Joseph M. Altadonna


Metalocalypse: El Ejercito de la estrella del mal
Tras el heroico rescate de Toki Wartooth, el líder de DETHKLOK, Nathan Explosion, se encuentra traumatizado en un BRUTAL bache profesional y sentimental, al tiempo que se le encomienda cumplir la profecía y enfrentarse al desafío compositivo definitivo: escribir la CANCIÓN DE SALVACIÓN y salvar el planeta. ¿Podrá Nathan Explosion mirar más allá de su ego brutalmente dañado para salvar a su banda, detener el Metalocalipsis y enfrentarse finalmente al mal definitivo: ¿Salacia?
The Longshot
Production Design
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
The Master Ninja 5
Art Direction
Lee Van Cleef stars as John Peter McAllister, who as a reverend master of the Ninja warrior society, deserts the order the order to search for his missing daughter in the U.S.
Policewoman Centerfold
Production Design
A policewoman loses her job after she poses naked for an erotic magazine. Based on a true story.
The Other Victim
Art Direction
After his wife is raped, a man struggles to find ways to express the anger and helplessness which the crime has instilled in him.
Motel del infierno
Art Direction
Vincent Smith, conocido en los alrededores como Granjero Vincent, debido al negocio de carne que lleva bajo dicho nombre, regenta también el Motel Hello (aunque la "o" final del cartel aparezca casualmente fundida). A todo ello le ayuda su hermana Ida, ambos herederos del negocio de su abuela, que ahumaba toda clase de animales. El tercer hermano acabó siendo sheriff del condado. La carne ahumada que vende Vincent es famosa por ser sabrosa y diferente a las demás, el secreto del éxito lo guardan ambos hermanos en un almacén oculto de la granja, su "jardín secreto".
The Death of Ocean View Park
Art Direction
A group of celebrants find themselves trapped in an amusement park that is being torn apart by a hurricane during a Fourth of July holiday. The real Ocean View Park in Norfolk, Virginia, scheduled for demolition by the city, actually was blown up and burned down during the filming.
Diary of a Teenage Hitchhiker
Art Direction
A rebellious 17-year-old girl ignores parental advice and joins her friends as a beach-bound regular on the local hitchhiking circuit, being picked up, ultimately, by a homicidal maniac.
Can You Hear the Laughter? The Freddie Prinze Story
Art Direction
The true and tragic story of a very young and very talented comedian from the 70's whose sudden rise to fame had some of its benefits -- and some of its burdens.
They Went That-A-Way & That-A-Way
Art Direction
Dewey and Wallace are small-town lawmen who are ordered by the governor to go undercover as prison inmates to find out where a gang of thieves have hidden their loot. While they're undercover, however, the governor dies, and because no one else knows about the ruse Dewey and Wallace are stranded in prison.
Pisando fuerte III: Encuentro final
Art Direction
This is the story of Buford Pusser's final days; not only of his life, but also as Sheriff. It seems that times are changing, and the once adoring people of Pusser's town now fear him and feel like it's time to make a change. There are also some officials who feel the same way and are using every means to get rid of Pusser.
Trader Horn
Production Design
En África, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, un cazador y comerciante, para intentar sobrevivir, se une a una pareja que busca una mina de platino; mientras tanto, tendrá que huir de los soldados británicos, tratando con esclavistas, tropas alemanas, nativos y caníbales.