Anatoliy Belyy

Anatoliy Belyy

Nacimiento : 1972-08-01, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Ukraine]


Anatoliy Belyy


Near future. Lera Arabova is a 15-year-old girl who lives with her family in Vladivostok. Lera's father has been working at the orbiting space station "Mira" for many years and has long lost contact with his daughter, turning only into a voice on the phone. After a meteor shower hits the city, Lera has only one chance to save her loved ones and the city from a new disaster. Her father helps her in this - through satellite surveillance systems and the telephone, he uses every opportunity to send a message to his daughter, watching from above from the station her every step.
An adult man, forced to sacrifice communication with his family for the sake of success at work, invites his mother to a restaurant - to take a break from the hustle and bustle, chat with a loved one and finally get out of the state of permanent stress. But everything goes wrong at once - mom cannot figure out the menu, and the phone is torn from calls at work.
The main character of the film writes a diary. For over 20 years he has lived in a bunker and has not ventured outside. His only companions are ghosts of the past. He tries to find an explanation for the fateful course of events, which has destroyed the whole earth. The feeling of guilt does not leave him, as he believes that he could have prevented the apocalypse and the death of his beloved.
Love Hotel. The best place to spend your holiday on February 14th. So this time the doors of the hotel are open for everyone who wants to make Valentine's Day special, wants to believe in love again, or at least not be alone on this day. Former classmates meet at a restaurant in honor of the 40th anniversary of graduation and old feelings flare up with renewed vigor. A jealous man tries to enter all the rooms on the floor to find his missing wife. A private detective and his attractive client arrange a spy show with wiretaps to bring out the scoundrel husband. An immigrant maid from Uzbekistan chooses between love for her young boy and money from his mother, given for her immediate flight home. And the life of a humble student who dreams of becoming a man in just one hour will never be the same after meeting the most talkative night butterfly in the city ...
Сокровенный человек
On October 25, 1917, construction of a new world began in Russia. One of the foremost workers in this construction was the writer Andrei Platonov. But a bright and fair future, his art and literature were seen by everyone in different ways. Its truth became impossible, and the new world was not built in the way it was conceived. Demanding millions of lives for its existence, a brighter future took the life of the writer’s son, who was arrested at the age of fifteen, and then Andrei Platonov himself. The story of the creation and death of the new world in seven days.
To Mouth
A senior official is about to visit a provincial boarding school for delinquent children who are forced to learn Alexander Pushkin’s poetry.
Jump Off
Tanya is 40 years old, has an adult daughter and a reliable husband, whose birthday it is today. That means, after work the whole family goes to a restaurant. Tanya’s plans are crossed by her first great love, Denis, who has suddenly arrived in Moscow for business. Tanya and Denis spend this day together, and for a while forget that they are no longer 20. This id different from all the other seldom meetings, because Denis puts Tanya before a choice: here is her stable life where there is a husband and a daughter, and there is a ticket to Berlin where they can go together and try to make up all the years they have missed out.
Парень из Голливуда, или Необыкновенные приключения Вени Везунчика
The Moth
The life of a woman suddenly changes after she meets a mysterious girl on a highway in the night.
I Will Love You, May I?
Pure Art
Pretty Sasha finds herself in a whirlpool of intrigue and criminal games after her lover, a talented painter, is murdered. Chased on one side by brutal criminals who don't leave witnesses, and on the other by the cops who consider her the #1 suspect, Sasha is forced to act alone to solve the mystery of her lover’s death and keep herself alive and free at the same time. Gradually she unravels the tangle of mysteries and deceptions, only to learn that her lover was forging paintings which had been sold for millions of dollars, and no-one really is who they say they are.
Opening night
A philosophical tragicomedy based on the quarrel of a director and a producer while they are sitting at their own movie premiere.
The Day Before
Since the morning, the entire population of the planet has been concerned about one news: a red comet is approaching the Earth. A year ago, scientists only assumed this collision, a month ago they tried to establish the exact date - and finally, it was just announced by all communication sources: the end cannot be avoided. Moreover, it will happen tomorrow. There is one day left until... People of different classes, nationalities and faiths in different parts of a large country - each in their own way - are trying to spend this last day of their lives.
SOS, Santa Claus or Everything Will Come True!
Nikolay Orlov
A little girl Sveta has only one New Year wish - to make peace between her parents.
