Sergey Vlasov

Sergey Vlasov

Nacimiento : 1961-08-28, Seltso, Bryanskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Sergey Vlasov


Маруся. Трудные взрослые
Филипп, нищий
Scythe Hitting Stone
Russia in 2000. The end of the post-Soviet era. The province of Ivanovo. The Mironovich family keeps a wake: their youngest son Andrej died in the war. His older brother Anton meets Andrej's last wish: He drives his motorcycle through the city at sunrise. Meanwhile, in love with Anton Vika is raped after the disco. Her mother commits a senseless murder at home. There are no guilty parties.
Camino a Berlín
El film retrata el cruce de los ríos Oder y Neisse y los esfuerzos por dispersar al ejército alemán a apenas 60 kilómetros de Berlín.
Galina lives in the village and works as a foreman at a local factory packing case. For her sharp temper and habit of wearing men's things, she is called Petrovich. And not in vain - she is a pain to work with.
Ночной таверны огонёк
Random acquaintances
They met in court. A successful businessman Alexander, who turned out to be a calculating businessman, was taking a room from the sanatorium for the elderly, in which the pretty girl Vera worked.
La fortaleza de Brest
Un drama bélico que retrata las durísimas condiciones de vida de las tropas rusas, tras la invasión nazi de la Unión Soviética con su "Operación Barbarroja" en junio de 1941.
Good and Kind People Are Living in the World
Good and Kind People Are Living in the World... Despite all the strange thing which are happening to you.
La defensa del Dnieper
La acción comienza en julio de 1941. Mientras los tanques alemanes avanzan hacía el interior de la URSS, el General Zubov es rescatado de las brutales garras del NKVD y enviado a organizar la defensa del sector de la ciudad de Mogilev, situada a orillas del Rio Dnieper, donde las fuerzas sovieticas están dispuestas a ofrecer una fuerte resistencia para impedir el avance las fuerzas invasoras hacia el interior del país. De forma paralela, la joven enfermera Zoya se verá directamente implicada en la lucha, al ser atacado el tren en que viajaba por aviones alemanes.
All honest
Alex – a simple guy from the outskirts of Moscow, served two years in the army and returned to the "citizen". He always wanted to conquer the capital and become famous. His future, he was connected with the sport fanatically engaged with the school. In sweet dreams he saw a wide and direct road to the glory of the world champion, the red carpet and the Shine of Olympic gold medals. And now the time has come...
The Spot
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
Тёмная ночь
Little Runaways
How often children do not find understanding on the part of adults, and older parents become a burden for their grown, busy children. The story of the trials that fell to the lot of the four young "truth seekers", who decided to solve their own problems, and at the same time help their grandmother, whom her own children want to take to a nursing home.
The Fourth Wish
The plot is based on the story of a village demented youth. He is a local fool, living in a poor hut with a sick mother. His neighbors are the Jewish family of the local blacksmith Mendel, and he is secretly in love with his youngest daughter Sonya. When the war starts, the Germans quickly occupy the village. Panic begins among the Jews, as well as in the Mendel family, and they try to equip a shelter at home, which the young man becomes aware of. Hoping to get the blacksmith's house, he reveals this secret to the Germans, but the German military police take him to their headquarters. The protagonist finds Sonya in his garden and wants to save her life, not imagining what difficulties this decision will turn out to be for everyone.