Mario Merola

Mario Merola

Nacimiento : 1934-04-06, Napoli, Italy

Muerte : 2006-11-12


Mario Merola


Totò Sapore e la magica storia della pizza
Vincenzone (voice)
Naples, 18th century. Salvatore "Totò" Sapore, an unemployed minstrel, always manages to cheer up the hungry with his songs about good food, always upsetting Vesuvia, a magma witch who lives inside the Vesuvius.
Se stesso
The Creeping Crimson
A short film by George Kuchar.
Salvatore Di Donato is one of the most feared and respected members of the Mafia in Naples. His wife, Assuntina, is a young theater actress. During a pilgrimage to Madonna of the Arch, Salvatore and Assuntina meet Margaret, a woman proud and beautiful. Salvatore falls in love with her, leaves Assuntina and goes to live with his new love. Margaret, however, is a strong woman, free, resistant to bring controlled by Salvatore, and ultimately he is forced to return home, ridiculed in the eyes of all.
Salvatore Improta
Gennaro La Monica
I figli... so' pezzi 'e core
Francesco Improta
Francesco Improta is an honest fruit and vegetable peddler who lives with his elderly mother Assunta and daughter Fiorella. His wife Lucia left home two years earlier, as, in order to help the family, she did not hesitate to give herself to the boss Peppino Ascalone, with whom she is now forced to live together.
Lacrime napulitane
Salvatore Rinaldi
The Mafia Triangle
Gennaro Savarese
A Neapolitan camorra boss has retired from business but when his wife gets killed he gets back into action, and goes to the States to get his revenge.
Francesco, 'o zappatore
La tua vita per mio figlio
Francesco Accardo
Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1980
Tu Ley es lenta... la mía no!
Raffaele Acampora
Quizás sea la misión más dificil que le hayan asignado nunca a Paolo Ferro, el experto policia: Investigar una serie de asesinatos ocurridos a personajes del mundo de las finanzas de Milan, efectuados sin duda por una organización de criminales a sueldo, posiblemente vinculados con la Mafia. Los crímenes se suceden y las sospechas recaen sobre un viejo conocido, amigo de la infancia de Ferro, el "Capo" Tano Fanzo. Ferro recibe un duro golpe al descubrir que su sobrino, al que se enfreta en un tiroteo, está impliclado. Al final logra descubrir al dirigente de la organización, pero no puede arrestarlo por falta de pruebas. Ferro se siente fracasado y dolido, pero se hará justicia de la forma más inesperada...
The New Godfathers
Don Francesco Antiero
A revolution in Iran halts a heroin shipment, but an alliance of crime families is set on getting it to the US. They decide to run the drug through an unsuspecting network of good-natured, local smugglers in Naples, while an international anti-narcotics agent rushes to shut their operation down. Betrayals and divided loyalties lead to a final, bloody confrontation in America.
From Corleone to Brooklyn
Michele Barresi
El mafioso palermitano, Michele Barresi, huye a Nueva York haciéndose pasar por un ciudadano sudamericano. Finalmente, la policía lo detiene y es acusado de haber entrado ilegalmente en el país. Mientras, en Italia, el Comisario Berni indaga la posible autoría de un asesinato, que tiene como testigos a Liana y Salvatore Scalia. Scalia es a su vez miembro de la familia mafiosa de Barresi, pero esto no le impedirá traicionar a su jefe y, por ello, decide colaborar con la policía.
Napoli... la camorra sfida, la città risponde
Francesco Gargiulo
Italian crime movie from 1979 directed by Alfonso Brescia.
Il mammasantissima
Don Vincenzo Tramontano
Don Vincenzo is a well respected boss from Naples, but he protects people from other criminals, like gypsies, loan sharks and Don Bufalo...but as they say in Naples, a Mammasantissima either ends in jail or inside a grave.
Naples... Serenade Caliber 9
Salvatore Savastano
Don Salvatore Savastano, a boss involved in the smuggling of contraband cigarettes, is forced to watch four masked robbers kill his wife and his only son in a restaurant where he and his family are celebrating the young boy's first Holy Communion. From that moment on Don Salvatore has no other purpose in life but to get his revenge on the four assassins.
L'ultimo guappo
Francesco Aliprandi
Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1978
Sgarro alla camorra
Andrea Stajano
Andrea leaves the prison in advance through Cecere who wants to use him for his shady dealings. Tidied a boat, would be given to the fishing with his friend Peter, but first must do justice.