Berthe Qvistgaard
Nacimiento : 1910-08-11, Copenhagen, Denmark
Muerte : 1999-10-23
Granny (voice)
Strit and her friends live in the future where the Earth has become so polluted that they must live underground. As legend has it, a creature that “Walks on Air” will guide them to a place where there are blue skies and green meadows.Set in a world so ravaged by pollution that the humans have been forced underground, this distinguished animated cautionary tale warns of the consequences of our current disregard for the environment as it tells the story of a young girl and her friends who set off on an exciting quest for the pristine, natural paradise of their dreams.
A man has been in prison for sixteen years after killing of his wife. Now he seeks to create a new life, where he only finds warmth and fellowship with Turkish immigrants. He will also try to come to terms with the daughter who hates him. Denmark's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1986.
The television series was based on a play by Danish author Bjarne Reuter. In 1984 Reuter published his collection Tre skuespil ("Three Plays"); a collection containing also En dag i Hector Hansens liv ("A Day in the Life of Hector Hansen") and Kom der lys i neonrøret, gutter? ("Was There Light in the Neon Tube, Boys?") – in addition to Busters Verden.
Tortoise (voice)
Samson is a young whale that doesn't have friends. He spends his time listening to his mother's stories about the legendary whale Moby Dick. Samson becomes fascinated about it and decides to go on a journey to find Moby Dick.
The last movie in the Thralls-trilogy.
A three part story about the plague, religion and revolt in Northern Europe in the period 1349 to 1542.
From a working class coming-of-age novel, Morten Arnfred fashioned his feature film to recapture the feel, the sting, the pain, but also the spirit of solidarity of the 1950s in the metropolitan city of Copenhagen: at the center, young Johnny, helpless, hapless, happy, unhappy, going through the motions of growing up. Bodil awards: Best Film and Best Actor (Allan Olsen).
A middle aged married woman suffers from depression. Her husband suggests she get a dog, but instead she gets a job. Treatment of the women workers leads her into a hilarious fantasy in which roles are reversed and bearded men sit behind typewriters worrying about their looks and what to buy for dinner. She gets involved in a strike and loses her job, but has found some friends and a more positive attitude to life.
Pouls hustru
A Danish movie about the life of Flemming and his best friend Kvik.
In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean on the island of Troldø lives a single farming family. The grandmother Gunhild is the only woman on the island and her son Enok is unable to find a wife. Gunhild's advanced age causes her to worry for the future of the family. So she initiates a plan to get Enok married, a plan that is put into action when the young Eva becomes stranded on the island. But the community must be shaken by several dramatic events before Gunhild can breathe a sigh of relief.
Clothilde Christensen
Birte's Mother
A tale of wealthy youth in post-WWII Copenhagen.
Filmen er en fortsættelse af Hold fingrene fra mor.
Dansk folkekomedie fra 1951. Berthe Quistgaard og Helge Kjærulff-Schmidt har hovedrollerne i dette dejlige kærlighedsspil. Lulu Vänner
står for at skulle gifte sig for fjerde gang. Hun er mor til fire med tre forskellige mænd, men måske er fjerde gang lykkens gang. Selvom
børnene godt kan lide Lulus tilkommende, John Carstensen, er de ikke vilde med tanken om giftermål.
Else Petersen
Den midaldrende manufakturhandler Jens Steen er på vej til sit sommerhus ved Vestkysten for at slappe af. Helt alene. Imens er 20-årige Else Petersen på spanden - og hun vejrer en ferie med alt betalt. Med klassisk kvindelist fedter hun sig ind hos Jens Steen, der bliver besat af hendes skønhed og ungdom. Men da den lokale, jyske cykelmekaniker skruer op for charmen, kommer der kurrer på tråden. Og inden længe har Jens Steen en skandale på hånden, som han kun kan gøre ét for at afvige Selveste Bodil Ipsen instruerede i 1944 et af den danske filmhistories få film-noir dramaer. Besættelse er en fremragende film om følelsernes yderpunkter og tilværelsens ulidelige lethed.
Eva Saabye
Elisabeth Rosenfeldt
Vera Lind
Frøken Poulsen, Sekretær
Else Margrethe Jensen
Marianne Hauge
Præsten i Solby låner 2.000 kr. i menighedsrådskassen for at betale for et af sine sognebørns hospitalsophold i Tyskland. Rigmandsdatteren Marianne skal være brudepige i Aalborg og tager fra København mod Jylland. I Solby kører hun for stærkt gennem byen, hvorfor hun kommer ud for et biluheld og lander i præstens have! Hun begynder straks at dirigere rundt med alle i præstegården, hvilket tante Marie bestemt ikke er glad for. Præsten er derimod tiltrukket af pigen. De bader i søen og går til bal sammen, hvilket medfører at fru Larsen tager ind for at tale med biskoppen. Efter at Marianne er taget tilbage til København melder Biskoppen sin ankomst i sognegården. Hvor skal præsten nu finde de 2.000 kr. ? Præsten har dog en del venner der forsøger at hjælpe ham, men han får også uventet hjælp af biskoppen.
Karen Olsen
Familien Olsen is a 1940 Danish family film directed by Lau Lauritzen, Jr. and Alice O'Fredericks.
Vera Holm
Under byens tage går livet sin brogede gang. Det veksler med tårer og smil, med lykke og sorg. I kunstner-restauranten "Mona Bar" i indre by fungerer den tidligere model Mona Frank som kunstnernes gudinde. Hun hjælper både med penge og hjertesorger. Mellem de mange kunstnere har Niels Brandemose sit eget ansigt. Han er for nylig kommet til byen for at gå på Akademiet, og hele hans higen og lyst står til at blive maler.