Chi Lin


El retorno del Kung Fu Dragón
Un tirano planea derrocar al emperado y ocupar su lugar,asesinando a sus tenientes y a la familia real,cree que todo a acabado,pero años mas tarde se reunen los descendientes de los asesinados a reclamar venganza y derrocar al nuevo emperado y restituir a la verdadera emperatriz.
Mrs. Li
To gain control of a gold mine, the owner Ho Kwai-Shan is poisoned by the Lee family. His daughter Yu-Ling is staying with her uncle at his martial arts school and was due to return home. Just before she leaves, the masters son, Sha Yu-Lung, returns home to teach at his a fathers school. Sha is given the task of taking Yu-Ling home but she takes an instant disliking to him
Cheat to Cheat
Hong Kong comedy directed by Li Han-Hsiang.
Bloody Mask
The Ming Dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China for three centuries. During its reign it encountered numerous rebellions. It is during just such a time that the small state of Yun finds itself caught between the two sides of an impending rebellion. The state of Yun must decide if it should rebel and align itself with the 8 Masters, or if it should stay loyal to the Emperor and the 4th Imperial Prince, Kao Ming.
Qing hai duan chang ren