Miriam Cutler

Miriam Cutler


Miriam Cutler


The Human Trial
In 2011, Lisa Hepner and her husband Guy Mossman heard about a radical stem cell treatment for diabetes, a disease that shockingly kills over five million people each year. Driven by a desire to cure Lisa of her own type 1 diabetes (T1D), the filmmakers got unprecedented access to a clinical trial – only the sixth ever stem cell trial in the world. What follows is an intimate decade-long journey with the patients and scientists who risk everything for everybody else. The Human Trial peels back the headlines to show the sweat, passion, and sacrifice behind every breakthrough cure. For the millions of patients suffering around the world, these breakthroughs can’t come fast enough.
Eddy's World
Original Music Composer
EDDY'S WORLD is a fascinating portrait of a 98 year old working toy inventor. Best known for the iconic "chattering teeth" and 800 classic toys, he shares his passion for creativity and his philosophies of life and aging. Eddy lives in a retirement community and we follow him through his daily routine - working on new models in his garage machine shop, writing short stories on his computer, creating translucent lithophane portraits with his new 3D printer., walking and exercising. Eddy began designing toys on the Batfish Submarine during World War II. He is an endearing story teller who believes that optimism and new ideas keep him young and healthy.
A feature documentary directed by Elizabeth Coffman and Mark Bosco about American writer Flannery O’Connor.
Gloria's Call
In 1971, graduate student Gloria Orenstein received a call from Surrealist artist Leonora Carrington that sparked a lifelong journey into art, ecofeminism and shamanism. This short film uses art, animation and storytelling to celebrate this wild adventure. Now more than 40 years later, award-winning Dr. Gloria Feman Orenstein is a feminist art critic and pioneer scholar of women in Surrealism and ecofeminism in the arts. Her delightful tale brings alive an often unseen history of women in the arts.
Original Music Composer
Una mirada a la vida y obra de la jurista Ruth Bader Ginsburg, jueza del Tribunal Supremo de los EE.UU. desde 1993. A la edad de 85 años, la jueza del Tribunal Supremo de EEUU, Ruth Bader Ginsbur (RBG ), considerada del ala liberal de la Corte del Supremo, ha desarrollado un largo legado legal y se ha convertido en un icono inesperado de la cultura pop. Sin embargo, la extraordinaria trayectoria personal de Ruth hacia la corte más alta de la nación ha sido en gran parte desconocida, hasta ahora. RBG explora la vida y la carrera de Ginsburg.
Love, Gilda
Original Music Composer
Documental sobre la cómica Gilda Radner (1946-1989), conocida por sus cinco años como parte del reparto original del Saturday Night Live (SNL) en la NBC. El film hace un repaso tanto a su vida como a su carrera. Juntando audios recientemente descubiertos, entrevistas con amigos, videos caseros y diarios leídos por cómicos de hoy día, 'Love, Gilda' ofrece una ventana única al honesto mundo de la querida artista, que falleció de forma temprana a los 42 años víctima de un cáncer, y cuyo más importante rol fue compartir su historia.
Dark Money
'Dark money' contributions, made possible by the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, flood modern American elections — but Montana is showing Washington D.C. how to solve the problem of unlimited anonymous money in politics.
Dark Money
Original Music Composer
'Dark money' contributions, made possible by the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, flood modern American elections — but Montana is showing Washington D.C. how to solve the problem of unlimited anonymous money in politics.
Un océano de plástico
Un océano plástico comienza cuando el periodista Craig Leeson, en busca de la esquiva ballena azul, descubre desechos plásticos en lo que debería ser el océano prístino. En este documental de aventuras, Craig se une con la buceadora gratuita Tanya Streeter y un equipo internacional de científicos e investigadores, y viajan a veinte ubicaciones en todo el mundo durante los próximos cuatro años para explorar el frágil estado de nuestros océanos y descubrir verdades alarmantes sobre el plástico. contaminación, y revelar soluciones de trabajo que se pueden poner en práctica de inmediato.
Original Music Composer
En este breve documental, Cristina, de 37 años, lucha con valentía contra el cáncer mientras se esfuerza por animar a los demás a que disfruten del presente.
The Hunting Ground
Aclamado documental que relata los frecuentes pero poco conocidos casos de violaciones a estudiantes en los campus universitarios, unos terribles hechos que en muchos casos son silenciados u ocultados incluso por las propias autoridades de las universidades, ante el posible desprestigio y perjuicio económico que el acoso sexual y sobre todo las violaciones a jóvenes conllevan para la imagen de la institución donde se produce.
