Willy Pogany


Scrambled Eggs
Peterkin, a mischievous elf with mixed body parts, decides to see what would happen if he switched the eggs in the tree-maternity nests. What happens is that there are many surprised mothers, and just as many indignant fathers, when the eggs hatch and each family gets a hatching that resembles neither parent. All fly the, figuratively-speaking, coop and Peterkin is left to tend to all the young birds.
Scrambled Eggs
Peterkin, a mischievous elf with mixed body parts, decides to see what would happen if he switched the eggs in the tree-maternity nests. What happens is that there are many surprised mothers, and just as many indignant fathers, when the eggs hatch and each family gets a hatching that resembles neither parent. All fly the, figuratively-speaking, coop and Peterkin is left to tend to all the young birds.
El chico millonario
A musical comedy about a Brooklyn boy who inherits a fortune from his archaeologist father, but has to go to Egypt to claim it.
Art Direction
A reformer's daughter wins the lead role in a scandalous Broadway show.
Wonder Bar
Art Direction
Harry and Inez are a dance team at the Wonder Bar. Inez loves Harry, but he is in love with Liane, the wife of a wealthy business man. Al Wonder and the conductor/singer Tommy are in love with Inez. When Inez finds out that Harry wants to leave Paris and is going to the USA with Liane, she kills him.
Fashions of 1934
Art Direction
When the Manhattan investment firm of Sherwood Nash goes broke, he joins forces with his partner Snap and fashion designer Lynn Mason to provide discount shops with cheap copies of Paris couture dresses.
La momia
Art Direction
Un grupo de arqueólogos británicos invaden la tumba de un cadáver momificado que resulta ser un sumo sacerdote del antiguo Egipto. La momia, que revivirá accidentalmente 3.700 años después de su muerte, intentará raptar a una joven de ascendencia egipcia que se parece a la princesa que amó en vida y que fue el motivo de su ejecución.
El paraíso del mal
En un hotel en medio del Sahara, un anciano y su hija intentan ocultar la ubicación de un tesoro escondido a un grupo de ladrones y delincuentes que se alojan en el hotel y que están decididos a conseguirlo. Un día llega al hotel un ladrón de refinados modales, con su propio plan para conseguir el botín, pero surgen complicaciones cuando comienza a enamorarse de la hija.
Esta noche o nunca
Set Decoration
La húngara Nella Vago (Gloria Swanson) es una diva de ópera cuyo agente insiste en que sus representaciones carecen de pasión, una situación que sólo podría cambiar si la propia Vago tuviera una verdadera experiencia amorosa. En un viaje de vuelta a Budapest, Vago descubre que su novio, el Conde Albert von Granac, tiene una aventura. El ánimo y la titubeante carrera de Vago recibirán entonces un gran impulso gracias a la relación de la diva con el apuesto Jim Fletcher (Melvyn Douglas). (FILMAFFINITY)
The Devil Dancer
Set Designer
An English explorer disturbed by the practices of an isolated tribe attempts to rescue a native girl he has become fascinated with. THE DEVIL DANCER was highly praised at time of release for its exquisite cinematography, especially in the use of light and shadow. The film received an Academy Award nomination in this category. Sadly, it is among the lost. No prints or negatives are known to survive.