Rigg Kennedy


David Icke
A talented, but unbalanced girl named Foxfur is thrown into a philosophical adventure beyond time and space. Her first goal is to get her friend Khris to drive her to a book store where she's hoping to find some answers, and there she also meets two UFO theorists. She then hears about this thing called The Dead Zone, and she fears that the world she knows might very well be that zone.
Swarm of the Snakehead
Dr. Emerson
With three sullen daughters in tow, a hapless father returns to his hometown to discover the residents are under attack by genetically-engineered snakehead fish.
Dead bodies are piling up, and the leads the two LA homicide cops have point to Barbara, business manager for a successful architectural firm she runs with her husband Lance. The dead men were interns at the firm, and each of them was Barbara's lover (kept in a classy flat she owns and observed via closed-circuit TV by the applauding Lance). Kyle is Barbara's latest intern and lover, and he may be in danger. He also starts to fall in love with Barbara, and the feeling may be mutual. In the background are Erin, Lance and Barbara's myopic administrative assistant, and Tony, Kyle's one-time roommate who also knows Barbara. Can the cops solve this before too many more die?
Deterrence (Amenaza nuclear)
Año 2008. Tropas norteamericanas han sido movilizadas y enviadas a Corea y al Mar del Japón. Muerto el popular Presidente Buckingham, lo sustituye el vicepresidente Walter Emerson (Kevin Pollack). Convocadas las elecciones primarias, Emerson tiene que responder muchas preguntas sobre su idoneidad para el cargo. Acompañado de su jefe de gabinete Marshall Thompson (Timothy Hutton) y de su asesora de seguridad nacional Gayle Redford (Sheryl Lee Ralph), Emerson sigue los resultados de las elecciones. Pero, de repente, la emisión se interrumpe para dar la noticia de la invasión de Kuwait. Las fuerzas de paz de la ONU han sido atacadas y algunos soldados norteamericanos han muerto. El agresor es Udei Hussein, el Presidente de Irak. (FILMAFFINITY)
Perfect Alibi
Melanie is married to Keith Bauers, she has two beautiful children and she is rich. She decides to engage a girl au pair, Janine, who arrives from France. Everything seems to run perfectly. Janine looks shy and timid and well disposed towards the family. But casually Paula, Melanies's sister, finds out that Janine and Keith are lovers and afterwards she dies in an accident.
Hostile Intentions
Capt. Dalton
A weekend of fun becomes a fight for survival when three American women land in a Mexican jail. After being sexually molested by the guards, they attempt to escape with the help of a fellow prisoner.
Su excelencia la criada
Westec Guard #1
La consentida Jessie Montgomery, cuya conducta salvaje y excesos de gastos causan que su bien intencionado pero exasperado padre millonario Charles desearía nunca haberla tenido, es visitada por la hada madrina Stella. En un esfuerzo por salvar a Jessie, Stella lanza un hechizo que hace que Charles ya no tenga una hija. Jessie, ahora sin un centavo y sin un amigo, debe tomar el trabajo de una criada para ganarse la vida, y con suerte para aprender su lección.
The Slumber Party Massacre
David Contant
En una fiesta de chicas algo desquiciadas entra en escena un psicópata con un taladro que tan solo quiere disfrutar matando con su aparato...
Tunnel Vision
A committee investigating TV's first uncensored network examines a typical day's programming, which includes shows, commercials, news programs, you name it. What they discover will surely crack you up! This outrageous and irreverent spoof of television launched the careers of some of the greatest comedians of all time.
Jessi's Girls
Una joven pareja mormona es atacada por un grupo de forajidos. Matan al hombre y la mujer es violada varias veces y dejada muerta en el desierto. Con la última gota de sus fuerzas llega a la cabaña de un viejo ermitaño que la cuida hasta que recupera la salud y le enseña a disparar. Luego, la mujer libera a tres mujeres criminales y busca venganza de los forajidos.
Hot Summer Week
Two girls pick up a crazed hitchhiker who may or may not be the serial killer murdering hippies in the area.