Harry Harvey

Harry Harvey

Nacimiento : 1901-01-10, Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory, USA

Muerte : 1985-11-27


Harry Harvey Sr. was an American actor of theatre, film, and television. Harvey appeared in minstrel shows, in vaudeville, and on the Broadway stage but is best remembered as a character actor who appeared in more than three hundred films and episodes of television series. He had roles in the films The Oregon Trail, Old Overland Trail, Wyoming Renegades, Ride Beyond Vengeance, and many other westerns. In the 1950s, Harvey was cast in The Roy Rogers Show, Man Without a Gun and The Lone Ranger. In 1962, he appeared on It's a Man's World. In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, he guest-starred on Branded, Lassie, Hazel, The Wild Wild West, Mannix, Alias Smith and Jones, Bonanza, and Columbo. His last appearance was in an episode of Adam-12-


Harry Harvey


Cutter's Trail
The Marshal of Santa Fe returns home to find his town almost wiped out by Mexican bandits and enlists the help of a young Mexican boy and his mother to track them down.
The Ballad of Andy Crocker
Mr. Kirkaby
Returning Vietnam veteran Andy Crocker arrives in his small hometown to discover his best friend and business partner has mismanaged their business into bankruptcy and his high school sweetheart has married another man. It is evident his small town has little to offer him except the hard-working life of his father, while the broader world has limited opportunities for a man who left school after the third grade.
Mi amigo el fantasma
Mr. Finch
El fantasma del pirata Barbanegra está condenado a vivir en el limbo hasta que haga una buena acción. Finalmente un día encuentra la oportunidad de redimirse cuando puede ayudar, con sus poderes mágicos, a un equipo de atletismo... que no tiene la más mínima oportunidad de ganar
Ángeles rebeldes
Mr. Grisson
Dos muchachas que viajan con destino a un internado se conocen durante el viaje en tren. Rápidamente se hacen muy amigas debido a la afinidad de caracteres y una vez en el colegio siembran el desconcierto por todos lados. No obstante, la madre superiora, con paciencia y bondad, conseguirá hacer de ellas dos alumnas ejemplares. Pero antes ya habrán protagonizado muchas travesuras.
Noche de violencia
El dueño de un bar relata a un joven estudiante de sociología los sucesos acaecidos en la llamada "noche de las represalias": Jonas Trapp dejó a su mujer para buscar fortuna como cazador de búfalos. Once años después regresó con 17.000 dólares, pero fue injustamente acusado de robo y marcado a fuego para se le reconociera como ladrón. Por si esto fuera poco, le arrebataron los ahorros de once años de trabajo. Sin embargo, su venganza no se hizo esperar... (FILMAFFINITY)
For the Love of Willadean
A new boy, Harley, joins a club but shows an interest in the girl on whom the club leader has a crush. The two club members trick Harley into stealing a prize watermelon to the dismay of the furious farmer, and later dare him to enter a supposedly haunted house in which they uncover a bag of money stolen in a bank robbery.
Editor (Uncredited)
Una jovencita hace cambiar a todo un pueblo gracias a su alegría. Aunque se quedó huérfana a los doce años, Pollyanna siempre tiene ganas de sonreír, incluso a su severa tía, a la que acabará ablandando con su contagiosa alegría.
Furia en el valle
Grocer (uncredited)
Jason Sweet es un rudo ovejero que se ve obligado a enfrentarse con los ganaderos de la comarca, sobre todo con Stephen Bedford. Dell Payton, una despreocupada chica de frontera, atrae la atención tanto de Jason como de Bedford. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sangre en el rancho
Dr. Creighton (as Harry Harvey, Sr.)
En la pequeña población de Spurline, dos hombres que trabajan para un ranchero manipulador y poderoso llamado Renchler, dueño de la hacienda Golden Empire, son acusados de haber matado a un hombre mexicano. El sheriff Sadler luchará contra muchos obstáculos en su decisión valerosa de encontrar a los asesinos e impartir justicia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Shoot-Out At Medicine Bend
Elam King
In Medicine Bend, a crooked businessman has the town mayor and sheriff in his pocket while his henchmen raid the wagon trains passing through the region.
Lucha de poder
Ross Bigelow (as Harry Harvey Sr.)
Jim Trask, ex sheriff de Abilene, regresa a la ciudad después de luchar por la Confederación cuando todos pensaban que estaba muerto. Su viejo amigo Dave Mosley está comprometida con el ex novio de Trask y es uno de los ganaderos cada vez más enfrentados con los productores originales. Trask se persuade para ocupar el sheriff de nuevo, pero hay algo acerca de la muerte del hermano Mosely en la Guerra Civil que le está persiguiendo.
Meet Mrs. Swenson
An overworked housewife struggles to survive in an old house with an inadequate electrical supply and out-of-date appliances.
Engagement Party
Judd Landis
Fresh from "business college" a young man learns a little about relationships and a lot about "S & H Green Stamps."
Phantom Trails
A short feature western comprised of two episodes of the TV series 'Wild Bill Hickok': "A Close Shave for the Marshal" (6/16/1952) and "Ghost Rider" (4/7/1952).
Murder Is My Beat
Gas Station Attendant
El cadáver del Sr. Dean es encontrado boca abajo en la chimenea, con su rostro desfigurado por las quemaduras, sin poder ser reconocido. Los detectives Patrick (Paul Langton) y Rawley (Robert Shayne) arrestan a Eden Lane (Barbara Payton), una cantante de un nightclub, que es condenado por el crimen. De camino a la cárcel, Eden ve a un hombre a través de la ventanilla del tren, que lo identifica como el asesino, y tanto Patrick como la propia Eden saltan del tren para capturarlo... (
Conspiración de silencio
First Train Conductor (uncredited)
En 1945, un hombre con un solo brazo llega al desolado pueblo de Black Rock. Es John MacReedy (Spencer Tracy) y busca a Joe Komaco, un granjero japonés cuyo hijo le salvó la vida en la guerra. El comportamiento de los vecinos es extrañamente hostil y grosero, y las preguntas de MacReedy sobre Komaco no reciben respuesta. Es evidente que ocultan algo, lo que despierta la curiosidad del forastero, que no está dispuesto a irse antes de averiguar el terrible secreto que esconde Black Rock.
