Luis Romano

Luis Romano


Luis Romano


El imperio gay, la desaparición
The world has woken up surprised by a massive catastrophe, the disappearance of millions of people who are apparently homosexual. Ale, a girl who was adopted by a same-sex family, is in danger, as the country's government is taking preventive measures in light of the event, and intends to return all the children who were adopted by these families to the orphanage where they came from.
Tres variaciones de Ofelia
Ofelia visita un café donde evoca toda su vida… Toda. Es un hecho, sin pasado no existe presente, mucho menos futuro. Vivimos en tres tiempos, divididos en aduanas que se comunican, a la vez.
Amante de lo ajeno
Felipe wishes to rediscover himself through Santiago. Santiago does not realize that he never ends up knowing someone and will discover what that someone is capable of doing.
Labios Rojos
Young Ricardo
Ricardo es un exitoso publicista casado con Blanca, una bella y joven ama de casa. Ambos atraviesan una crisis de pareja debido a una incipiente y sorpresiva disfunción sexual de Ricardo, lo que pondrá a prueba su amor y la continuidad de su matrimonio, al entrar cada uno por su lado en una serie de acciones por demás absurdas y desesperadas por recuperar la magia perdida con su pareja.
Santiago / Brother
A sister and brother, along with their partners come to their summer house on the weekend. Secrets of the past are beginning to threaten everyone.
Alucardos: Retrato de un Vampiro
Lalo joven
Terror, transsexualism, and an eternal cult film. What is on the mind of horror film director Juan López Moctezuma and his fans, Manolo and Lalo, who are not only obsessed with the Mexican horror film 'Alucarda', but also believe in their hearts that they are its true characters? After finding the director in a psychiatric hospital, they kidnap him to make him remember his gloriously twisted past. An unclassifiable documentary film that uses interviews, stock shots and recreations of a past that may only have existed in the nightmares of its protagonists.
Hasta cuando?
Taxi Driver
A family lives a paranormal experience.