Ilona Kassai

Ilona Kassai

Nacimiento : 1928-07-08, Szeged, Hungary, EU


Ilona Kassai


Tíz perc múlva három
A Kind of America 3
Gizi néni
Lady with Long Hair
Mrs. Toupee (voice)
Mrs. Toupee has lived alone for years. Since her husband passed away, her son and grandchild have often visited her, but Mrs. Toupee can't find her place in the world. One day Mrs. Toupee starts baking cookies for her family, and she notices something extraordinary. While she is baking, her beautiful enormous bun starts to come loose. Mrs. Toupee smooths it again and again, but her hair suddenly ripples upwards, as if somebody is calling her. Mrs Toupee gets frightened, and tried to keep her hair from loosening. She has to keep her hair back more and more strongly, when finally she lets it out. As she follows her hair upwards, filled with memories, she relives the boat trips with her husband, the long walking in the sunshine among bales of hay, and she slowly understands, that her time has come to be reunited, together with her husband once more..
El topo
Woman in Window
Años 70, en plena guerra fría. El fracaso de una misión especial en Hungría provoca un cambio en la cúpula de los servicios secretos británicos. Uno de los defenestrados es el agente George Smiley. Sin embargo, cuando ya se había hecho a la idea de retirarse, le encargan una misión especial. Se sospecha que hay un “topo” infiltrado en la cúpula del Servicio y sólo alguien de fuera puede averiguar quién es. Con la ayuda de otros agentes jubilados, Smiley irá recabando información y encajando las piezas para intentar descubrir al traidor.
La redada
Femme âgée Vel d'Hiv
En la noche del 16 de julio de 1942, 4.500 gendarmes del gobierno colaboracionista del Mariscal Pétain, que había firmado un pacto con Hitler y aceptado la ocupación de Francia por el ejército alemán, procedieron en París a una gigantesca redada, en la que 13.152 judíos fueron arrestados y posteriormente encerrados, en condiciones infrahumanas, en el Velódromo de invierno. Estaba previsto detener a 27.391 judíos, pero, aunque la mayoría de los franceses fueron colaboracionistas, una minoría participó en la Resistencia, tanto pasiva como activa, frente al invasor. La desobediencia civil de muchos ciudadanos y de algunos funcionarios permitió escapar a buena parte de los que habían sido previamente fichados y marcados con la estrella amarilla.
The Investigator
Malkáv anyja
This multi-award winning film tells the story of precise and silent, Tibor Malkáv – your average 37 year-old man, who though not rich, leads a comfortable and uncomplicated life. All this changes when he finds out his mother is dying of cancer and the cost of surgery is well beyond his means. A one-eyed man known as the Cyclops offers Tibor a solution to his financial woes, however, there is a catch and Tibor has to kill someone in return. What follows is a chain reaction that has long lasting and unexpected results.
The Last Chance
Jakusné, Ica
The film is based on a true story. Jakus, managing director of a scooter-factory suddenly resigns, since he disagrees with his superiors in the ministry on several points. Disregarding the attacks of his family and friends, he returns to his original job and becomes a welder, which is not very easy because of his records.