Kjell Nilsson

Kjell Nilsson


Kjell Nilsson


Fish Out of Water
The early 1990s: 300,000 Danes are out of work. Viggo, a machinist with two grown children, is silent about feelings, scared he'll lose his job, loud about the value of trade unionism, interested in his pet fish, and argumentative at dinner. His wife Oda puts up with his moods and works on family genealogy. When Viggo is laid off, he becomes a fish out of water, hardly looking for work, starting a garden, and taking up with Karen, a polished but unhappy widow. He lies to his wife about a union training and goes to Mallorca with Karen. When she stops the affair, Viggo ends up in a psychiatric ward and must figure out what's really important in his life and in his character
The Edge of Power
The worlds of journalism and politics collide in this story about an experienced journalist who desperately needs to scoop a big story in order to revamp his career. Deciding he'll take matters into his own hands, he frames a politician and arranges to be there when the story is leaked to the public. What he doesn't realize is that his own devious behavior is about to get him caught in the middle of a dangerous web of lies and murder.
Hard Knuckle
The Bouncer
A Post-apocalypse thriller about snooker
Mad Max 2: El guerrero de la carretera
The Humungus
Tras el holocausto nuclear, la gasolina se ha convertido en un bien escaso y muy codiciado. Mad Max, héroe solitario, inicia una lucha sin cuartel para ayudar a una colonia de supervivientes constantemente atacada por un grupo de violentos guerreros que intenta arrebatarle un tanque de gasolina. Max decide ayudar a los defensores del tanque utilizando un enorme camión como trampa. La banda de guerreros persigue al camión, pensando que transporta miles de litros de gasolina.