Lindsay Law


Fast, Cheap & Out of Control
Executive Producer
Errol Morris’s Fast, Cheap & Out of Control interweaves the stories of four men, each driven to create eccentric worlds from their unique obsessions, all of which involve animals. There’s a lion tamer who shares his theories on the mental processes of wild animals; a topiary gardener who has devoted a lifetime to shaping bears and giraffes out of hedges and trees; a man fascinated with hairless mole rats; and an MIT scientist who has designed complex, autonomous robots that can crawl like bugs.
Yo disparé a Andy Warhol
Executive Producer
Film basado en la verdadera historia de Valerie Solanas. Después de escribir un guión para una película, se propuso que Andy Warhol la produjera, pero, cuando él artista lo rechazó, ella le disparó.
Executive Producer
Carol es una ama de casa (Julianne Moore) que, a pesar de llevar una vida idílica, empieza a tener los mismos síntomas de alguien conocido que tuvo una misteriosa enfermedad... y que murió a causa de ella.
...And the Earth Did Not Swallow Him
Executive Producer
Twelve-year-old Mexican-American Marcos (Jose Alcala) recalls the hardships of the previous year, reflecting on the arduous trek his migrant-worker family made from Texas to the Midwest during harvest season. Along the way, Marcos learns plenty about the harsh realities of bigotry and the power of family in America of the 1950s. The coming-of-age Chicano drama is based on Tomas Rivera's semiautobiographical 1971 novella.
Drawn from Memory
Executive Producer
Fierlinger concentrates his considerable talents as an animator to recount through fragmented memories, vivid recollections, and the occasional evocative photograph his life as the rebellious son of Jan Fierlinger, Czechoslovakian career politician.
Executive Producer
Thomas es un delincuente que se despierta una mañana sobre una acera de Nueva York, sin un céntimo en el bolsillo y totalmente amnésico. Isabelle es una monja virgen y, según ella, ninfómana, que se gana la vida escribiendo relatos porno.
Golden Gate
Executive Producer
Recién salido de la Academia de policía, el joven agente Kevin Walker es reclutado por el FBI para que investigue las subversivas actividades comunistas de la comunidad china de San Francisco. Pero su conciencia se enfrentará a un grave dilema cuando se enamore de Marilyn, la hija del sospechoso propietario de una lavandería de Chinatown.
Ethan Frome
Executive Producer
Married couple, Ethan and Zeena, are in need an extra hand around the house due to Zeena's debilitated body and constant illness. The young woman who joins them is a beautiful, spirited person. She and Ethan fall in love much to the dismay of Zeena.
All the Vermeers in New York
Executive Producer
A parable of the missteps of life enacted in the hothouse world of late 1980’s New York, in which the art market and the stock market each boomed, and in process spawned a smorgasbord of “yuppie” delusions which still persist. Anna, a French actress studying in New York, crosses paths with a successful stock-broker, Mark, standing before a Vermeer portrait at the Metropolitan, thence ensues a peculiar romance of missed meanings and connections, with tangential asides to the steaming arts world and stock market, loft-mate conflicts, and, perhaps, love. Wrapped up in their blindered worlds, Anna and Mark deflect away from their chances, leaving at the conclusion the wistful face of Vermeer’s portrait enigmatically asking questions. All the Vermeers in New York is a comedy of manners which, as gently as a Vermeer, looks beneath the skin of this time and place, and of these characters.
Thank You and Good Night
Director Jan Oxenberg's docu-fantasy narrative about aging and death, and how it affects her family.
Hyde In Hollywood
Executive Producer
A closeted gay movie director/actor in 1939 finds himself the target of the vicious and unscrupulous attacks by a gossip columnist reporter who goes by the name of Hollywood Confidential.
Mil monedas de oro
Executive Producer
China, 1880. Lalu es vendida en matrimonio por su padre. Pero más que una novia, acaba convirtiéndose en propiedad del regente de una mina de oro, que decide venderla como animadora de salón. Antes que convertirse en prostituta, Lalu decide encontrar su propio camino en la vida.
Daughters of the Dust
Executive Producer
Un vistazo a la cultura Gullah de las islas de la costa de Carolina del Sur y Georgia, donde las culturas africanas se mantuvieron hasta bien entrado el siglo XX y fue uno de los últimos bastiones de estas costumbres en los Estados Unidos. Ambientada en 1902.
Zora is My Name!
Executive Producer
A celebration of the life of Zora Neale Hurston, who was born at the turn of the 20th Century and grew to be an important voice with her written portrayals of Black American life in the rural south of the 1930's and 40's, and the stories, songs and folklore that were her heritage and inspiration.
Noches de Broadway
Executive Producer
Una adinerada mujer de Broadway prepara una gran fiesta de nochevieja, y a ella acuden numerosos actores y algunos de los mafiosos de la ciudad, pero entre este ambiente de confusion se encuentra un detective que sigue la pista de un asesinato.
Compañeros inseparables
Executive Producer
Un grupo de ocho amigos gays, la mayoría pertenecientes al mundo del espectáculo, lleva una vida tranquila en las playas de California. En julio de 1981, por primera vez, un artículo en el New York Times habla de una nueva forma de cáncer que afecta principalmente a los homosexuales. El sida comienza su larga y terrible obra destructiva. Un filme acerca de la plaga de los 80, el sida, desde una perspectiva que evita tanto el exceso de ternura como el morbo. Destaca el estupendo trabajo interpretativo de un elenco de actores encabezado por Bruce Davison ("X-Men"), que fue candidato al Óscar al mejor secundario.
