Angelina Stepanova

Angelina Stepanova

Nacimiento : 1905-11-10, Nikolaevsk Primorsky region, Russian empire

Muerte : 2000-05-17


Angelina Stepanova


Remember Me This Way
A son comes to Leningrad on the birthday of his mother. He is the director of a large Siberian construction, twice married, happy in work, and in family life. His second wife Lida is also here. She brought her son and daughter with her. The youth of the mother of the family fell on the 30s. Life practically did not change its principles and beliefs. And it's not clear to her children, and even more so grandchildren, for whom her ideals do not mean anything.
A Declaration of Love
old woman
The main character is a talented, but timid writer of the Filippok experiencing with his country the difficult years of revolution, devastation and war. Adversity helps him overcome the unrequited and faithful love for the widow of Commissioner Zinochka, who bossily manages his career, not hesitating to start novels with other men. Filippok will describe the story of his life in a book that at the end of days will be presented by a terminally ill, but still dearly beloved wife, with gratitude for the experience.
The Drummer's Fate
A young boy is trying to find his family and fights enemies of the state.
Twenty Days Without War
Zinaida Antonovna, artistic director of the theater
War correspondent Lopatin takes a 20-day-leave from his hard work at the front in 1942. He travels to faraway Tashkent to meet the family of the killed soldier and visit the film set of the screen adaptation of his war-time stories. Lopatin also manages to walk the streets of Tashkent, take part in a factory workers' meeting and have a short-lived love affair. Although with no bombings and fighting, the city dwellers breathe the atmosphere of the ongoing war.
Always with me
The famous scientist, academician and art critic Andrei Ilyin, who survived with the Hermitage staff the harsh trials of the Leningrad blockade, returned to his hometown after many years. The whole life of Ilyin is connected with Leningrad. A life that in the distant years of World War II would have seemed to have no future, but which, despite the unbearable horror of hunger and devastation, continued only in the name of the future ...
Dear Liar
This TV production is a filmed version of a play based on correspondence between George Bernard Shaw and the actress Mrs Patrick Campbell.
Story of an Unknown Actor
The of an actor in a provincial theatre.
Escape of Mr. McKinley
миссис Энн Шамуэй
A man decides to escape into the future by the way of hibernation. When he wakes up, feeling lucky that the experiment worked out well, the staff of the hibernation company politely walks him to the outside were he finds a post atomic war desert… He wakes up! Thank God it was just a dream! Or was it?
Lucharon por su patria
old Cossack woman
La película transcurre en Rusia en julio de 1942 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Las tropas nazis se aproximan a Stalingrado y los rusos están exhaustos y sobrepasados en número. Pero después de una batalla sangrienta, los invasores nazis son detenidos en Stalingrado.
Voyna i mir IV: Pierre Bezukhov
Anna Pavlovna Scherer
Mientras Moscú es incendiada por los rusos en retirada, los Rostov huyen de su propiedad, llevándose consigo a los soldados heridos y, sin que ellos lo sepan, también a Andrei. Pierre, vestido de campesino, intenta asesinar a Napoleón pero es hecho prisionero. Cuando los franceses se ven obligados a retirarse, lo hacen marchar durante meses con la Grande Armée, hasta que un grupo de asalto lo libera. Los franceses son derrotados por Kutuzov en la Batalla de Krasnoi. Andrei es reconocido y llevado a su finca. Perdona a Natasha en su lecho de muerte. Se reúne con Pierre y se casan mientras se reconstruye Moscú.
Voyna i mir III: 1812 god
Anna Pavlovna Scherer
En 1812, el ejército de Napoleón invade Rusia. Kutuzov le pide a Bolkonsky que se una a él como oficial de estado mayor, pero el príncipe solicita un comando en el campo. Pierre se dispone a observar el próximo enfrentamiento entre los ejércitos. Durante la Batalla de Borodino, se ofrece como voluntario para ayudar en una batería de artillería. La unidad de Bolkonsky espera en la reserva, pero es alcanzada por un proyectil. Tanto Anatol como Bolkosnky sufren heridas graves. El ejército francés sale victorioso y avanza sobre Moscú.
Voyna i mir II: Natasha Rostova
Anna Pavlovna Scherer
A fines de 1809, Natasha asiste a su primer baile. Andrei se enamora de ella y tiene la intención de casarse con ella, pero su padre exige que esperen. El príncipe viaja al extranjero y Natasha lo anhela desesperadamente. Pero luego conoce a Anatol Kuragin y se olvida de Andrei. En el último momento, se arrepiente y abandona sus planes de fugarse con Anatol. Bolkonsky se entera y declara que su compromiso ha terminado. Pierre, tratando de calmarla, de repente anuncia que la ama.
Voyna i mir I: Andrey Bolkonskiy
Anna Pavlovna Scherer
La primera película de una adaptación en cuatro partes de la novela de Leo Tolstoy de 1869. En San Petersburgo de 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, el hijo ilegítimo de un rico noble, es presentado a la alta sociedad. Su amigo, el príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky, se une al Ejército Imperial Ruso como ayudante de campo del general Mikhail Kutuzov en la Guerra de la Tercera Coalición contra Napoleón.
Guerra y paz
Anna Pavlovna Scherer
Campaña napoleónica de 1812. Rusia contempla el implacable avance de las tropas napoleónicas hacia sus fronteras. La idílica vida de los miembros de la alta sociedad (el príncipe Andréi Bolkonsky, el soñador e idealista Pierre Bezukhov o la joven Natacha Rostova) sufrirá un dramático cambio. Antes, los aristócratas, la gente corriente y los siervos vivían en mundos completamente diferentes. Ahora, la necesidad de defender la patria los ha convertido en compañeros de armas.
Goodbye, Boys!
Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main goals are swimming in the Black Sea and wooing the girl all three of them love. However, they are asked to become officers in the military, and slowly their worlds begin changing forever. Their parents oppose them, they begin fearing losing each other and their families, and the military tricks and maneuvers them into joining the army instead of the navy
Anna Karenina
The performance of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky based on the novel of the same name by L. N. Tolstoy, staged for the stage by one of the founders of the theater V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.