20.000 leguas de viaje submarino
Ticket Agent (uncredited)
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Julio Verne. En 1870, debido a los relatos de marineros que aseguran haber visto un monstruo marino al sur del Pacífico, los Estados Unidos fletan un buque de guerra para destruir a la bestia que altera la tranquilidad de los mares. Pero, cuando el monstruo los ataca, de nada sirve todo su poderío bélico para evitar el desastre. Tras el hundimiento del buque, los tripulantes son rescatados por el propio "monstruo", que resulta ser un buque capaz de sumergirse en el mar, algo inédito hasta entonces.
Los renegados de Wyoming
Brady Sutton formó parte de la banda de forajidos de Butch Cassidy. Tras pasar tres años en la cárcel, vuelve a su pueblo dispuesto a vivir de acuerdo con la ley, hecho que molesta a Cassidy y a su brazo derecho, Sundance.
The Big Moment
Three individual stories that give an account of crucial moments in the lives of three different people: one is a young thief from Casablanca, another is an immigrant doctor brought to the United States and the third is a girl who survived the Holocaust. All three are given a chance to live with dignity and self-respect.
Highway Dragnet
Mr. Carson
An ex-Marine on the lam from a murder charge. He hitches a ride from glamor-magazine photographer, who is travelling cross-country with her principal model. Tensions rise when the woman realize the man with them may be a killer.
Música y lágrimas
Glenn Miller fue uno de los más famosos músicos de jazz de la "era del swing". En 1925 empezó a tocar el trombón en una pequeña banda de provincias y, después de una gira por pueblos y ciudades, se instaló en Nueva York. Hasta allí llegó su novia para casarse. La boda fue una histórica sesión musical dirigida por el gran Louis Armstrong. A partir de entonces la carrera de Glenn Miller estuvo llena de éxitos.
Sombras en el rancho
Jim Harvey, un decidido y joven aventurero, es contratado para escoltar una caravana que debe atravesar territorio inidio. Durante el viaje son atacados por la tribu del jefe Águila. La ayuda que Jim prestó al hijo de éste podría ser la única circunstancia que los librara de la muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bandits of the West
Judge Walters
Marshal Rocky Lane learns of a plan to obstruct the promotion of natural gas in his town.
Old Overland Trail
Anchor is building a railroad and to get cheap labor he gets Black Hawk's Indians to attack and burn the incoming wagon train. This forces the settlers to work for Anchor and he pays them in devalued scrip. When Rex figures out Anchor's swindle, Anchor gets Black Hawk to capture him. When Anchor turns on Black Hawk and shoots him, Black Hawk gets a chance to repay a debt to Rex.
The Jazz Singer
Train Conductor
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
Los últimos comanches
Munitions Man (uncredited)
El sargento de caballería Matt Trainor (Broderick Crawford) es uno de los pocos supervivientes de un ataque comanche acaudillado por Nube Negra. Trainor y los demás supervivientes deberán recorrer cien millas de desierto para llegar al fuerte más cercano. El grupo deberá afrontar no sólo los peligros del terreno, sino también el hecho de que apenas les queda agua, y los indios les acechan para hacerse con sus escasas reservas.
Wagon Team
Doc Weldon
Gene Autry is back in the saddle again as an undercover detective in this action-packed Western complete with a showdown. Gene poses as a jailbird to wangle the truth from a boy (Dick Jones) suspected of stealing an Army payroll. When the youngster escapes from lockup and rejoins his family's medicine show, intrigue is in the wind as Gene tries to solve the mystery of the missing money and to save the lad from a vicious mob. Pat Buttram co-stars.
El capitán Panamá
Dr. Corbin
Nueva Orleáns, 1865. Terminada la guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), el capitán Trascott se dispone a comprar un barco que sustituya al que le hundieron cuando intentaba burlar el bloqueo. Pero, antes entra en un bar y conoce a Roxy, una linda joven que consigue robarle el dinero. En su huida se hace pasar por una viuda de guerra con tanta fortuna que un abogado le comunica que ha localizado a la familia de su difunto y acaudalado esposo. Mientras tanto, Trascott sigue persiguiéndola. (FILMAFFINITY)
Solo ante el peligro
Coy (uncredited)
Will Kane (Gary Cooper), el sheriff del pequeño pueblo de Hadleyville, acaba de contraer matrimonio con Amy (Grace Kelly). Los recién casados proyectan trasladarse a la ciudad y abrir un pequeño negocio; pero, de repente, empieza a correr por el pueblo la noticia de que Frank Miller (Ian MacDonald), un criminal que Kane había atrapado y llevado ante la justicia, ha salido de la cárcel y llegará al pueblo en el tren del mediodía para vengarse de Kane. El tiempo va pasando lentamente, pero nadie en el pueblo está dispuesto a ayudar al sheriff.
Testigo accidental
Train Conductor
En un momento de gran auge del poder de la mafia, Walter Brown debe acompañar a una mujer para que testifique en un juicio en Los Ángeles. Ella es la viuda de un gángster que ha sido asesinado. La Mafia, sin embargo, está dispuesta a evitar la comparecencia de la mujer al precio que sea... (FILMAFFINITY)
David Carson
A female marshal and a newspaper editor help heroic Tim Holt fight an evil land agent. Western.
Superman y los Hombres Topo
Doc Saunders (uncredited)
Los reporteros Clark Kent y Lois Lane llegan a la pequeña ciudad de Silsby para presenciar la perforación del pozo de petróleo más profundo del mundo. El taladro, sin embargo, ha penetrado en la casa subterránea de una raza de personas pequeñas y peludas que luego salen a la superficie por la noche para mirar a su alrededor. El hecho de que brillen en la oscuridad asusta a la gente de la ciudad, que forma una mafia, dirigida por el vicioso Luke Benson, decidido a matar a las personas extrañas. Solo Superman tiene la oportunidad de prevenir esta tragedia.
Tras veinte años de matrimonio, Miriam Halsworth se divorcia de Hugh. Poco después, coincide con un viejo pretendiente, Victor Macfarland, quien al enterarse de su divorcio, intenta reconquistarla. Antes de comprometerse, Victor le cuenta que veinte años antes él y Hugh se jugaron a los dados quién se casaba con ella; el perdedor debía desaparecer de la ciudad.
Ultimátum a la Tierra
The Cab Driver
El mundo entero queda conmocionado el día en que, sin previo aviso, un O.V.N.I. aterriza en Washington y de él sale Klaatu, un alienígena de aspecto humano, acompañado de Gort, un androide. Klaatu pide reunirse simultáneamente con todos los gobernantes de la Tierra, para entregarles un mensaje muy importante, pero su petición es rechazada. Klaatu se da cuenta de que necesita comprender mejor cómo viven los humanos y, para ello, se hospeda en la casa de una mujer, madre de un chico, con el que Klaatu traba amistad.