Señales de vida
Executive Producer
El tranquilo pueblo pesquero de Easthasset, en Maine, se despierta una mañana convulsionado, porque Owen Coughlin se ve obligado a cerrar su empresa de botes y dejar en la calle a un grupo de empleados. Coughlin, un hombre irascible de edad avanzada, siente remordimientos porque se trata de una empresa familiar que había subsistido durante varias generaciones. Sin su legado y sin su trabajo, no consigue encontrar ninguna razón que justifique su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
La delgada línea azul
Executive Producer
Aclamado y premiado documental basado en hechos reales que relata el arresto y condena de Randall Adams, sentenciado a muerte por el asesinato de un policía de Dallas en 1976. Gracias al documental, se consiguió reabrir el caso de Adams.
Lecciones inolvidables
Executive Producer
Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos, nominado al Oscar al mejor actor) es el nuevo profesor de matemáticas en un instituto para jóvenes de origen hispano en un barrio de Los Angeles. Son alumnos difíciles que no esperan llegar a la universidad, y que aspiran tan sólo a algún trabajo que apenas les permita sobrevivir. Jaime tendrá que hacerles cambiar de opinión, y exigirles fuertes sacrificios.
Waiting for the Moon
Executive Producer
Fictionalized portrait of one of history's great literary couples: Stein & Toklas. Summer 1930s France, Alice tends to ailing Gertrude; they visit Fernande Olivier, Guillaume Apollinaire, others; and Hemingway pops in.
Executive Producer
After her father is injured, a teenager and an alcoholic employee struggle to save their financially troubled farm in 1954 Montana.
Native Son
Executive Producer
In 1940s Chicago, a young black man takes a job as a chauffeur to a white family, which takes a turn for the worse when he accidentally kills the teenage daughter of the couple and then tries to cover it up.
The Tender Age
Executive Producer
Tim Donovan, a juvenile probation officer for the city of Boston, is assigned the case of Nikki, a troubled teenage girl who's been arrested for Assault & Battery. Tim quickly falls under the attractive Nikki's spell, convinced her delinquency is deep-rooted, and sets out to uncover the truth.
Palabras suaves
Executive Producer
Relata el despertar sexual de Connie, una joven de 15 años. La situación se le va de las manos una vez que el misterioso Arnold Friend, un psicótico unos años mayor que ella, se interesa por la joven...
Three Sovereigns for Sarah
Executive Producer
Nineteen people were hanged and one man pressed to death, while hundreds went to jail during the "witch hysteria" of 1692. THREE SOVEREIGNS FOR SARAH offers an accurate portrayal of the Salem witch trials, with real characters and original transcripts woven into the dialogue. The film is a powerful, moving story about three loving sisters accused of witchcraft.
This musical adaptation of the Studs Terkel book examines the average worker's viewpoint--showing that he or she is anything but average. Based on a series of interviews with real working people--construction workers, waitresses, firemen, secretaries, and cleaning women, Working is both an exploration of the individuals' occupations and a lament for lost hopes and dreams.
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide / When the Rainbow Is Enuf
The powerful tales of seven diverse African-American women are woven together in this 1982 performance of Ntozake Shange's Obie Award-winning landmark play. A breakthrough portrayal of black women's experiences in America, the story combines music, poetry and dance to celebrate their unique culture while painting a poignant portrait of their terrible struggles.
The Girls in Their Summer Dresses and Other Stories
Three Irwin Shaw short stories are dramatized. In "The Girls in Their Summer Dresses" a young married couple stop for a drink on a Sunday morning in Manhattan, and the conversation turns to the husband's fidelity. "The Monument" centers on the conflict between a popular bartender with a following in an upscale Irish bar in 1938 Manhattan and its owner, who is determined to introduce a more economical whiskey in the establishment over the barkeep's objections. In "The Man Who Married a French Wife" the influential American husband of a French woman is asked by her former lover, a former resistance fighter, to help him escape the country.
You Can't Take it With You
Emmy winner Jean Stapleton and Academy Award winner Art Carney star in the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart about a slightly daft family who do exactly as they please.
The Good Doctor
A writer (made to resemble Russian playwright Anton Chekhov) narrates a collection of his stories, all of which are written in the style of Chekhov.
Beyond the Horizon
On a Connecticut farm, James Mayo's two sons both love Ruth Atkins. Robert, the younger son, is sickly and dreams of escaping to a romantic life somewhere "beyond the horizon." Andy is hard-working and steadfast and loves his brother deeply. When Ruth reveals that she loves Robert and not, as everyone believed, Andy, Robert's plans to go to sea with his uncle are disrupted. He decides to stay at home and marry Ruth, while Andy, unwilling to remain close at hand as his brother marries the girl he loves, takes Robert's place on the voyage. This turn of events leads to heartache and tragedy for everyone involved.
June Moon
Associate Producer
In this rousing satire a native upstate New York clerk comes to 1920s Manhattan with dreams of making in big on Tin Pan Alley.