Giorgio Careccia

Giorgio Careccia

Nacimiento : 1978-05-14, Campobasso, Molise, Italy


Giorgio Careccia


Peppino Palladino
'Live or dead ... we'll bring it to you in 24 hours!' this is the slogan of a particular Milanese funeral agency, that organizes funerals throughout Italy with a low price. Marco, who works there, will therefore have to bring an old widow to bury her late husband in a small village in Molise, but the problems with the local populations will complicate everything.
Stolen Days
Salvo was five when his father Vincenzo was arrested, practically before his eyes. Seven years later Salvo lives with his uncles and his cousin a controlled and peaceful existence in the Turin area, but his father returns and claims his son for four days. Vincenzo has to carry an important load to Bari and brings Salvo (nomen est omen) with him as insurance: a child is better than a gun, he says, because his presence in the event of a possible police detention can have a distracting effect . This however is not the only reason why Vincenzo wants Salvo with him, and the "Salv-atore" child will prove to be a potential vehicle of redemption for that messed up father, but not entirely devoid of feelings and attentions.
Worldly Girl
Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.
Una nobile causa
Angel of Evil
Set in Italy in the 1970s, VALLANZASCA is the true story of the Italian underworld’s most infamous outlaw. A criminal by age 9, Renato Vallanzasca grew up to become the country’s most notorious mobster before the age of 27. Vallanzasca and his gang wrested control of the Milan underworld with a string of high profile robberies, kidnappings and murders. In the process, he captivated the public and earned the nickname ‘il bel Renè’ – for his devilish charm and handsome face. Arrested multiple times, his daring escapes from prison enraged the government, angered his rivals and fed his legend.
Life Sentence
Il film nasce dal Diario di Antonio Perrone, condannato per motivi di mafia a 49 anni di prigionia e detenuto in stato di isolamento. All'inizio degli anni Ottanta Antonio Perrone è il promettente primogenito di una benestante famiglia del sud Italia. Si innamora di una donna, Daniela, che diverrà sua moglie. Insieme sognano una vita all'insegna della conquista dei piaceri più evidenti che una società consumistica promette. Per raggiungerli si trasformano da giovani romantici in protagonisti del piccolo crimine di provincia, fatto di rapine e spaccio di droghe. Arriva un tempo in cui, per mantenere le proprie posizioni, occorre crescere e Antonio diverrà un esponente importante della mafia locale, denominata Sacra Corona Unita.
Romanzo criminale
Roma, años 80. Tres jóvenes delincuentes, Libanés, Frío y Dandy, con la ayuda de una improvisada banda de malhechores, entre ellos El Negro, un extremista que se cree el último samurai, secuestran y asesinan brutalmente a un rico propietario. El dinero del rescate deciden invertirlo en el negocio de la heroína. Así nace una organización criminal despiadada que elimina a todos sus rivales, controla completamente el tráfico de drogas y se alía con la Mafia. Al mismo tiempo se beneficia de la protección de los hombres sin rostro a los que el gobierno asigna el trabajo sucio. Mientras tanto, las autoridades están enfrascadas en la lucha contra el terrorismo de las Brigadas Rojas y subestiman la avalancha de violencia y dinero sucio que inunda y domina Roma.
No te muevas
Un día de lluvia, una adolescente de quince años sufre un accidente de moto y queda tendida en el asfalto. La recoge una ambulancia y la traslada al hospital en el que su padre trabaja como cirujano. Delante de su hija, que se encuentra en coma profundo, confiesa un doloroso secreto que con el paso del tiempo ha quedado relegado al olvido.
No tengo miedo
En 1978, durante el verano más caluroso del siglo, en la aldea de Acque Traverse todo parece inmóvil, inactivo; el colegio ha terminado, los adultos se resguardan dentro de sus casas para escapar del calor que a todos sofoca. Sólo un pequeño grupo de niños se mueve libremente por los campos, jugando y corriendo aventuras. Un día, Michele, un niño de nueve años, descubre un terrible secreto que le muestra el lado más oscuro del mundo de los adultos (FILMAFFINITY)