Toe Yuen


Sherlock Holmes and the Great Escape
A finales del siglo XIX, Mack, un heroico forajido que robaba a los ricos para dárselo a los pobres, era amado y respetado por la gente, pero durante mucho tiempo había sido un caso difícil para Yard. Con la ayuda de Sherlock, el detective Gordon Gorilla Riller y Carlson Fox finalmente lograron atrapar a Mack en la fiesta de cumpleaños de su hija Katie. Pero Sherlock fue luego vilipendiado por la gente por arrestar a su héroe. Cuatro años después, Mack pelea con el famoso Scarface en prisión y luego trepa por la pared para escapar. Mientras busca a Mack, Sherlock descubre la razón desgarradora de Mack detrás de su escape, y decide dejarlo cumplir su último deseo antes de que se rinda voluntariamente a la policía. Sin embargo, Scarface aparece de repente y secuestra a Katie. Sherlock y Watson se unen a Gordon Gorilla Riller y Carlson Fox para el rescate. Se desarrolla una batalla entre la vida y la muerte.
CJ7: The Cartoon
As the animated version of Stephen Chow's 2008 hit comedy CJ7, CJ7: The Cartoon loosely adopts the original plot of how a father and a son accidentally pick up an alien named CJ7. The film has a newly developed story line during which CJ7 protects the environment and saves the earth.
McDull, Prince de la Bun
To secure a better future, Mrs Mc sends her son McDull (who is a piglet attending kindergarten) to many different classes and she has also bought her grave on mortgage. Inspired by J K Rowling, Mrs Mc tries her hand at writing. At bedtime, she tells McDull the story she wrote although McDull keeps asking her to read him Harry Potter instead. The story she wrote is actually the story of McDull's father, McBing, Prince de la Bun
My Life as McDull
McDull is not the brightest kid on the block, but he continuously tries to do his best to please his mother. Still it seems he may not be destined for great things like she wishes, but McDull strives to try anyway.
Technical Advisor
Foul Ball
Borrowing its title from a campaign raising awareness for the use of forced child labor in football stitching in Sialkot, Pakistan during mid-to-late 1990s, Toe Yuen's short is a social statement protesting the exploitation imposed by sports brands.