German Kolushkin

German Kolushkin


German Kolushkin


Russian Symphony
The protagonist finds out that some children were left behind in a sinking school, and is slowly driven mad as he tries to save them. A parable on the theme of the Last Judgment, numerous catastrophic events reveal a certain ambiguity in their origins, accompanied by the terrible suspicion that the things going on are some kind of a performance or theatrical production.
Arithmetic of a Murder
Directed by Dmitriy Svetozarov
Без мундира
Desant na Oringu
Nikolai Malina
An avalanche cuts off builders of the Baikal-Amur railway from civilisation. Alexander Ivanov's team tries to find a short way through the Taiga to progress the railway.
Blokada: Operatsiya Iskra
Molchanov, driver
"Iskra" is the codename for the plan of the operation of the Soviet troops to break the blockade of Leningrad. In January 1943, the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A corridor 8-11 km wide was formed between Lake Ladoga and the front line.
Blokada: Leningradskiy metronom
Molchanov, driver
A story about the tragic events in the life of besieged Leningrad from September 1941 to January 1943.
Рассказы о Кешке и его друзьях
Door without lock
Peter married and was immediately appointed captain of the ship. In his first flight, the hero went with his wife — really wanted to introduce her to her mother. But mother offended on him…
Bonivur's Heart
Nikolay Chekerda
A young Komsomol member Vitaly Bonivur is fighting for Soviet power in the Far East and Primorye. Red underground workers are not the first day want to arrange an escape of their fellow prisoners. And the brave Bonivur takes part in the organization of the getaway, but for counterintelligence he remains elusive. Vitaly Bonivur's aspiration for justice, heroism and determination — courage and bravery of a young man who fights for a bright future.
La guerra es la guerra
Un joven al mando de una veterana tripulación de un Carro de asalto SU-85 espera impacientemente participar en su primer combate en la ofensiva en Ucraina de la primavera de 1943. Su juventud y su falta de experiencia harán que tanto su tripulación como sus mandos tengan recelos de él. Pero poco a poco con persistencia y valor conseguirá ganarse el respeto de todos. Para muchos la mejor película sobre tanques del cine bélico.
A Diving Bomber Chronicle
Gribov (as G. Kolushkin)
A story about last three days of the PE-2 soviet diving bomber crew - the three young men about 20: a former school teacher, musician and artist. Set during WWII.
Time, Forward!
The film is set in the 1930s in the USSR. The film tells about one day of the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The heroes of the film are simple construction workers who are burning at work. Upon learning that their colleagues in Kharkov have set a record, they mobilize to break it. The entire construction site was engulfed in immense socialist competition. The teams are ready to complete the work on time at any cost. A Moscow journalist who has come to cover the scale of the great construction project is looking for the hero of his report...