In this animated documentary, Los Angeles filmmaker Dion Labriola recounts his all-consuming childhood quest to contact his teen idol, Ike Eisenmann - and the magical turn of events that led him toward his goal (some 40 years later).
In this animated documentary, Los Angeles filmmaker Dion Labriola recounts his all-consuming childhood quest to contact his teen idol, Ike Eisenmann - and the magical turn of events that led him toward his goal (some 40 years later).
Joel (as Greyson Dayne)
El hombre en relación se conecta con otro hombre y trata de hacer que el triángulo amoroso funcione.
Unos adolescentes roban un cadáver, desconociendo que perteneció a un zombie caníbal que puede transmitir su patología a cualquiera a quien muerda.