Arizona Manhunt
Doctor Sawyer
Arizona Manhunt was the second entry in Republic's "Rough Ridin' Kids" series. Michael Chapin returns as Red, the precocious grandson of Sheriff White (James Bell), while Eilene Janssen likewise reappears as Red's best friend Judy. Once again, the two kids get involved with grown-up western desperadoes, in this case the outlaw gang formerly controlled by Judy's foster father.
Rodeo King and the Senorita
Lacey is after the profits of the Foster and Morales rodeo show. He has Morales killed during a stunt and then forces Foster to take him on as a silent partner. When Rex Allen joins the show, Lacey tries to get rid of him also. But Rex survives and now believes Morales' accident may have been murder.
El gran carnaval
Dr. Hilton
Charles Tatum es un periodista sin escrúpulos que atraviesa una mala racha a causa de su adicción al alcohol, razón por la que se ha visto obligado a trabajar en un pequeño diario de Nuevo México. Cuando un minero indio se queda atrapado en un túnel, Tatum ve la oportunidad de volver a triunfar en el mundo del periodismo. Entonces, en connivencia con el sheriff del pueblo, no sólo convierte el caso en un espectáculo, sino que, además, retrasa cuanto puede el rescate.
Historia de una ciudad
Andy Butterworth
Después de haber ocupado el cargo de senador durante dos años, Blake Washburn pierde su puesto tras las elecciones, pero parece que tras su fracaso se esconde algún asunto de turbias intenciones a cargo de los grandes hombres de negocios de la ciudad, en concreto de John McFarland, padre del candidato triunfador. Blake hará uso de su trabajo de editor del Herald, el periódico más influyente de la ciudad, para emprender una cruzada contra las grandes empresas, buscando con empeño cualquier irregularidad que le permita denunciarlas y mostrar a la sociedad su bondad como ciudadano y su capacidad para gobernar y hacer justicia.
Sheriff Barlow
A singing postal inspector (Gene Autry) and his partner (Smiley Burnette) save a woman's (Gail Davis) estate from fraud.
Silver City Bonanza
Blind Pete Horne knows the location of the Lost Spanish Silver Lode, but is knifed before he can tell anyone. His seeing eye dog, Duke, brings Rex Allen and Gabriel Horne to Pete's lifeless body. They set out to find the killer and run into trouble near Silver City, Arizona, when they rescue Katie McIntosh from a gang that is chasing her buckboard.
Rio Grande Patrol
Station Master
Fowler is smuggling guns across the border and his buyer is the outlaw Bragg. The guns are hidden in the luggage of the girls that come to work in his saloon. Border guards Kansas and Chito, along with Mexican Captain Trevinom suspect them and they are trying to find the guns.
Té para dos
Basada en un espectáculo de Broadway de 1924, titulado No No Nanette, y llevado al cine en 1929, con el mismo título. Nanette Carter, una joven de familia adinerada que sueña con convertirse en una gran estrella, ofrece una inversión de 25.000 dólares a un productor de Broadway llamado Larry Blair, para el montaje de un espectáculo cuya protagonista sería ella. Su querido y rico tío Max acepta adelantar la suma a condición de que durante un día entero, Nanette conteste no a cualquier pregunta que le hagan... (FILMAFFINITY)
Drama en presidio
Parole Board Member (uncredited)
Joe Hufford ha cometido un homicidio accidental. Debido a las implicaciones políticas del suceso, la pena que le imponen es más grave que en circunstancias normales. Ya en prisión empieza a comprobar la crueldad que allí se respira, pero todo empeora cuando el fiscal que le condenó es nombrado director del penal.
Historia del Hampa
Mr. Lister (uncredited)
Después de ser despedido del periódico donde trabaja, Mike Reese se hace socio de un pequeño periódico de provincias en donde intenta poner en práctica los métodos de la prensa de la gran ciudad. Un asesinato en el que está envuelto un magnate de la prensa será la oportunidad perfecta para sus planes.
Beyond the Purple Hills
Sheriff Whiteside
In a typical western (movie) town (possibly described as 'hick' by someone who possibly hasn't seen the film) Gene Autry and his friend Jack Beaumont are present when the bank is robbed and Sheriff Whiteside is killed. Judge Beaumont, Jack's father, appoints Gene the new sheriff. When Jack learns that his father is making a new will in his disfavor, they quarrel and Jack leaves under suspicious circumstances. Rocky Morgan who has been swindling the judge murders him and Gene has to jail his friend, who thinks Gene is double crossing him. But Gene has a plan to clear Jack.
El pistolero
Ike (uncredited)
Jimmie Ringo, un legendario pistolero, se siente tan viejo y cansado que está decidido a retirarse y llevar una vida más tranquila como granjero. Sin embargo, sus propósitos tropiezan con la incomprensión y la intolerancia de la sociedad. Aunque ya no será perseguido por la ley, la región está llena de jóvenes pistoleros que desean demostrar que son más rápidos que él para ocupar su lugar y heredar su fama.
Orgullo de comanche
Tras el descubrimiento de plata en territorio comanche, el gobierno envía allí a Jim Bowie con la misión de garantizar el cumplimiento del tratado de paz firmado con los indios. Una vez allí, Bowie descubre que los colonos planean atacar a los indios a pesar del acuerdo del gobierno. (FILMAFFINITY)
Almas desnudas
Post Office Clerk (uncredited)
Cuando descubre el cuerpo sin vida del amante de su hija, Lucia Harper decide esconderlo porque sospecha que la autora del crimen es su propia hija.
Los amantes de la noche
El joven Bowie acaba de escapar de prisión con otros dos reclusos. En la guarida donde se refugian vive Keechie, una joven que pronto se siente atraída por él. Poco después de atracar un banco con sus compinches, sufre un accidente de tráfico que complica la situación: uno de sus colegas se da a la fuga después de disparar a un policía que acudía a socorrerlos. En el coche accidentado la policía encuentra la pistola de Bowie, que se ve obligado a emprender una huida sin rumbo fijo en compañía de Keechie. Una noche, viajando en autobús, aprovechan una parada para casarse. Más tarde alquilan una cabaña en la montaña con la esperanza de poder vivir en paz.
