Es 1943, la ciudad polaca de Lvov está ocupada por los nazis. La pobreza crece. Un día el ladrón y egoísta Leopold Socha se encuentra con un grupo de refugiados judíos y los oculta junto al dinero en el laberinto de las alcantarillas de la ciudad. En un primer momento sólo está interesado en el negocio lucrativo, pero poco a poco duda de su cometido. Finalmente arriesga su propia vida por los refugiados...
Feeling lost and disconnected, with no family of his own, veteran Sherman Oliver sets out to the countryside in search of the soldier who saved him back in the war. That man, Franklin Page, has long since moved on - to a wife, two children, and a reliable job in a reliably safe and quiet rural town. The stability Franklin worked so hard to establish is soon threatened, and the violence he believed he'd left behind in the war begins to re-emerge and cloud over both the household and the town itself.
THE NIGHTMARE, documentary filmmaker Adam Gray sets out on a journey to understand this terrifying phenomenon. From the foggy shores of Newfoundland to the steaming jungles of Zanzibar we will see where the Nightmare has left its mark. Hear from those who have survived the experience, and the families of those that did not. Meet the scientists, psychologists, and folklorists on the front lines of the battle for understanding how something without material form can traumatize and even kill those that encounter it. THE NIGHTMARE is a fascinating exploration of a phenomenon that suggests that the only difference between hallucination and the belief.
When Canadian director Sturla Gunnarsson set upon Iceland to film Beowulf & Grendel starring Gerard Butler and Stellan Skarsgard in 2004, they expected the usual complication involved in making a movie, but what they encountered made them wonder if the Norse gods were actually working against them.
Adaptación de un poema épico anglosajón, esta gran aventura medieval narra la historia del guerrero Beowulf y su batalla contra un troll asesino y sediento de sangre, Grendel. En nombre del Rey Hrothgar, respetado Señor de Danes, Beowulf lidera y guía a un ejército de guerreros a través del mar hasta el lugar donde se encuentra el monstruo. Pero éste no es una criatura de poderes míticos, sino un ser de carne y hueso aparentemente lleno de venganza y ansias de sangre. Pero a medida que Beowulf se dispone a matar en nombre de Hrothgar, comienza a descubrir que su Rey es más responsable de la ira del troll de lo que pensaba.
Powerful story about love, struggle and passion of an over protective mother and her piano prodigy.
When his father dies, Jeffrey is sent to live with his aunt Charlotte in Canada. Once there he leads his aunt and his friends in staging, a non-violent hunger strike to try to save his aunt's house from being demolished to make room for a ski resort.
Executive Producer
In 1937, a young First Nations (Canadian native) girl named Ashtecome is kidnapped along with several other children from a village as part of a deliberate Canadian policy to force First Nations children to abandon their culture in order to be assimilated into white Canadian/British society. She is taken to a boarding school where she is forced to adopt Western Euro-centric ways and learn English, often under brutal treatment. Only one sympathetic white teacher who is more and more repelled by this bigotry offers her any help from among the staff. That, with her force of will, Ashtecome (forced to take the name Amelia) is determined to hold on to her identity and that of her siblings, who were also abducted.