Close Your Eyes
Papa Foki
Foka hasn't turned seven yet. He lives with his parents and a teenage sister in a big country house. What is the universe of a child familiar only with the backyard of his own house in the Outer Moscow boroughs with no friends there? How the fragile world of a little boy will be affected by the complicated life of the elder teenage sister? Every night the boy is visited by a mysterious guest coming down from sister's gothic posters. The exciting conversations with the guest help Foka to understand the daily reality of his life - the parent's quarrels, the elder sister's hysterics, his first successes and failures in school. In this world of visions and adventures the boy will go through his growing up period. But where is the borderline between the world of night dreams and reality?
Battle of the Sexes
Three young men suddenly find themselves with two girls on ... inhabited island.
The Bartender
Vadim is an ordinary office worker with no prospects, desperate to somehow change his boring life. One afternoon, while pondering his life in a pub, a mysterious bartender offers Vadik a cocktail. Upon drinking this cocktail, Vadik's world is instantly transformed beyond recognition. He is now successful, attractive and interesting. However, Vadik needs to learn how to sustain this new mirage, once the cocktails run out.
The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Es a finales de primavera de 1942 , y la Gran Guerra Patria está en pleno apogeo . Un largo camino desde la línea de frente, en algún cruce olvidado por Dios , los alemanes hacen una operación de desembarco aéreo en un intento de conseguir a través de la vía férrea Kirov y el Mar Blanco - Canal del Mar Báltico. Estos no son sólo paracaidistas ordinarios. Este es un equipo de infiltrados experimentados y altamente capacitados , la élite de las Waffen -SS , superhumanos . La única cosa en su camino es una unidad de artillería antiaérea de Vaskov corporal y cinco mujeres jóvenes en formación . ¿Pueden el cabo y sus pequeños ' novatos ' hacer para prevenir el sabotaje nazi y a qué costo ?
Kazimir Malevich
The film is an attempt to recreate the world of Marc Chagall and his myth within the genre of a folklore ballad. We are not exploiting Chagall's images, but are attempting to create a dramatized projection of his creativity onto the movie screen, relying on both, facts and fantasy (as Chagall himself would).The story is based on real events which occurred at the time of Chagall's short-lived period in Vitebskin in 1917-18, during which time he creates the Academy of Modern Art, inspired by his dreams of a bright and beautiful future. Many pictures by Chagall and Malevich are used in the film.
Я тебя никогда не забуду
Tolik didn't succeed in life, sports career did not work, his wife left him. Unsuccessful, unloved, hopeless, he has lost faith in himself. All changes when he encounters a strange stranger Anna Ilinichna, who invites him to take part in an unusual marathon in faraway America.
Pánico en el metro
Vladislav Konstantinov
La historia comienza en 1975 durante la construcción de líneas de metro entre dos estaciones se quedan unas grietas casi imperceptibles, décadas mas tarde como resultado de las fugas de agua del río Moscova, causara un derrumbe y cientos de pasajeros de los trenes quedaran a merced de una inminente inundación. Pero el flujo del agua pone en peligro no sólo el colapso de los túneles subterráneos, sino la destrucción de toda la ciudad que se encuentra sobre ellos.
Вне системы
Steel Butterfly
Grigoriy Khanin
A story about a homeless teenager Chuma and her relationships with police.
1812. Ballad of the Uhlans
Knyaz Kiknadze
The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon's secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. After the terrible battle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpected adventures...
8 de Agosto
Historia de una joven llamada Ksenia. Aunque vive infeliz con su nuevo novio, el único consuelo es su querido hijo, Artem, quien lleno de fantasías de superhéroes, las vive como si fuesen realidad, así se evade de sus traumas a causa del divorcio de sus padres. La joven madre envía a su hijo Artem con el padre al Cáucaso. Sin embargo, Georgia inició la guerra y ella tiene que vencer el miedo, superar las circunstancias y salvar a su hijo de la muerte.
What Men Still Talk About
A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?
The Valley of Roses
The story of a man who started a new life in a fishing village. A life where everyone is busy with their own affairs and doesn't ask unnecessary questions. Such people are lucky in the fishing tavern "Valley of the Roses". But then a woman shows up there and everything changes.
Зона турбулентности
Who Am I?
Investigator Sergey Shumov has a mystery on his hands. On a platform near a Moscow-Sevastopol train station the police have found a young man without documents and no memory. In near perfect detail, he can recall historical dates, songs of his favorite band, but can't recollect his name or say where he’s from. And frustrating Shumov’s search for answers even further are the young man’s personal belongings that offer not one clue to his identity.