Leave It to Henry
Henry Latham and town Mayor Colton continue their misadventures in Smalltown, America. This time, twelve-year-old David Latham is testifying at the trial of his father, Henry, who is accused of burning down the McCluskey bridge.
Stagecoach Kid
Crooked ranch foreman Thatcher sends his two henchmen, Parnell and Clint, out to murder his boss, wealthy Peter Arnold who has just arrived to retire on his ranch, bringing in tow his daughter, tomboy Jessie, who despises western life and can't wait to run off back to San Francisco. Stagecoach line owner Dave Collins and his sidekick Chito show up just in time to deter the attackers. Collins isn't done yet, though, as a gold shipment sent on one of his stages is stolen by Parnell and Clint, one of whom is recognized by Jessie, attempting to escape back to the west coast. Collins has his hands full trying to retrieve the stolen gold, and dealing with Jessie, who's fallen head-over-heels in love with him.
Death Valley Gunfighter
Vinson McKnight
Rocky Lane hits the trail when he gets word that one of two brothers in a partner-ship mining project has been killed by outlaws trying to gain possession of the mine. The other brother Nugget Clark wants no part of the law, and is particularly set against the young sheriff courting his niece Trudy.
I Cheated the Law
Second Judge
An attorney (Tom Conway) learns he was duped into being his gangster murder client's (Steve Brodie) alibi.
Orden: caza sin cuartel
Liquor Store Proprietor (uncredited)
Película rodada en estilo casi documental que relata la caza de un ladrón que asesina a sangre fría a un policía y que es perseguido por las calles de Los Ángeles. Los policías siguen su rastro hasta las mismas alcantarillas de la ciudad.
La acusada
Dr. Odolard (uncredited)
Una profesora de psicología en una Universidad de California se defiende del ataque sexual de uno de sus alumnos matándolo de forma accidental. Sin embargo, el acoso de un detective que investiga el caso hará que la mujer acabe reconociendo ser culpable de esa muerte. En el juicio, dicho policía, enamorado de ella, hará todo lo posible porque sea declarada inocente.
Gun Smugglers
Dr. B.B. Quillen (uncredited)
A young boy threatens to follow in his outlaw brother's footsteps.
Los vigilantes de Arizona
Stagecoach Agent Payton
Un veterano deshonrado deambula solo por Occidente hasta que decide ayudar a una mujer maltratada.
If You Knew Susie
Sedley (uncredited)
In the small town of Brookford, everybody can trace their ancestors back to the Revolutionary War, except Sam and Susie Parker. One day, however, they find a letter written by George Washington that mentions the bravery of a Revolutionary War hero named Parker.
The Judge Steps Out
Mr. Parker (uncredited)
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome
Humphrey (Bank Guard) (uncredited)
A gang of criminals, which includes a piano player and an imposing former convict known as 'Gruesome', has found out about a scientist's secret formula for a gas that temporarily paralyzes anyone who breathes it. When Gruesome accidentally inhales some of the gas and passes out, the police think he is dead and take him to the morgue, where he later revives and escapes. This puzzling incident attracts the interest of Dick Tracy, and when the criminals later use the gas to rob a bank, Tracy realizes that he must devote his entire attention to stopping them.
Under the Tonto Rim
Sheriff in Tonto
A stagecoach owner goes to jail to catch a holdup gang.
No me creerán
Judge Charles Fletcher
Cine negro a cargo del realizador Irving Pichel con un atractivo reparto encabezado por Robert Young (que carga un tanto las tintas en su interpretación antipática) y la estupenda Susan Hayward. A partir de un juicio iniciado en contra de un hombre acusado del asesinato de la que fuera su amante, salen a relucir las infidelidades y los intereses económicos sobre los que descansa su matrimonio y que serán determinantes en su situación legal.
Thunder Mountain
Sheriff Bagley
Marvin Hayden returns to find his ranch is about to be sold at auction and the Hayden Jorth feud still going strong. Carson wants the Hayden ranch and tries to kill Hayden. When he fails he kills Chick Jorth with a rock. As Hayden does not carry a gun and the two had argued earlier, Hayden is arrested for the murder. With Hayden in jail, his friends Chito, Ginger, and his Lawyer Gardner now go to work to find the murderer.
Dick Tracy's Dilemma
Donovan (uncredited)
Dick Tracy investigates the theft of a fortune of fur coats, a possible insurance swindle and several murders, all linked to a huge thug who wears a hook in place of his right hand.
Mr. Bill (uncredited)
Family drama about a young farm girl, suddenly orphaned, who must give up her beloved dog when she's sent to live with her aunt in Boston.
Nacido para matar
Divorce Lawyer (uncredited)
En Reno (Nevada), Helen Brent (Claire Trevor), una mujer fría y calculadora acaba de recibir una demanda de divorcio. Esa misma noche, se produce un doble asesinato en su barrio: Sam Wild (Lawrence Tierney), un atractivo psicópata, mata sin motivo alguno a una pareja. Para no verse involucrada en el asunto, al día siguiente, Helen coge un tren para San Francisco, pero Sam ha tenido la misma idea
Code of the West
Henry Stockton
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
Sin dios ni ley
La ciudad de Kansas está sin sheriff y la sequía del verano está haciendo la vida imposible a los granjeros. Bat Masterson llegará al pueblo y ocupará el cargo al tiempo que impondrá la ley y el orden. Además encuentra una buena cepa de trigo que resiste las duras condiciones. Lo malo es que los habitantes están abandonando el pueblo y ya es difícil retenerlos.
The Falcon's Adventure
Detective Sgt. Duncan
A society sleuth rescues a kidnapped woman, then is framed for murder.
Police Doctor
Un oficial de policía, Joe Warne, investiga el asesinato de un compositor, Keith Vincent. Las pruebas evidentes conducen a creer que se trata de un suicidio y la policía cierra el caso. Joe, por el contrario, no cree la versión oficial y decide continuar la investigación por su cuenta interrogando a las diez mujeres que ocuparon la vida de Vincent, ya que todas ellas tenían motivos para matarle.
'Dad' Moran, Museum Custodian (Uncredited)
Un crítico de arte empieza a investigar un caso de falsificación de obras de arte en un museo. La banda de delincuentes aprovecha la repentina amnesia en la que el hombre cae para inculparlo de sus delitos. Filme basado en una novela de Fredric Brown titulada "Madman's Holiday". (
Paso a paso
Sen. Remmy
El veterano marino Johnny Christopher conoce a Evelyn Smith en la playa y se siente inmediatamente atraído ella. El nuevo trabajo de Evelyn, como secretaria de un senador estadounidense en California, pronto trae intrigas y problemas inesperados para ella y para Johnny. Las maquinaciones de un siniestro grupo de espías nazis conducen a misterios e identidades equivocadas. Los dos pronto se ven incriminados en un asesinato.
