Zhanna Pakhomova


My Dad is Not a Gift
Production Design
Max had never looked forward to the New Year like that in his life. Cosplay festival for gamers! Best Player Prize! But suddenly a daring girl Venus and her stern police mother appear on his way. However, Max cannot be stopped. He will do everything to be on the Cosplay. Win the Super Drone Race. Disarms a mysterious villain. Will turn a robbery and save his father from bankruptcy. And none of this would have happened if not for the invention of his dad - a fantastic and fantastically smart drone with the habits of a cute animal.
Production Design
Michael's perfect life changes dramatically when he discovers a portal wich allows him to travel in time. He travels back to the World War II to go through the quest of time and find his one and only beloved.
Six Degrees of Celebration 6
Production Design
As the new year celebrations approach, a bunch of characters throughout Russia experience diverse situations that eventually get interconnected towards a joyous finale.
Production Design
Sobre Moscú es derribado un objeto no identificado, posiblemente de origen extraterrestre. Esto hace que la mayor parte de la capital quede acordonada, para evacuación a los residentes locales y para que un equipo del Ministerio de Defensa, trate de ponerse en contacto con los llamados “invitados”.
SOS, Santa Claus or Everything Will Come True!
Production Design
A little girl Sveta has only one New Year wish - to make peace between her parents.
La Isla Habitada
Art Direction
Año 2157, una nave espacial rusa comandada por Maxim Kamerrer choca en el lejano planeta de Saraksh. Después de largos años de guerra nuclear, una crisis ambiental se cierne sobre el planeta, la sociedad se enfrenta a graves problemas sociales y la paz es muy inestable. El piloto informará sobre el misterioso planeta gobernado por los Unknown Fathers, cinco gobernantes anónimos que manipulan el conocimiento de los habitantes a través de emisores especiales. El piloto encontrará allí nuevo amigos y enemigos, incluso el amor, y acabará dirigiendo un movimiento rebelde que desafiará a estos gobernantes.
Butterfly Kiss
Production Design
Potseluy babochki (Russian: Поцелуй бабочки, meaning Butterfly Kiss) is a 2006 Russian film directed by Anton Sivers. The world premiere of the film was held July 21, 2006. He (Nikolai Orlanov) is the genius of industrial espionage. She (Li) is a Chinese. She has nothing, she does not even have a name. They love each other madly, but they belong to the system. Go away from the system can only be to the madhouse, or to the grave.
Our Own
Production Design
It is August 1941. With the battle line far away in the east, three soldiers who have managed to escape from captivity find it difficult to hide: the territory is occupied by the enemy. The local woods are not safe: you can easily get embogged. Are the villagers loyal? Nobody can say. There is an old man who offers to help them. Is he reliable enough? He may kill them or report them to the local German authorities. Anything may happen, but one of them, the sniper, is his son who is his youngest, his dearest.
El regreso
Production Design
La vida de dos hermanos sufre un brusco cambio cuando de repente aparece su padre, al que sólo recordaban por una vieja fotografía. ¿Es realmente su padre? ¿Por qué ha vuelto después de tanto tiempo? Los chicos encontrarán la respuesta a sus preguntas en una remota y solitaria isla, después de un emocionante viaje con su padre por los bellos parajes de Siberia. Ópera prima del realizador ruso Andrey Zvyagintsev, nacido en 1964, autor de varios filmes para la televisión rusa. León de Oro en Venecia, donde fue calificada por la crítica como "un film sobre el amor, la pérdida de los afectos y el ingreso en la edad adulta, de irresistible fuerza emocional."
Production Design
New film by Klim Kozinsky