In Jazz Style
A successful young man meets a disappointed in love 26 years old girl. She fails for him and so her younger sister and still beautiful mother.
Khrani menya dozhd
По следу феникса
The protagonist Alex is a young successful man, loving and beloved husband and father. Car accident puts an end to his stable measured life. He suddenly loses everything. Miraculously returned from the dead, Alexei does not know how to live.
Fonogramma Strasti
Vita, an employee of a private spy agency, is handed a case of tapping into and listening to the mysterious life of a new "client". By day, her work on the case seems all the more routine; by night she's involved in a steamy and passionate affair. Sooner rather than later however, Vita realizes that the man with whom she is having an affair with, is the same man she's been spying on for the agency. From this point on nothing is what it seems, as Vita becomes entangled into a deadly game of cat and mouse.
Freud's Dolls
We only think we are in control of our lives. But we are just puppets in the theater of our subconscious. The problems of psychologist Eduard and his patient Vitaly are unexpectedly interconnected. What to do about Eduardo? Help the patient to their own detriment or, forgetting everything, save their personal life?
The Quiet Family Life
Nikto, Krome Nas...
Фильм снят по повести Сергея Говорухина "Никто, кроме нас". Эта картина не столько о самой войне, сколько о взаимоотношениях кинооператора Евгения Левашова и Наташи - женщины, которую он искал всю жизнь, и нашел за несколько недель до своей очередной командировки на войну. И хотя он может отказаться от этой поездки, он этого не делает - потому что любовь и нравственный выбор неразрывно связаны между собой…
Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor
During the Civil War in Russia a group of White Guard officers is trying to rescue the family of the tsar Nicholas II captured by Bolsheviks. The officers face betrayal and fight a Red Army detachment sent to eliminate them. It is the Red Army commander against the head of the White Guard group. The only thing that matters is who will be the first to reach the tsar placed under arrest in Yekaterinburg...
Никогда не забуду тебя!
In the last five years 62,000 Russian children have been abducted, taken out of the country and sold.THIS HARD-HITTING DRAMA is the remarkable story of one of these children. The lucky ones are adopted by rich families in the West. Others are sold into a life of prostitution, drugs or crime. But many are murdered so their organs can be sold on the black market, often with the collusion of the Russian police.
Let's Play!
Апполон Карлович
Paragraph 78: Film Two
In the near future the command of the special setting gets a new important task. On a secret rocket base, where a very tall order brings a command over, they will have face to face to run not only into an external danger but also with each other.
Paragraph 78: Film One
The peoples of the world has finally managed to agree on the most important issues on the planet and there was long overdue balance. Signed an agreement to terminate development of weapons of mass destruction, but in secret all the superpowers continue to build up military power on classified sites, which seemed never existed. Goodwin, a former commander of special forces, is tasked to collect his former people responsible for the mission. Something very serious has happened to the base where secretly working to develop a new combat the virus, and more recent cohorts, who have almost nothing left in common, have come together again...
Wolfhound: El guerrero
Fue condenado a muerte, pero logró sobrevivir para vengar el asesinato de su clan. El último miembro de la tribu de los Lobos Grises se ha convertido en un valeroso guerrero al que conocen como Wolfhound. Tras burlar una muerte segura, vive con un sólo deseo: destruir al implacable Maneater, el guerrero que aniquiló a los suyos.
Film Festival
The musical follows events taking place at the Moscow International Film Festival, at the beginning of Perestroika. The plot focuses on Nikolay Vasiliev one of the many Interpreters hired to work at the festival by the imposing Margo Altshuller (who is in charge of all the interpreters). While working Nikolay meets and falls in love with a young and very attractive interpreter Marina Almazova. As hundreds of foreign guests arrive in Moscow, the KGB plots to discredit Hollywood star Richard Dirk. The KGB appoints Valya Kashina, to go undercover as a personal interpreter for Dirk. What follows is intrigue, romance, confusion and misunderstandings, all making for an unforgettable Moscow International Film Festival.
Marina (Alyona Babenko) is a journalist contemplating retiring, bored of writing stories of serial killers and murders that are front page news one day, and then are quickly forgotten the next. At a large house a lawyer is holed up, police are in the front garden, snipers on the roof and the lawyer asks for Marina. She’s a little surprised by this as she and the lawyer have only crossed paths a few times during her career, but agrees to go to the lawyers house. Arriving at the house she’s confronted by the large police presence, she’s given a quick debrief of the situation and requested not to go into the house. She declines and enters the house. Just inside the front door is the lawyers wife, she tell Marina that he’s lost it and locked the children in their rooms and that he’s going to kill them all.
