Srubov forma parte de la CHEKA, la policía secreta que Lenin creó después de la revolución Bolchevique y que se encarga de arrestar, interrogar y hacer desaparecer a intelectuales opositores, aristócratas, clérigos y a sus familias. Ejecutados en el sótano del edificio, nadie recordará sus últimas palabras, son solo cuerpos anónimos. Diariamente la misma rutina, el tribunal improvisado, las ejecuciones... cargar los cuerpos en vagones. Srubov es frio, distante, sexualmente disfuncional y odiado por sus antiguos amigos y familia. Mientras intenta razonar sobre la naturaleza de la revolución y el propósito de la CHEKA, va enloqueciendo poco a poco.
A former athlete runs a camp dedicated to reforming juvenile criminals, a tough job with no quick payoffs.
Viktor Krokhin at 9 years old
During the flight, the hero of the film, the boxing champion, recalls his life's journey. The hero’s childhood was in the first post-war years. He grew up without a father, his mother was busy with work, his older brother was in prison, the relationship with the new stepfather did not work out, and the boy was brought up on the street. There he learned to fight, and this led him to the boxing ring. Over time, the stubborn street boy became the champion of Europe.