Anders Bodelsen


Operation Cobra
A family is held prisoner in their own house, when a summit conference is to be held in Nærum. The terrorist group has the plan of preventing this meeting and therefor capturing a family, and their house until the conference is held. Frederik, the main character, wants to stop them and with a little help from his friends, they try.
Shower of Gold
Four Danish kids find a cookie jar filled with cash while playing in the woods. They decide to keep the money, at least until a reward is offered. But the crooks want "their" money back and will do whatever necessary to accomplish this.
Operation Cobra
Testigo silencioso
Toronto, Canadá. Unos días antes de Navidad, Miles Cullen, un cajero aburrido que trabaja en una sucursal bancaria ubicada en un centro comercial, descubre accidentalmente que el lugar está a punto de ser robado cuando encuentra una desconcertante nota sobre uno de los mostradores.
The taxi driver Martin Bendix is questioned when the police is investigating the murder of 17-year-old Anni Larsson.
The Marksman
A man decides to perpetrate a series of killings and publicise them as political acts in an attempt to protest against nuclear armaments.
Efter et sanatorieophold pga. voldelig opførsel under en arrestation, bliver kriminalassistent Karl Jørgensen overført til bedrageriafdelingen. Her opdager Karl en sag, hvor hans ekskone og hendes nye mand er indblandet. Da Karl begynder at undersøge sagen, bliver han stoppet af politimesteren. Karl slår sig sammen med journalisten John Bullnes. De kommer efterhånden tættere på sandheden, men stoppes da en mistænkt begår selvmord. Karl bliver suspenderet og Bullnes sendes til Berlin på en opgave. Karl tager herefter sagen i egen hånd og anholder byens borgmester og en stor entreprenør. © Copyright 1997-2012, Lone Hansen & Per Kjær Fredborg
One of Those Things
A successful auto executive Vinther becomes entwined with a young nubile girl, following an avoidable car accident, that results in the death of a man. The girl mentally blackmails our executive through manipulation leading to an affair that threatens Vinther's career and marriage.
The Olsen Gang in a Fix
Bank Employee (uncredited)
A good looking female social welfare worker makes Egon Olsen forget about crimes for some time, but when an American gangster breaks into a local bank and the police think its Egon's work, he has to get back to work to prove he's innocent.