American Promise
Original Music Composer
In 1999, filmmakers Joe Brewster and Michèle Stephenson turned the camera on themselves and began filming their five-year-old son, Idris, and his best friend, Seun, as they started kindergarten at the prestigious Dalton School just as the private institution was committing to diversify its student body. Their cameras continued to follow both families for another 12 years as the paths of the two boys diverged—one continued private school while the other pursued a very different route through the public education system.
Ethel Kennedy
La extraordinaria vida de Ethel Kennedy, esposa del asesinado senador Robert F. Kennedy, a través de las revelaciones y las anécdotas de quien mejor la conoce: su propia familia.
The Desert of Forbidden Art
How does art survive in a time of oppression? During the Soviet rule artists who stay true to their vision are executed, sent to mental hospitals or Gulags. Their plight inspires young Igor Savitsky. He pretends to buy state-approved art but instead daringly rescues 40,000 forbidden fellow artist's works and creates a museum in the desert of Uzbekistan, far from the watchful eyes of the KGB. Though a penniless artist himself, he cajoles the cash to pay for the art from the same authorities who are banning it. Savitsky amasses an eclectic mix of Russian Avant-Garde art. But his greatest discovery is an unknown school of artists who settle in Uzbekistan after the Russian revolution of 1917, encountering a unique Islamic culture, as exotic to them as Tahiti was for Gauguin. They develop a startlingly original style, fusing European modernism with centuries-old Eastern traditions.
The A-Word
In the fall of 2009, Lindsay Ellis, a 26-year old graduate student, went through the painful process of having an abortion. “The A-Word” follows Ellis as she opens up to her family and organizations from both sides of the debate, in search of healing. This is not a film about the protests and debates wrapped up in religious views and political agenda, but rather a personal journey about one woman’s struggle to shed the stigma attached to the A-word in hopes of starting a dialogue.
Poster Girl
Music Editor
POSTER GIRL is the story of Robynn Murray, an all-American Apple pie high-school cheerleader turned tough-as-nails machine gunner in the Iraq War and a “poster girl” for women in combat, distinguished by Army Magazine’s cover shot. Now Sgt. Robynn Murray comes home from Iraq, to face a new kind of battle she never anticipated. Her tough-as-nails exterior begins to crack, leaving Robynn struggling with the debilitating effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Shot and directed by first-time filmmaker Sara Nesson, POSTER GIRL is an emotionally raw documentary that follows Robynn over the course of two years as she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, using art and poetry to redefine her life.
Gritando Fuego: Historias De Los Límites De La Libertad De Expresión
Original Music Composer
A documentary look at the changing interpretations of the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution - laws and court cases that have alternatively broadened and narrowed the amendment's protection of free speech and assembly. The film's thesis is that post-9/11 the government has seized unprecedented license to surveil, intimidate, arrest, and detain citizens and foreigners alike. The film also looks back to the Pentagon Papers' case and compares it to cases since 9/11 dealing with high school students' speech and protesters marching in New York City during the 2004 Republican convention. Comment comes from a range of scholars, pundits, and advocates.
Gracias, Sr. Presidente
Original Music Composer
This documentary profiles iconic journalist Helen Thomas who has held a front-row seat at White House press conferences for more than 60 years.
A Powerful Noise
Bookended by call-to-action quotes from Margaret Mead and Mahatma Gandhi, this inspiring documentary follows three extraordinary women -- in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mali, and Vietnam -- as they lead day-to-day battles against ignorance, poverty, oppression, and ethnic strife.
The story of four women suffering from anorexia and bulimia in South Florida
Positively Naked
Original Music Composer
No clothes. No apologies. This film marks artist Spencer Tunick's third 'Naked' documentary which feature photo shoots that create art from the naked bodies of men and women. In this shoot, 85 HIV-positive men and women gather in a downtown Manhattan bar where they bare it all for Tunick's camera, creating an unsentimental look at life with AIDS in America today.
