Gillian Freeman


I Want What I Want
Roy leaves his abusive father's house and starts life anew as a woman, named Wendy. Through trial and error she learns the skills and consequences of being a woman.
That Cold Day in the Park
Una mujer rica y solitaria, Frances Austen (Sandy Dennis), invita un día a un joven (Michael Burns) al que conoce en un parque cercano a ir a su apartamento, y le ofrece que viva con ella. Un claustrofóbico estudio sobre la personalidad de un individuo emocionalmente inestable, lleno de obsesiones y de sexualidad reprimida.
La chica de la motocicleta
La recién casada Rebecca deja la cama alsaciana de su marido en su preciada motocicleta, símbolo de libertad y escape, para visitar a su amante en Heidelberg. En el camino, ella se entrega a sueños psicodélicos mientras revive su relación cambiante con los dos hombres.
The Leather Boys
An immature teenager marries a young biker but becomes disenchanted with the realities of working class marriage and her husband's relationship with his best friend.
The Leather Boys
An immature teenager marries a young biker but becomes disenchanted with the realities of working class marriage and her husband's relationship with his best friend.