Pyotr Gorin

Pyotr Gorin


Pyotr Gorin


Солнечный ветер
Late dates
Having arrived from the village to Leningrad, the heroine achieved everything she could dream of: she graduated from the Institute with honors, defended her thesis, built and furnished a cooperative apartment. Only here in private life she was not lucky: for some reason, do not hold near her man…
A Circle
major militsii Semyon Shondysh
Police captain Aleshin is investigating a case related to the theft of opium at a chemical factory warehouse. Everything suggests that the offender must be sought among the employees of the enterprise. One of the workers, Frolov, is familiar to Alyoshin in another matter. And although Aleshin is confident in Frolov’s honesty, he suspects something was wrong, seeing how he hides something from him and himself suffers from it. At the dacha, the factory director Vasiltsev killed his stepfather, who turned out to be an unnecessary witness. A trace brings Aleshin to a plant employee, a certain Olga ...
Угол падения
La guerra es la guerra
Un joven al mando de una veterana tripulación de un Carro de asalto SU-85 espera impacientemente participar en su primer combate en la ofensiva en Ucraina de la primavera de 1943. Su juventud y su falta de experiencia harán que tanto su tripulación como sus mandos tengan recelos de él. Pero poco a poco con persistencia y valor conseguirá ganarse el respeto de todos. Para muchos la mejor película sobre tanques del cine bélico.
Two Tickets for a Daytime Picture Show
Young detective investigates a complex crime starting with a two movie tickets found in the pocket of one of the criminals.
Дорога домой
Циклон начнется ночью
A new shipyard director arrives in the city. New orders began at the factory, but, unfortunately, the new leader had flaws: there was something unusually tough, callous in his attitude to people ...