Perdidos en La Mancha
Original Music Composer
En el año 2000 Terry Gilliam intentó llevar el Quijote a la gran pantalla en un proyecto llamado "El Hombre que Mató a Don Quijote". Sin embargo, una serie de desgracias para la historia del cine hace que nos tengamos que conformar con el documental "Lost in la Mancha" de Keith Fulton y Louis Pepe sobre el rodaje de éste magnífico sueño de Gilliam en España. En él veremos como los técnicos se desesperarán por el modo de trabajar de Gilliam, una mente caótica y genial donde hierve una imaginación desbordante. Además, el equipo de rodaje se enfrentará a una serie de desgracias inverosímiles; tendrá que luchar contra estruendosos F16 del ejercito español, tormentas apocalípticas en las Bárdenas y el actor principal, Jean Rochefort, (FILMAFFINITY)
El orgasmo de Amy
Amy es una exitosa autora de libros de autoayuda, quien luego de tener varios desencantos con el sexo masculino, llega a la conclusión de que las mujeres no necesitan a los hombres en su vida. Pero claro, es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo.
Deadlock: A Passion for Murder
Original Music Composer
In this erotic thriller, a detective looks into the murder of a pornography magnate.
Neighborhoods: The Hidden Cities of San Francisco - The Castro
Original Music Composer
Now known internationally as the world's first "gay hometown," San Francisco's Castro District was a quiet, working-class neighborhood of European immigrants only a few decades ago. In this documentary, the story of the Castro's transformation is told by those who lived it, young and old, straight and gay. It's a tale of social upheaval, exuberant street culture, political assassination, and the inspiring coming-of-age of an entire community an ongoing saga even today.
Licensed to Kill
Original Music Composer
A riveting journey into the minds of men whose contempt for homosexuals led them to murder. Attacked in 1977 by gay bashers on the streets of San Francisco, filmmaker Arthur Dong confronts murderers of gay men face-to-face in his film. He asks them directly: “Why did you do it?”
Witchcraft 8: Salem's Ghost
A young happy couple move into a “dream home” only to find it is a gateway for occult powers.
Bikini House Calls
There's a party on campus and all the medical students are there. A Sexy Bikini (House Call) party. Relationship drama, a sexy competition, a Dean out to kill the party and a lot of playing...Doctor.
Witchcraft VII: Judgement Hour
Will Spanner está luchando de nuevo contra las hermosas vampiras-demonio hambrientas de sexo en la séptima entrega de esta serie. Will recluta a los policías Lutz y Garner para derrotar al malvado vampiro Martin y sus bellas eróticas esclavas demoníacas.
Witchcraft VI
Un asesino en serie se dirige a mujeres jóvenes que llevaban cruces de oro. Los detectives Lutz y Garner reclutan a Will Panner para ayudar con los ángulos ocultos del caso. (
Rabia en las calles
En las calles de Hollywood no existe la ley ni el orden. Melody Sails, excombatiente de las fuerzas armadas, especialista en artes marciales, es ahora una reportera de Los Angeles Post. Durante la investigación para llevar a cabo un reportaje sobre niños que malviven en las calles de Hollywood , conocerá a Lunar, un proxeneta, que utiliza a estos menores. Melody se introducirá en la banda para poderla desarticular y poder sacar a los chicos de este mundo de delincuencia y drogas.
Eyes of the Serpent
In an ancient land called Tag-Mur, two sisters fight over control of two magic swords known as the Eye of the Serpent. The evil sister, Corva, rules viciously and violently from a dark and cold castle. The other sister, Neema, valiantly tries to raise an army to take back her father's castle. Neema's daughter is caught in between believing in the great magic and trusting that peace will return to her land. Corva's daughter is a hedonist who believes in achieving her own sado-masochistic pleasure. Into this web of women arrives the Lancelot-like Galen, proving himself a great swordsman. Soon Neema and her daughter enlist Galen's help in raising and training an army.
Married People, Single Sex
Various husbands, wives, friends, and lovers pair off in a study of sexual dysfunction. A frustrated construction worker turns to phone sex when his wife can't satisfy him; a topless dancer submits to the alluring mind games.
Bikini Med School
Medical school is tough work--except when the students throw a party! Join these wild and crazy med students as they work in a little extracurricular activity. Of course, what's a check-up without a complete physical?
Fuego en la noche
Lydia (Shannon Tweed), una hermosa millonaria, y su esposo Barry (John Laughlin), deciden pasar un fin de semana solos en su rancho para intentar conseguir solucionar sus problemas matrimoniales. Su soledad no durará mucho ya que una pareja muy sexy, que ha sufrido una avería en el coche, se les unirá el primer día. (FILMAFFINITY)
Beyond Fear
A martial arts expert turned wilderness guide has to defend her tour group against two killers out to retrieve an incriminating videotape.
