La tierra, tal como la conocemos, ha desaparecido. Un virus ha destruido el planeta y ha vuelto a todas las mujeres infértiles, todos menos una. Un equipo de élite de los soldados tienen la tarea de llevar a la mujer a un lugar seguro en la recién habitable Tierra Dos. Pero cuando se ven obligados a ir bajo tierra se encuentran luchando por la supervivencia por culpa de una criatura sedienta de sangre en un laberinto de túneles. El equipo va cayendo, los túneles se vuelven más estrechos y las municiones se agotan, la lucha por la supervivencia se vuelve más y más desesperada.
A group of horror fans are found scared to death in front of a drive-in movie screen. Whatever they saw, also bled into their screens on their mobile devices. We go back 24 hours to follow two of the characters from this group. Lola and Carrie go on a road trip to attend this Halloween screening event. It's being held at an old disused drive-in movie theater. They also research the past reports about the drive-in. It's haunted! People died in front of the screen in the 70s. This event is the 40th anniversary of the deaths. Despite this fact, nothing will stop Lola and Carrie from attending. They want to see what is on the screen.
A group of horror fans are found scared to death in front of a drive-in movie screen. Whatever they saw, also bled into their screens on their mobile devices. We go back 24 hours to follow two of the characters from this group. Lola and Carrie go on a road trip to attend this Halloween screening event. It's being held at an old disused drive-in movie theater. They also research the past reports about the drive-in. It's haunted! People died in front of the screen in the 70s. This event is the 40th anniversary of the deaths. Despite this fact, nothing will stop Lola and Carrie from attending. They want to see what is on the screen.
Chloe works as a Call Girl in the city. She has worked for Ray for the past five years. She wants a change. Technology and attitudes are changing the world, so she wants to evolve and move on with it.
Chloe works as a Call Girl in the city. She has worked for Ray for the past five years. She wants a change. Technology and attitudes are changing the world, so she wants to evolve and move on with it.
Un traficante de drogas se enfrente a una pena mínima de cadena perpetua tras matar a un competidor, siendo visto por dos testigos desconocidos que pueden testificar en su contra. Para evitar ser condenado, contrata a un asesino a sueldo con el encargo de eliminar a todos los habitantes del pueblecito costero donde ocurrieron los hechos, para ello el asesino tiene 28 minutos y 36 segundos, tiempo que necesita la policia para llegar al lugar de los hechos. El reloj se ha puesto en marcha... y las posibles victimas también.
Unemployed Glaswegian thespians Mickey and Joe decide to quit Scotland and make a fresh start for themselves in Los Angeles. But their arrival in the US doesn't bring any change to their fortunes, and after a failed attempt to find acting work in Tinseltown, the unlucky twosome end up in Las Vegas, where they lose all their money at the gaming tables. When they are then approached by a gangster who suggests that they rob a local casino, the hapless Scots think they must be due a change in their fortunes and decide to give it a try.
Unemployed Glaswegian thespians Mickey and Joe decide to quit Scotland and make a fresh start for themselves in Los Angeles. But their arrival in the US doesn't bring any change to their fortunes, and after a failed attempt to find acting work in Tinseltown, the unlucky twosome end up in Las Vegas, where they lose all their money at the gaming tables. When they are then approached by a gangster who suggests that they rob a local casino, the hapless Scots think they must be due a change in their fortunes and decide to give it a try.
Unemployed Glaswegian thespians Mickey and Joe decide to quit Scotland and make a fresh start for themselves in Los Angeles. But their arrival in the US doesn't bring any change to their fortunes, and after a failed attempt to find acting work in Tinseltown, the unlucky twosome end up in Las Vegas, where they lose all their money at the gaming tables. When they are then approached by a gangster who suggests that they rob a local casino, the hapless Scots think they must be due a change in their fortunes and decide to give it a try.