Michel Poulette


Crónicas de un crimen
Hannah Ryan utiliza su inspiración literaria para colgar en internet una serie de capítulos basados en diferentes crímenes. Pronto la idea se convierte en un éxito...
Vuelo 112: Misterio en el aire
Cuando el hermano de la investigadora de accidentes de avión, Sofía Gilchrist, muere en el accidente de un avión que se suponía que ella debía estar, Sofía rompe el protocolo y comienza a investigar el accidente de forma secreta.
Prueba oculta
En un trabajo rutinario, la limpiadora de escenas criminales Morgan Sher (Devin Kelly), descubre posibles evidencias que han quedado olvidadas. Con la ayuda del detective novato Nick (Aaron Ashmore), se apresuran a buscar la identidad del asesino
Tras sufrir un robo en su domicilio, los Crowder se mudan a una bonita casa en otro barrio mucho más tranquilo. Pero a Jessica Crowder no le pasan desapercibidos ciertos detalles que hacen que sospeche de su vecino de la casa de enfrente, un hombre muy particular. Tratando de satisfacer su curiosidad, entra en su casa . Cuando de noche su marido regresa, Jessica ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro.
Maïna is the daughter of the Innu leader Mishtenapuu, who attends a bloody confrontation between his clan and the clan of "Men of the Land of Ice." Following this confrontation, Maïna chooses a mission that will change her life. To fulfill the promise that she has made to her friend Matsii on her deathbed, she embarked on the trail of their enemies to deliver Nipki, a 11 year old boy that the Inuit have captured. But she was also taken as prisoner by Natak, the leader of the Inuit group, and forcibly taken to the Land of Ice.
Demasiado joven para amar
Max Doyle y Jessica Carpenter son dos estudiantes adolescentes de 17 años que deciden casarse a pesar de su juventud. La noticia no es bien recibida por sus familiares, que no los consideran lo bastante maduros para tomar esa clase de compromiso, aunque terminan aceptándola. Jess es aceptada en Harvard para proseguir su ambición de toda la vida de convertirse en un cirujano ortopédico; Max decide sin embargo no aceptar cualquier otra universidad mientras espera otra oportunidad para ingresar. Mientras se ocupación en un empleo de la construcción para poder seguir estando juntos... (FILMAFFINITY)
Locura mortal
Nina, una estudiante de medicina que hace prácticas en un hospital, tiene fundadas sospechas de que se ha cometido un asesinato cuando uno de los pacientes a los que se ha sometido a una resonancia magnética muere de un tumor inexistente.
Histoire de famille
Falsa Acusación
9 de octubre de 1964, unos agentes especiales recogen en Montreal al diplomático canadiense John Watkins, un íntimo amigo del Primer Ministro Lester B. Pearson y antiguo embajador en Rusia, y lo llevan a una habitación de hotel para interrogarle.
Rock et Belles Oreilles: The DVD 1989-1990
Irreverent, mean, politically incorrect, often vulgar and sometimes even rude, the inexhaustible and irresistible humor of Rock et Belles Oreilles marked Quebec society in the 80s and 90s. Nothing has escaped this cultural phenomenon: radio, song, personalities, great events and social phenomena have fueled this delirious humor, so biting and so funny because more true than life. Reflecting a generation, RBO has obviously contributed to giving humor its letters of nobility within Quebec culture. 3rd of 5 DVDs in the box: Rock et Belles Oreilles: THE BOX AND THE BONUS
Rock et Belles Oreilles: The DVD 1986-87
Irreverent, nasty, politically incorrect, often vulgar and sometimes even rude, Rock and Belles Oreilles' inexhaustible and irresistible humour marked Quebec society in the 1980s and 1990s. Nothing has escaped this cultural phenomenon: radio, song, personalities, major events and social phenomena have fuelled this delirious, biting and funny humour because it is more true than nature. Reflecting a generation, RBO has clearly contributed to giving humour its nobility within Quebec culture. 1st of 5 dvd of the box set: ROCK ET BELLES OREILLES: THE COFFRET ET THE BONUS.
