The story of CC2 centers around an investigative journalist named Stanley Mouse, who wants to find out about the legend of an ancient "cat tribe" lost in Africa. He finds them and much more, once again threatening the continued existence of mouse civilization. Special Agent Grabowsky will act to save the day, however. The events are supposed to take place at least 10, possibly 20 years after the first episode, as one of the already leaked cells shows the titular Cat-Catcher mecha rusting away in a shelter.
Female Prisoner
Anna es una mujer judía que nace en Budapest, Hungría, en 1921. Junto a su hermano son educados en un ambiente privilegiado y de gran desarrollo cultural. Todo iba bien hasta el advenimiento de Hitler y su antisemitismo. Su sueño de estudiar en la universidad se frustra, pero descubre el sionismo y se replantea su existencia: primero, ella es judía, segundo, sionista y, finalmente, húngara. Sobre estas bases ella emprenderá una lucha constante contra los agresores de su patria y de sus creencias... Este film está basado en los libros "The Diaries of Hanna Senesh" y "A Great Wind Cometh", escritos por los verdaderos protagonistas de esta historia que transcurre en los tiempos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Pukie (voice)
In the year 80 AMM (After Mickey Mouse) on planet X the crime-syndicated Cats try to erase the Mouse-population once and for all. A scientist of the mice, prof. Fushimishi seems to have found the weapon against the threat - so Intermouse calls its best (albeit retired) agent, Nick Grabowsky, to get the plans. As a distraction for the Cats, they also send a second agent - Seargent Lazy Dick - for the mission.
Black and White Short. Featuring collage centered around a drive through the country.
Weiler Róza
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
The protagonist of this farce is the enthusiastic, bald, spectacled Krebsz, an employee at the Prime and Sample Institute. He alerts the whole village to organise a beauty contest in the weed-field of Balatonszutykos. Hoping to win the grand prize, the leading role in a two-hour colour-film, the girls make all efforts and use all their tricks.
A young woman leaves a state orphanage to find her mother in this interesting examination of how the overt repression of women in the older pattern of village life has been replaced by the more subtle exploitation inherent in the apparently freer existence of young girls in the contemporary city.