The owner of a record store, amid a purchase of second-hand LPs, is faced with something that goes far beyond a trivial acquisition.
Rosa es una mujer que sólo anhela ser perfecta, en su trabajo y como madre, hija, esposa y amante. Cuanto más se esfuerza, más siente que lo está haciendo mal. Rosa se ve atrapada por las exigencias de dos generaciones, hasta que un día su madre deja caer una bomba, y Rosa comienza a redescubrir su verdadero yo.
In a movie theater, a man wakes up and looks at the screen. "What's that?", he asks his girlfriend. "A movie", she replies. Is it?
Regina Glória
Two years after her arrival in São Paulo, Alice continues her relationship with Nicholas and has begun to look for a place where they can live together. She has also launched a business that produces children's shows, and a stable life seems to be taking shape. But as she goes about the apartment search and shares in the loves and uncertainties of old and new friends, what she observes leaves her far less certain of her decisions and her future.
A group of bored well-off young adults come up with anarchic concept of Conceptionism, that promotes absolute looseness when it comes to sex and drugs, but total rejection of money and ego. However, their movement won't last long.