Rock et Belles Oreilles: The DVD 1988
Irreverent, nasty, politically incorrect, often vulgar and sometimes even rude, Rock and Belles Oreilles' inexhaustible and irresistible humour marked Quebec society in the 1980s and 1990s. Nothing has escaped this cultural phenomenon: radio, song, personalities, major events and social phenomena have fuelled this delirious, biting and funny humour because it is more true than nature. Reflecting a generation, RBO has clearly contributed to giving humour its nobility within Quebec culture. 2ndt of 5 dvd of the box set: ROCK ET BELLES OREILLES: THE COFFRET ET THE BONUS.
Rock et Belles Oreilles - The DVD - 1986-1987
Bonanno. El poder de la mafia
Ésta es la historia real de Joseph Bonanno, uno de los padrinos más legendarios de la mafia americana. Su vida inspiró a Mario Puzzo para crear a Don Vito Corleone, el protagonista de su célebre novela El Padrino. Joseph es hijo de la mafia. Su propio padre, Salvatore, decide su apadrinamiento por el líder de la familia rival. De este modo, pone fin a una guerra sangrienta y sella el destino de su hijo recién nacido. Años más tarde, gracias a la ayuda de un amigo de la familia, conseguirá entrar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos, donde empezará a hacer fortuna con el comercio ilegal de alcohol durante La Prohibición. Será entonces cuando acceda a la protección de Salvatore Maranzano, uno de los jefes de la mafia, del que se convertirá en mano derecha.
The Haven
Police detective Jacques Laniel's life becomes a nightmare the day drive-by shootists gun down his partner Thomas Colin. His colleagues make matters worse by blaming him for the death, and after his wife leaves him, Laniel decides to quit the force and launch a private investigation into Colin's murder. Soon afterward, Laniel finds the bullet-riddled body of famed author and literature professor Zachary Osborne tied to his car hood. The professor's wife hires Laniel to solve the murder, but what the detective finds is ugly: Osborne was a part of a lucrative land-speculation deal that involved the sale of a crumbling old rectory that had been turned into a halfway house called the Haven of the Monsters. The name is apt, for all the residents are convicted killers who were given inordinately light sentences. When Lanier starts questioning the Haven's tenants and their crimes are revealed via flashback, it takes on the character of a David Lynch production.
The Haven
Police detective Jacques Laniel's life becomes a nightmare the day drive-by shootists gun down his partner Thomas Colin. His colleagues make matters worse by blaming him for the death, and after his wife leaves him, Laniel decides to quit the force and launch a private investigation into Colin's murder. Soon afterward, Laniel finds the bullet-riddled body of famed author and literature professor Zachary Osborne tied to his car hood. The professor's wife hires Laniel to solve the murder, but what the detective finds is ugly: Osborne was a part of a lucrative land-speculation deal that involved the sale of a crumbling old rectory that had been turned into a halfway house called the Haven of the Monsters. The name is apt, for all the residents are convicted killers who were given inordinately light sentences. When Lanier starts questioning the Haven's tenants and their crimes are revealed via flashback, it takes on the character of a David Lynch production.
Louis 19, le roi des ondes
Be careful what you wish for...it just may come true. This is the underlying theme of this French-Canadian comedy drama that follows the travails of a TV addict who wins a talent contest and finds himself the subject of an embarrassingly revealing television series. Louis Jobin is a rather depressive young salesman who works in an electronics store. At night he is a passionate channel surfer, sitting upon his couch staring at his television. When Channel 19 announces a talent contest. Louis immediately enters. The contest winner will become the subject of a TV show with Channel 19 filming every movement, 24 hours a day for three months. Louis wins the contest and is at first elated by his prize but then begins to feel otherwise after he becomes a celebrity.