James Brickell


Great Barrier Reef - Reef and Beyond
The Great Barrier Reef is vitally linked to the rest of the planet in many ways. Creatures travel for thousands of miles to visit in spectacular numbers, including tiger sharks, great whales, sea birds and the largest green turtle gathering on the planet.
Great Barrier Reef - Reef and Beyond
The Great Barrier Reef is vitally linked to the rest of the planet in many ways. Creatures travel for thousands of miles to visit in spectacular numbers, including tiger sharks, great whales, sea birds and the largest green turtle gathering on the planet.
La gran barrera de coral
LA GRAN BARRERA DE CORAL australiana es una de las maravillas naturales del mundo y la estructura viva más grande del planeta. A lo largo de tres episodios la serie documental muestra la magia de este entorno único como no había sido mostrado nunca antes, desplegando la belleza natural de este milagro biológico y sus sorprendentes secretos. Situado en el Mar de Coral, al noreste de Australia, el ecosistema se extiende más de 2000 kilómetros y ocupa una extensión mayor que Gran Bretaña. Su extraordinaria y compleja estructura, en la que sólo un 7 por ciento es estrictamente coral, alberga una asombrosa simbiosis de flora y fauna en la que pueden encontrarse desde mortíferos caracoles que capturan peces hasta tiburones capaces de caminar por la tierra, corales luchadores o peces loro que, cada noche, tejen sacos de dormir.
Great Barrier Reef - Nature's Miracle
Three-part series exploring Australia's Great Barrier Reef, one of the natural wonders of the world and the largest living structure on our planet. Monty Halls explores its full 2000-kilometre length, from the wild outer reefs of the Coral Sea to the tangled mangrove and steaming rainforest on the shoreline; from large mountainous islands to tiny coral cays barely above sea level; from the dark depths of the abyss beyond the reef to colourful coral gardens of the shallows.
Great Barrier Reef - Nature's Miracle
Three-part series exploring Australia's Great Barrier Reef, one of the natural wonders of the world and the largest living structure on our planet. Monty Halls explores its full 2000-kilometre length, from the wild outer reefs of the Coral Sea to the tangled mangrove and steaming rainforest on the shoreline; from large mountainous islands to tiny coral cays barely above sea level; from the dark depths of the abyss beyond the reef to colourful coral gardens of the shallows.