A story about Konstantin Sergeievich Stanislavski, a twentieth-century theatre genius. Owing to his powerful extraordinary talent he managed to stay a true artist and a free spirit within the harsh Soviet system. In the film contemporary theater and film directors (Kirill Serebrennikov, Katie Mitchell, Lev Dodin and others) show how Stanislavski's method affects their everyday work. Each of the directors finds his or her own reflection in the mirror of his genius. In search of an answer to the question whether modern theatre really needs Stanislavski they discover that art lacks its most essential part – the human being.
One of Shakespeare's greatest plays, The Winter's Tale, though written at the same period as The Tempest, smashes all the rules that The Tempest follows. Unity of time, place and action are hurled aside as we range across Europe, from court to country, from high tragedy to low comedy, across a time span of sixteen years. The Winter's Tale tells of a delusional and paranoid king who tears his family apart. But this is the new Shakespeare, after he completed his great tragedies, and the tough struggle for redemption yields flickers of hope. Initial darkness gives way to joy as Time leads the characters to a shattering conclusion...
Satirical, shocking and radically stripped back, Measure for Measure from Britain’s Cheek by Jowl and Moscow’s Pushkin Theatre is a gripping, compelling production of one of Shakespeare’s most controversial plays. Indulgent Duke Vincentio leaves Vienna in the hands of his puritanical deputy Angelo, to secretly observe the virtues and vices of his unruly state. When the saintly Isabella pleads with Angelo to release her brother Claudio, sentenced to death for fornication, he agrees on one condition: that Isabella sacrifice her virginity to him.
No tener recursos y pertenecer a una clase social inferior no tiene por qué ser un impedimento para triunfar en la vida, sobre todo si se tiene encanto, belleza física y mucha habilidad para moverse en ciertos ambientes. Es lo que le ocurre al joven y apuesto Georges Duroy (Robert Pattinson). Después de ser destinado a Argelia como militar, ahora está dispuesto a abandonar esa dura vida y embarcarse en los placeres de la carne y el dinero. Su llegada a París será impactante, ya que, gracias a su natural encantó, embaucará a buena parte de las damas de la alta sociedad. Cuando se de cuenta del efecto que causan sus habilidades, decidirá sacarles el máximo provecho posible. Su objetivo, aprovecharse todo lo que pueda de sus amantes, todas mujeres hermosas que lo apadrinarán y lo convertirán en su querido.