Sunset Pass
Daab - Banker
A young outlaw gets involved with a gang of crooks. When he tells them he is breaking away, they threaten to pin a false murder charge on him. But he is rescued and reformed by his sister, and an undercover agent for the express company.
Territorio de bandidos
Stationmaster (uncredited)
Durante la creación de los Estados Unidos de América, una franja de tierra olvidada entre los Territorios Indios y los Estados de Colorado, Kansas, Nuevo México y Texas se convierte en el refugio y hogar de gran parte de los forajidos más famosos y despiadados del Salvaje Oeste. Allí deberá ir el Sheriff Mark Rowley (Randolph Scott) en busca de su hermano y ayudante John (James Warren), quien tras ser traicionado por el despiadado Marshal Bill Hampton (Morgan Conway), tuvo que huir con la banda del forajido Jesse James (Lawrence Tierney) a la ciudad de Quinto, en el corazón del Territorio de Forajidos. Tras llegar a Quinto, Mark Rowley conocerá a Henryetta Alcott (Ann Richards), la comprometida editora del periódico local que lucha por traer la legislación del estado en creación de Oklahoma a su tierra sin ley...
Riverboat Rhythm
Ezra Beeler
A financially-strapped showboat captain struggles to stay in business.
The Big Beef
Encyclopedia Salesman
Edgar invites his boss home for a steak dinner, but the steak hasn't arrived. A pushy book salesman does arrives and this causes Edgar a few problems and several slow-burns. The double-take slow-burn comes when the meat arrives in the form of a live, 1000-pound steer.
Crime, Inc.
City Editor (uncredited)
A crime reporter writes book to expose names and methods of the criminal leaders. He is held on a charge after refusing to explain how he got his information, but is released and helps to expose the syndicate.
Birthday Blues
Harvey - a Salesman
Leon, not willing to admit he had forgotten the birthday of his wife, tells her he left her present at the office, and she insists he go get it. On the way, a sidewalk salesman sells him a fur coat which Leon learns later had been stolen from his neighbor's wife. He tries to sneak the coat back into the apartment but the husband catches him, and Leon is unable to explain why he is there. A lot of rain must fall in Leon's life, and it does, before everything is resolved... somewhat. He still doesn't have a present for Dorothy, a fact that does not go unnoticed by her.
Gangsters of the Frontier
Mr. Merritt
Tex put the Kern gang away once but they have returned with reinforcements and have take over the town of Red Rock capturing the townsmen and forcing them to work for them in the gold mines. Dave and Tex then organize the ranchers into the Territorial Rangers. After blowing up the mines to keep the gang from getting the gold, they are ready for the showdown between the two sides. Written by Maurice VanAuken
Triple Trouble
Leon Errol wants to retain his secretary; complications ensue.
Juventud salvaje
Watchman (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), todos los hombres útiles fueron reclutados por el ejército para ir al frente. Mientras que en las fábricas se hacían turnos de veinticuatro horas, los adolescentes pululaban a sus anchas por las calles trapicheando sin temor a reprimendas. Un soldado herido, que regresa a casa, decide abrir un centro de acogida para enseñar a los chicos a encauzar sus vidas y ofrecerles la oportunidad de conseguir su primer trabajo.
Bride by Mistake
Motel Manager
The staggeringly wealthy Norah Hunter, a shipyard owner, too often finds herself the romantic target of gold-digging men. To attract a suitor whose main interest is not money, she changes places with her secretary, Sylvia Lockwood, and assumes the role of a young working woman. However, she then falls for recuperating fighter pilot Anthony Travis, who, in turn, is madly in love with Sylvia -- or, perhaps, with the millions he thinks she has.
Spook Town
Dry Wash Thompson
Dry Gulch Trading Post owner Kurt Fabian advances money on mortgages to the local settlers to finance an irrigation program. Rangers Tex Wyatt, Jim Steele and Panhandle Perkins transport the money in a strong box which they place in the Wells Fargo safe as Agent Sam Benson assures them that he is the only one who knows the safe combination.
The Return of the Rangers
Philip Dobbs
The Texas Rangers round up rustlers by masquerading as the same. Trouble ensues when while in disguise one of the Rangers is accused of a killing.
So's Your Uncle
Minor Role
Circumstances arise that result in a man impersonating his uncle. As the "uncle", he finds himself pursued by his girlfriend's aunt, who does not approve of their relationship.
Abbott y Costello: Dos peatones a caballo
Shorty (uncredited)
Grover y Wilbur deben encontrar un sustituto del caballo de O'Hara, muerto tras comer caramelos accidentalmente. El dúo encuentra a uno en un hipódromo y se lo llevan, ignorando que se trata de un campeón de carreras llamado "Galleta de Té".
Something to Shout About
Gabe Ridley
A press agent, a composer and a landlord of a theatrical boardinghouse revive vaudeville on Broadway.
The Rangers Take Over
Bill Summers
Jim Steele spots Pete Dawson taking horses over the Mexico-Texas border, but Dawson has an alibi. A new group of recruits arrives at the Ranger station, among them Tex Wyatt, the son of Ranger Captain John Wyatt, whom he hasn't seen for many years. Captain Wyatt tells Tex that he is in the Rangers strictly on his own merit and there will be no favors played. He assigns Tex to pick up Dawson's trail, but orders that no arrest be made without proof.
¡Qué noche aquella!
Taxi Driver
Jeff Troy escribe novelas de poco éxito y Nancy, su mujer, piensa que ello es debido a que viven en un apartamento poco conveniente para un escritor como él, por lo que decide acabar con la mediocridad de su existencia y alquilar un piso bajo con un jardín en una discreta casa de un barrio más tranquilo. En ella vivirán una experiencia tan extraordinaria como irrepetible. La casa entera tiene un aire siniestro, y los vecinos parecen hostiles y asustados. Jeff deberá entonces poner en práctica sus conocimientos detectivescos para resolver un asesinato cometido en su propia casa.
Dear! Deer!
Ed Taylor
Errol goes to a convention with his pal, but upon his return tells his wife he was on a deer hunting trip, and then lapses into amnesia.
