Marvin Dolgay


The Lion In Your Living Room
The film is filled with fun facts that show how cats make good pets, yet in other ways are wild and untamable.
Mente tortuosa
Original Music Composer
Una niña con facultades psíquicas extrasensoriales experimenta visiones recurrentes y perturbadoras de una tragedia que tuvo lugar 30 años atrás. Su madre, desesperada, pide ayuda a un parapsicólogo. Poco a poco descubren que dichas visiones también están relacionadas con un reciente crimen que todavía está sin resolver. Sin embargo, madre e hija desconocen que sus vidas corren un serio peligro. ¿Será Lisa la siguiente víctima?
Drop Dead Gorgeous
Original Music Composer
A hot new model takes the fashion world by storm, but things start to turn ugly when people around her begin turning up dead.
Perfect Timing
Perfect Timing is the story of Harry Crane, an infamous photographer whose sublime and evocative images single-handedly reshaped and rebuilt the boudoir and fitness industries. But, having made his mark, allowed the artist within to be released. Creatively and artistically, Harry has moved on; his work now consisting of portraits and interpreting rock wall fractals. Of course that meant leaving the professional schlock of commercial advertising behind him. Sounds good. Except there's that pesky issue of money. And Harry and his buds are quickly burning through large quantities of it. Bottom line - he's nearly broke and faces eviction.
Eternal Evil
Original Music Composer
La joven novia de un director de televisión le enseña a su novio como experimentar con el cuerpo astral. Él pronto descubre que cuando deja su cuerpo, se ve envuelto en crímenes y hechos ilícitos.