Isabelle Romée
Jeanne the Maid leaves her childhood home in Domremy after hearing what she is sure was the voice of God. She believes that she can help lead France to victory on the battlefield, and she persuades Charles, dauphin of France to allow her to guide his troops.
Ernesto, a seven-year-old boy who has the body of a thirty-year-old man, decides, upon attending his first day of school, that he no longer wishes to attend, because he does not wish to be taught matters that he does not know.
La dame au tricot
An educated woman ,with good prospects falls in love with an oceanographer .But breast cancer strikes : will she remain a true woman ,in spite of a mastectomy?
La mère de Nicole
Cuatro hombres violan una noche a una enfermera en Grenoble. La mujer cree que jamás se recuperará del trauma. Sigue el consejo de una amiga y presenta una demanda.
Caught between the impetuousness of youth and the responsibilities of adulthood, five angsty teens face an uncertain future.
A young couple of burglars, waiting for trial, marry in jail. Annick writes down her observations of the women's ward. When she hears that her lover must serve a twice as long prison sentence, she plans their escape.