Mexican Spitfire's Elephant
Ship Steward
A pair of shipboard smugglers have a large diamond hidden inside a small elephant statuette, which they plant on absentminded Lord Epping to get it past customs. Now, his lordship is visiting Uncle Matt Lindsay who looks just like him. Thanks to flirtatious Diana's efforts to get the elephant back, the comic confusion proliferates, with 'spitfire' Carmelita (now a blonde) playing a prominent part.
El orgullo de los Yanquis
Joe McCarthy
Biopic de Lou Gehrig, un legendario jugador profesional de béisbol norteamericano, al que, después de jugar durante muchos años sin perderse ni un solo partido, le diagnosticaron de repente una misteriosa enfermedad
El cuervo (Contratado para matar)
Passenger (uncredited)
Un matón llamado Raven (Cuervo en inglés) es contratado para que cometa un asesinato. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta de que su vida está en peligro, ya que alguien pretende tenderle una trampa.
Obliging Young Lady
Court Clerk (uncredited)
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Bullets for Bandits
In a saloon shooting, a cowboy thinks he killed Prince Katey, a man he closely resembles. Cannonball arrives and thinking the cowboy to be Katey, gets him to return to the Katey ranch where the mother is in trouble. She thinks her missing son has returned and even though the Sheriff is chasing him, he decides to take up the mother's fight against the man who is trying to throw her off the ranch.
Road to Happiness
Boarder (uncredited)
A struggling singer, devoted to his young son, fears the child's super-spoiled, unloving but wealthy mother will gain custody of the boy.
Three Girls About Town
Faith and Hope Banner, sisters, are "convention hostesses" in a hotel. A body is discovered next door as the magician's convention is leaving and the mortician's convention is arriving, and the sisters, with help from manager Wilburforce Puddle, try to hide it. Complicating matters, Hope's boyfriend, Tommy, is a newspaper reporter in the hotel covering some labor negotiations.
I'll Fix It
Mack, the plumber
Edgar decides to do a home plumbing job himself.
Bad Man of Deadwood
Telegrapher Joe
Roy and Gabby fight bad guys to save the town of Deadwood.
Six-Gun Gold
Three cowboys find that a U.S. Marshal relative is an impostor.
Double Cross
Protective Agency Manager
A lawman infiltrates a gang of racketeers.
An Apple in His Eye
Bakery Truck Driver
Edgar tries his hand at making pies for Vivien's charity bazaar with predictable results.
The Spider Returns
The evil and masked "Gargoyle" is sabotaging all of America's industrial plants. It is up to the Spider to save the country.
Robbers of the Range
Bill Brady
Railroad agents frame a landowner who wont sell out to them.
Red Skins and Red Heads
Wagon Driver (uncredited)
Whitley and his singing group want to make time with young ladies at a finishing school...and vice-versa. However, the old matron in charge threatens to shoot Ray and his men so they come up with a plan to trick her.
Rollin' Home to Texas
This one starts differently but, in the end, it is another version of Robert Emmett Tansey's oft-used plot of "employing bad guys as good guys to help the good-good guys capture the bad-bad guys." The warden of the Desert Wells Penitentiary asks Tex Reed and Slim to check the series of bank robberies which have been committed by escaped convicts. Lockwood, head of an opposing political machine, is behind the escapes and robberies, and the escapes are being planned by Red, a convict. Tex trails the next escapee but the hang shoots the man before Tex can question him. Jimmy, brother of Tex's girl friend Mary, is set up, by the gang, to be killed while robbing a bank by Carter who will collect a reward for shooting him. Jimmy is wounded but not killed and Tex arrests him to keep him safe. The gang now wants to get rid of Tex, so they send Red, dressed as a prison guard, with a fake message from the Warden for Tex.
The Green Archer
Columbia's 12th serial of 57 total (following 1940's "Deadwood Dick" and ahead of 1941's "White Eagle") is another of director's James Horne's "classics" where he evidently figured that the same reactions that served him well in Laurel and Hardy films would work well in action serials where he has all hands, heroes and villains alike, doing some kind of over-the top "take", no matter the situation. This loose adaptation of an Edgar Wallace story finds Michael Bellamy (Kenne Duncan in his Kenneth Duncan period) inheriting Garr Castle, but his brother, Abel Bellamy (James Craven, as usual making Oil-Can Harry look smooth), has him imprisoned unjustly and moves into the castle himself. When Michael's wife, Elaine Bellamy (Dorothy Fay), fails to return after visiting Abel, her sister Valerie Howett (Iris Meredith), accompanied by their father,
Wagon Train
Stage Passenger
In his first starring Western for RKO, young Tim Holt must not only carry on his father's freight business but also hunt down his murderer. A certain Matt Gardner wants to corner the freight business to Pecos and persuades young Zack Sibley's wagon master to switch sides. Zack also earns the enmity of Gardner's son Coe, who takes umbrage to the youngster's flirtation with pretty Helen Lee. It all comes to a head during a food shortage in Pecos, a near-disaster that persuades the wagon master to switch sides once again. When the dust settles, Zack learns that old man Gardner is actually Carl Anderson, the man who murdered his father.
Men Against the Sky
Reception Clerk
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
Ridin' the Trail
Fuzzy Jones
With the Government Remount Service unable to meet it's quota of horses, Marshal Fred Martin arrives to try and find the rustlers. Apparently just a singing cowhand dressed in white, he becomes the masked Two Gun Troubador dressed in black when he goes after the outlaws. He quickly learns Tex Walters is the leader of the gang but he must find out who is the big boss that gives Walters his orders.
Deadwood Dick
Dave Miller
Columbia's 11th serial and the first western serial that James W. Horne solo-directed.
Sky Bandits
Mechanic Greaseball
Sgt. Renfrew and Constable Kelly go aloft to search for a plane missing with a shipment of gold from the Yukon Mine Company. Inventor Speavy has devised a power ray which disrupts electrical impulses, and Morgan and his gang of crooks has brought in Prof. Lewis to increase the ray's range, telling him he's helping the government develop this new weapon. Speavy spills the beans to Prof. Lewis and his daughter Madeleine,and Morgan threatens to implicate them in his crimes unless they cooperate. Morgan kills Speavy when he tries to warn Renfrew, but when Madeleine stows away on board the doomed plane Renfrew is piloting, will the crooks be able to make Prof. Lewis use the power ray to bring the plane down?
Pop Always Pays
Gazette Reporter
A businessman boasts he'll give his daughter a large amount of cash for her wedding, and then frantically tries to raise the money. This 1940 comedy stars Leon Errol, Marjorie Gateson, Dennis O'Keefe, Adele Pearce and Walter Catlett.