Sedmoy den
Prince Vladimir
Yaropolk (voice)
The plot follows the events surrounding Vladimir from childhood and into adulthood. In the beginning of the film, being under the influence of the high priest Krivzha, the Prince is a young, impulsive and cruel pagan. Fighting for supreme power, Vladimir wins a battle that kills his brother. Regretting what he has done, Vladimir does not suspect a conspiracy between the priest and the Pechenegs. Vladimir is concerned about gathering the Slavic tribes into one united state. Solving this major task, he faces obstacles, which Vladimir overcomes in the end, defeating Krivzha and winning the battle against Kurya, a Pecheneg chief.
Белая гвардия
Vory i Prostitutki. Priz - Polyot v Kosmos
"Всякая революция делается для того, чтобы воры и проститутки стали философами и поэтами", - Лев Троцкий. Женя Михайлов - сын итальянской революционерки и звезды Голливуда Тины Модотти, уехавшей в СССР и переспавшей с множеством высокопоставленных лиц. Когда-то Женя сделал фундаментальное открытие в области генетики. Но его не поняли, и он стал барменом. Известный писатель, появившийся однажды в баре, устроил Жене встречу с Михаилом Горбачевым. Тот Женю принял, понял и… организовал ему полет в космос. А новоиспеченный космонавт принял имя Ювеналий и объявил о своем невозвращении на Землю…
The Russian Job
dancer at end
Anthony Santini no se acaba de desenvolver bien dentro de la mafia. Sobrino de uno de los principales capos de Nueva York, intenta una y otra vez ser un "wise guy" pero las cosas no acaban de funcionar. Toni Santini, prometió a su hermano que cuidaría de Anthony pero ya no aguanta más... Cuando Tony descubre que varios de sus hombres han sido estafados por una misteriosa chica rusa decide enviar a su problemático sobrino a Rusia para que regrese con el dinero estafado y con la chica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Moscow, the 90s ... A city without a past and without a future. A city that doesn't forgive mistakes. Showing Moscow bohemia, the criminal business: nightlife, easy money, excitement and confusion form the surface of this life. The main characters of the film are businessman Mike and his friend and partner in smuggling Lev, a psychiatrist Mark and his school friend Irina who became the mistress of a nightclub, her two daughters - a crazy Olga working in the same club as a singer, and Masha - the “Moscow Princess” on the threshold of her thirtieth birthday. Love stories smoothly flow into a crime drama.
Still Waters
Kashtanov, professor of medicine and famous Moscow surgeon, is experiencing midlife crisis. Suddenly he decides to leave everything and escape to the countryside in order to spend some time with old friends.
After Polina, a mother of six, loses her husband, who went to jail for stealing charcoal and was killed when he tried to escape, she stays behind without any support. To be able to survive, Polina and her family start a folk group. But soon she understands that her children deserve a better fate, and she takes the desperate decision to steal a plane and go abroad... Fifteen years later, Polina is released from prison and finds out that fate has scattered her children all over the country: one is in the army, another is a miner in the Donbass, and the oldest, Lyonchik, who used to be in a mental institution, now pretends to be insane. Polina gathers all of her sons to free their older brother from the psychiatric hospital...
Beyond the boundaries of pain
The screen adaptation of Osip Turyansky's novel "Beyond the boundaries of Pain", which is considered one of the best works, depicting the First World War as a hell through which seven people doomed to death, including the future author of the novel, passed.
It's Alright
The feature debut of the famous theater director Dmitry Krymov. The plot is reminiscent of a fairy tale, when the husband goes to sea, and the wife ties a thread to his button in parting to know where her beloved is.
Moskovskaya Gorka
Rare parents, only very responsible and loving, walk in the winter with their children, many are happy to entrust these cares to nannies, grandmothers and older children. But Olga and Igor are not like that. They are honestly engaged with children on the slide, play, freeze, but fulfill their duty. Although, to be honest, they are a little bored. And they willy-nilly begin to look at each other, gradually drawing in their heads each their own image of the other. They already really want to start communicating, but upbringing, stereotypes and a story invented by everyone about a vis-a-vis prevents them from taking the first step. It already saddens them, because they really liked each other. Suddenly, children loudly reveal family secrets. It turns out that Igor is not a father, but a brother, and Olga is not a mother, but a grandmother in general. And both of them are free.