Witchcraft V: Dance with the Devil
An evil warlock takes over a rock club. He uses beautiful, large-breasted and frequently nude women to try to collect enough souls so that he may be able to bring Satan to Earth.
Sea of Time
A moving journey through a process of birth and death, Sea of Time tells the story of Gaulke’s attempts to become pregnant through artificial insemination during a period of time while a dear friend was dying of AIDS. Written in collaboration with her life partner, Sue Maberry, it raises issues about gay and lesbian people creating family. The footage includes a trip to Bali and is offset by an evocative score by composer Miriam Cutler. Sea of Time was originally created for the exhibition In Terms of Time curated by Ruth Weisberg and Rabbi Laura Geller at the Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, January 1994.
Alien Exterminador
Un bello demonio se aparece a un grupo de soldados interplanetarios para tentarlos y conducirlos al caos.
Witchcraft IV: The Virgin Heart
Rock musicians are selling their souls to the devil for fame and fortune. An attorney with magical powers attempts to stop it.
Pushed to the Limit
Magnificent Mimi is a woman with a destiny and a bright future ahead of her. She is the world's greatest female wrestling champion, she has a loving boyfriend and loyal family members who care and love her. But things take a turn for the worst when Mimi's boyfriend Nick is wounded and her younger brother is shot to death for trying to stiff local druglord Harry Lee. Lee is the toughest and meanest criminal figure in all of Southern California and if you double-cross him, you won't live to see the sun set. Not only does Lee rule his own empire, he also runs the Kumite, a gladitorial fight ring where warriors battle to the death. Mimi knows the police can't touch Lee with a ten foot pole and so she enlists the aid of her martial arts friend Master Vern to teach her kickboxing and tai chi so she can prepare for combat. Vern doesn't think Mimi is ready for Kumite, as it is a place where only one warrior can be left standing and breathing and the one who loses dies.
Body Parts
A psycho videotapes his dismemberment of strippers.
Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death
A warlock refuses to use his powers for evil, but comes across another warlock who isn't bothered by such trivial matters. In fact, the evil warlock falls for the good warlock's girlfriend, and decides to get rid of his competition so he can turn the girlfriend into one of his many sex slaves. The good warlock, not quite sure how to handle the situation, turns to an African witch doctor for help.
Cause of Death
Colombian Drug Lord Mannel Ramirez is lured to Los Angles to retrieve his millions in Blood Money after the chance death of his brother. Jeff Rollins, who is a DEA agent, is alerted to Ramirez' arrival by his partner Harold McBain. Ramirez is tough and smells a double-cross. A trail of death follows Ramirez after he arrives in L.A. The last man in his way is Jeff, who he quickly stabs. But is it safe for Ramirez to get his money from a bank vault that only he can open? Jeff Rollins, left for dead, reaches his younger brother Campbell before he dies, Campbell, a college senior, and his girlfriend Jessica, are now involved. Campbell, an unlikely hero, is now caught in a double intrigue and must avenge his brother's death. He is willing to stop Ramirez at any cost.`
Time Barbarians
Original Music Composer
A warrior king has swordfights with ugly savages that crouch around the forest and snarl a lot. An evil bad guy, bent on doing evil things, kills his wife and flees to modern day Los Angeles. The warrior chases after him to avenge his wife's death.
Witchcraft II: The Temptress
Will, un joven estudiante de instituto, encuentra en su puerta un paquete con una nota en la que lo advierten que la maldición de la muerte ha caído sobre él y que su destino es la vida eterna. Aunque él cree que se trata de la broma pesada de un amigo, sus padres saben muy bien de qué se trata y su sensual vecina también. Es el elegido para iniciar una nueva era, el elegido para ocupar el trono que le corresponde. (FILMAFFINITY)
Getting Lucky
School nerd Bill just wants to save the world and to score a date with cheerleader babe Chrissie Schackler. Both become real possibilities when he finds an alcoholic Leprechaun in a beer bottle he was about to recycle. Wacky hijinks ensue as the leprechaun, Lepkey, messes up a few of the wishes. Can Bill fight off school jock Tony Chanuka and marry Chrissie so they can fulfill their dream of opening a clinic?
Harry the Dirty Dog
Tells the story of Harry, a white dog with black spots who runs away from home because he hates getting a bath. After many adventures and visits to dirty places, Harry returns home only to be recognized as a black dog with white spots. Encourages youngsters to experience literature through reading and media. - WorldCat