I Take This Oath
The trials and tribulations of a group of newly sworn-in police officers.
Terry and the Pirates
Dr. Herbert Lee, an archaeologist seeking to decipher ancient Mara inscriptions, is aided by his son Terry, Terry's pal Pat Ryan, and Normandie Drake. Jungle pirate and warlord Fang (Dick Curtis) plots to kill The Dragon Lady, Queen of the Temple of Mara, and seize the treasures of her ancestors. Both Fang and The Dragon Lady have sworn death for any foreign intruders.
Phantom Rancher
Cowboy puts on a black mask and a black outfit to fight a gang of land-grabbing crooks.
The House Across the Bay
Man in Club
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
Texas Renegades
Sidekick Noisy
Marshal Tim Smith is sent to Rawhide to battle rustlers. When the outlaw gang attempts to kill the new Marshal, they get the wrong man. Tim puts his identification on the dead man and poses as a known outlaw. This gets him into the gang where he is given the job of posing as the new Marshal.
The Fatal Hour
Radio Salesman
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
Mercy Plane
Air-race champions "Speed" Leslie and Branda Fowler combine to open a very profitable airplane service that flies patients to other cities for special treatment. Gangsters soon move in and offer to take over, without an invitation.
The Day the Bookies Wept
Beer Delivery Man (uncredited)
A pigeon breeder is hired to train a racehorse that wins only when it drinks beer.
Daughter of the Tong
Harold "Mugsy" Winthrop
A detective matches wits with the female leader of a crime ring.
El explorador perdido
Newspaperman at Water Barrel
Henry M. Stanley acepta una inusual propuesta del director del periódico para el que trabaja. Se trata de localizar al misionero escocés David Livingstone, desaparecido en plena selva africana. Cuando por fin le localiza, descubre que éste ha contraído una grave enfermedad, y que se siente cómodo viviendo entre los nativos.
Blondie Takes a Vacation
Poker Player (uncredited)
Blondie and Dagwood are in charge of operations at a mountain motel. The elderly owners of the establishment are in danger of losing their life savings. Among other things, arson threatens.
The Girl from Mexico
George Stuart
Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.
Clock Wise
Pop's noisy mechanical clock is driving Edgar crazy.
Two Gun Troubador
Elmer Potts
Twenty-two years earlier Kirk Dean murdered his brother Fred Dean Sr. Now Fred Dean Jr. is looking for his father's killer. Unknown to Fred, Bill Barton who now works for Kirk, witnessed the murder.
Rollin' Westward
Lem Watkins
A cowboy helps a pretty young woman and her father in their fight against land-grabbers who are trying to swindle them out of their cattle ranch.
Navy Secrets
Third Cab Driver
After a stamp-collecting Navy chief petty officer is jailed following FBI and Naval Justice investigation, his fiancee meets one of his fellow officers, becomes romantically interested in him, and joins him in trying to get an envelope, believed to contain rare stamps, to its intended recipient, only to end up in a web of intrigue involving foreign-accented men who are unusually interested in that simple envelope.
In Old Montana
Doc Flanders
The Colonel sends Fred Dawson and Doc Flanders to investigate a cattleman sheepman war. Posing as a two man medicine show, they quickly become involved. When Fred tries to bring the two sides together, Joe Allison is shot and Fred blamed. With Fred in jail and a lynch mob on the way, Doc tries to break his friend out.
Blackwell's Island
Convict (uncredited)
A reporter gets himself sent to prison to expose a mobster.
Code of the Fearless
Old Timer
When it appears that Fred Jamison is a member of Red's gang, he is kicked out of the Rangers. But it's just a plot between Fred and the Ranger Captain. Fred then gets into Red's gang and makes plans that will enable the Rangers to bring them all in. But his message to the Captain is intercepted and the hoax revealed.
Pirates of the Skies
Cafe waitress Barbara Whitney refuses to acknowledge her marriage to Air Policeman Nick Conlon until he upgrades his career. He does so by infiltrating a hi-jacking gang, posing as passengers, that robs airplanes carrying valuable items and money, and parachuting their escape from the scene of the crime.
King of the Sierras
An unusual film in that it was composed of new film footage tacked onto an original film produced by M. H. Hoffman Sr. and Jr.,and never released because of the collapse and merger of the Hoffman's Liberty Company into the newly-formed Republic operation in mid-1935, and consequently has two different sets of actors and production crew members.
Gangster's Boy
A popular high school valedictorian and star athlete becomes a pariah when it's discovered that his father is a former bootlegger.
Under the Big Top
Director Karl Brown's 1938 circus drama stars Marjorie Main as a tough, fur-coat-wearing circus boss who raises her orphaned niece to be a trapeze star.
Man's Country
Ranger Jones
An undercover Texas Ranger runs into trouble when he learns that the murderer he's trailing has a twin brother.
Held For Ransom
A female detective investigates the kidnapping of a wealthy businessman.
Romance of the Limberlost
An orphaned girl is being raised in the Limberlost by her aunt, who hates her because the girl's mother married the man that the aunt loved. The girl's existence is close to being servitude bondage, and her only companions are the birds and the animals of the forest. She meets and falls in love with a young man whose ambition is to be a lawyer. But her aunt is arranging for her to be married to the wealthiest man in the Limberlost, a drunken, coarse bully.
Six Shootin' Sheriff
Cowboy star Ken Maynard is Jim "Trigger" Morton, in town undercover while pursuing the man who framed him for robbery. But a well-placed shot tames a band of scofflaws and gains Morton the sheriff's badge. Now, he's riding on both sides of the law. The line is further blurred when old buddy Chuck (Walter Long) offers evidence of Morton's innocence in exchange for a blind eye to Chuck's impending postal heist in this classic Western.
The Spy Ring
Reporter (uncredited)
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
Here's Flash Casey
Gus Payton
After graduating college an aspiring photographer lands his first job--with a big city newspaper.
La Sombra golpea
Reporter #1
Lamont Cranston asume su identidad secreta como "The Shadow", para romper un intento de robo en la oficina de un abogado. Cuando la policía registra la escena, Cranston debe asumir la identidad del abogado. Antes de que pueda irse, una llamada telefónica convoca al abogado a la casa de Delthern, un cliente rico, que quiere un nuevo testamento redactado. Cuando Cranston se encuentra con él, Delthern recibe un disparo repentino, y Cranston queda atrapado rápidamente en un nuevo misterio.
