face hidden entirely by bandages is killing beautiful nude models. Detective Kindaichi investigates.
Last of the Wild Ones
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Los siete samuráis
Farmer (uncredited)
Una banda de forajidos atemorizan a los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo, saqueándolos periódicamente sin piedad. Para repeler estos ataques, los aldeanos deciden contratar a mercenarios. Finalmente, consiguen los servicios de 7 guerreros, 7 samurais dispuestos a defenderlos a cambio, tan solo, de cobijo y comida.
Jirocho's New Year
Jirocho, the Hunted
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
Youth of Heiji Senigata
The Blue Revolution
Their Father's Wife
Mr. Pu
A math teacher loses his job while falling in love with a local girl.
The Man Who Came to Port
An Ishiro Honda film.
Tokyo Sweetheart
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
The Skin of the South
Teiichi Nasu
When a group of young geologists declares a mountainside marked for residential development unstable, they are met with scorn on two fronts. On one end, they must contend with the local villagers who balk at the prospect of relocation; on the other, they face the ambitions of the headstrong lumber baron, whose actions will only further destabilize the land. Their pleas for reason ignored, the scientists can do little but observe as nature runs its inevitable course.
An adaptation of Akira Yoshimura's original suspense novel starring Rentaro Mikuni. 4th year of the Taishō era. About 15 families who moved in search of agricultural land to the land of the pioneers in Hokkaido led a peaceful life. One day, one of the pioneers, Mikio Shimakawa's wife Yura, and her child Taichi are attacked and killed by a bear that cannot hibernate. To resolve the situation, Shimakawa goes against all odds and turns to Ginshiro, the most hated hunter in the village, for help. While Shimakawa was away from the village, Yura and his friends were holding a funeral, the bear attacked again...