A Bride for Henry
On the day of her wedding a young woman's fiancé doesn't show up, sleeping off the results of the previous night's wild bachelor party. Miffed, the woman decides to go ahead with the wedding anyway to teach her fiancé a lesson, so she calls her lawyer, Henry, and has him stand in for her missing groom. She intends to divorce her new "husband" at the first opportunity, but Henry--who has been in love with her for a long time--is determined to win his "wife's" hand.
Jungle Menace
Roget Clerk #1
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
Headline Crasher
City Editor
The popular B-flick team of Frankie Darro and Kane Richmond star in the slick quickie Headline Crasher. Little Frankie and Big Kane play a pair of roving journalists who investigate a politician (Richard Tucker) up for re-election. When it seems as though the politico is being set up for a fall by yellow journalists, Darro and Richmond try to get to the truth of the matter. The original story for Headline Crasher is credited to Peter B. Kyne, creator of the "Broncho Billy" western stories.
The Great Gambini
Taxicab Driver
A millionaire is found murdered in his apartment. Suspicion falls on a variety of suspects, including his fiancée and her parents, the butler, and a professional mentalist known as The Great Gambini.
Border Cafe
Murphy (uncredited)
The spoiled, hard-partying son of a senator runs away from home after being reprimanded by his father, finds himself down-on-his luck in a tiny western town, and is rehabilitated through the friendship and wisdom of a kind and patient rancher.
Kid Galahad
Nick Donati, un mánager de boxeo, descubre en un hotel a Ward, un botones que logra noquear a un peso pesado que estaba molestando a Louise, la novia de Nick. Nick le ofrece al chico entrenarlo para hacer de él un boxeador profesional. Ward acepta y se hace llamar 'Kid Galahad'. Las cosas se complicarán porque un tipo sin escrúpulos se interpondrá en los planes de Nick. Además, Louise empieza a sentirse atraída por Ward, pero éste se enamora de Marie, la hermana de Nick.
You Can't Buy Luck
Bill (uncredited)
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
High Hat
Nelson Connolly
An opera singer whose career is on the wane finds newfound fame doing popular songs on the radio.
Los pecados de Teodora
Reporter (uncredited)
Lynnfield es una pequeña ciudad mojigata y represiva que se siente turbada ante la publicación de una atrevida novela llamada 'El pecador'. La autora es Theodora Lynn, una escritora que firma con el sobrenombre de Caroline Adams, y que pertenece a una influyente familia. Ante el miedo a ser descubierta como la autora del libro, Theodora viaja a Nueva York para negociar con el publicista. Pero en el camino conoce al ilustrador de portadas Michael Grant, del que se enamora.
Country Gentlemen
After being run out of town after town for trying to sell worthless stock, two con artists breeze into the small town of Chesterville, where they find themselves accused of kidnapping a young boy to whom they offered a ride. When that misunderstanding is cleared up, the two conmen hatch a plot to unload all their worthless paper on the gullible citizens of Chesterville.
Alibi for Murder
Bennett (Uncredited)
A radio commentator named Perry Travis fancies himself a brilliant amateur detective. The cops wish he’d stick to his microphone and let them do the detecting. This proves impossible when a famed scientist is murdered in Perry’s studio, right in the middle of the interview. All evidence points to Perry, and he sets out to clear his name before the Shadow-like villain roaming the hallways of the radio station gets away with murder.
Jasper Anderson (uncredited)
Durante un viaje, Joe Wilson llega a un lugar desconocido, donde es encarcelado por un delito que no ha cometido. Los vecinos, amotinados, provocan el incendio de la cárcel y dan por muerto al forastero. Sin embargo, Wilson consigue sobrevivir y, entonces, intentará vengarse haciendo que sus potenciales asesinos corran el mismo peligro del que él escapó milagrosamente. "Fury" es el primer film americano del gran director alemán Fritz Lang.
Special Agent K-7
Police detective Lanny resents the ongoing interference of the local FBI branch. Hoping to show up the feds, Lanny tackles a baffling espionage case. Things heat up when reporter sweetheart Ollie is framed for murder.
Panic on the Air
Finn Harrigan
A sports announcer and a friend investigate after a pitcher misses a series. When they discover that gangsters are trying to find a hidden fortune, they use the radio show to foil the plan.
Hitch Hike To Heaven
A theatre actor makes the crossover to movies and becomes a star, but his new-found fame puts his family relationships at risk.
The Country Doctor
Reporter (uncredited)
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
The Reckless Way
Joe Black
The DVD for this film bears the title "The Lure of Hollywood". Marian Nixon plays a girl who doesn't want to settle for second best. She is offered chance to be a model and jumps at it. Her boyfriend is upset--he just wants to marry her and settle down to a life of domestic bliss. But she has stars in her eyes--and soon learns to use publicity to create a new movie star persona. Throughout all this, the sappy boyfriend is always waiting nearby--hoping that she'll come to her senses and give up this new life.
The Oregon Trail
Army Captain takes a leave of absence to find out what happened to his missing father.....
Dr. Socrates
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Short Pool Player
A Treasury agent gains the trust of a mob gunman while working under cover to smash a crime syndicate.
Waterfront Lady
When a young man is befriended by a gambling ship operator and made a partner in the business, he becomes involved in a police manhunt after he covers up a murder committed by his new partner.
George Duncan
Captain John Kent is a pilot in charge of the border patrol. Two crooks who head up a smuggling operation, Morley and his associate Faber, are trying to outwit Kent. The smugglers hope that they can influence Kent's younger brother Doug to help them, and they employ an attractive singer in an attempt to win Doug over.
Kentucky Blue Streak
Barker / Voice of Radio Announcer
A nosy reporter (Nugent) befriends the dumb Coughlin and pushes the Governor to commute his sentence. Now, Coughlin can ride his family's pride and joy in the Kentucky Derby. BUT, the mean old Warden cancels all paroles--and the idiot decides to escape (even though he's only got 10 more months to serve). So, the reporter has a hunch and goes to see if he can find Coughlin--and the Warden deputizes him!! At this point you might wonder if the boy will make good and win the big race
One More Spring
Cab Driver
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
Golden Harvest
Wheat Broker (uncredited)
A play by Nina Wilcox Putnam was the source for the empire-building drama Golden Harvest. Ambitious grain trader Chris Martin corners the wheat market and becomes a millionaire. Outgrowing his humble farm beginnings, Chris makes a bid for respectability by marrying Chicago socialite Cynthia Flint.