Elżbieta Karkoszka

Elżbieta Karkoszka

Nacimiento : 1943-03-17, Ściegny k. Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego, Polska


Elżbieta Karkoszka
Elżbieta Karkoszka


We Haven’t Lost Our Way
The life of a woman and a man at a crossroads - in two separate stories that perhaps have something in common. Ewa is an English teacher and translator, but she is hired as a caregiver for an elderly lady, whom she is to entertain with reading and conversation. Eryk works at a university, but is more interested in helping those in need rather than in literature, which - just like his quick temper - causes him a lot of problems. They both have difficult personalities and feel that they don’t get as much from life as they deserve. There could be more points of contact - a shared past or future?
pracownica dziekanatu
Michael y Karina, dos estudiantes polacos, se enamoran en un verano en España. Todo parece inocente en este tórrido romance, pero ambos esconden secretos que ensombrecerán su amor cuando vuelvan de regreso a Polonia.
You Are God
Fokus's grandma
One of the biggest Polish film premieres of 2012 and eagerly anticipated for over a decade, it is the story of the late 90s generation and the three friends behind the music: Magik, Focus and Rahim. The fact-based film directed by Leszek Dawid charts the relentless struggle for success of Paktofonika, against the backdrop of crumbling traditional values in dreary 90s Silesia. The contradictory ideals of hiphop - the rebellious, edgy lyrics against the ‘system’ juxtaposed with the money and fame sought by the artists - are superbly captured in this dark, unforgettable drama.
Father, Son & Holy Cow
Bogdan, an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, retires from the stage when his wife Iza dies, and he seeks solace on his mother's little farm. The little village on the Baltic coast is where he and his wife had sworn to love each other for all eternity when they were still children. Now that everything has changed, Bogdan succumbs to fate and begins to drink heavily. Thankfully his resolute mother has a formula to free the despairing Bogdan from his state of lethargy: renovating the run-down farmhouse and hard work in the stables. One day Bogdan makes a fateful discovery. A surprisingly musical cow, of all things, rekindles Bogdan's life spirits and gives him a crazy idea. His friends and family throw their hands up in horror, and when he tops things by organizing a village feast, things run completely out of control.
Kop głębiej
Aquello que amamos
babcia Janka
Polonia, 1981. En una ciudad costera, Janek, un chico de 18 años, hijo de un capitán de la Marina, monta una banda de punk-rock. Su vida es la música y su primer gran amor Basia, pero las cosas para Janek están a punto de cambiar. Mientras que huelgas masivas organizadas por “Solidarnosc” (Federación Sindical autónoma e independiente de raíces cristianas) se extienden por toda Polonia, el Partido Comunista planea, en secreto, imponer la ley marcial. La tensión crece en todo el país, las rebeliones juveniles van en aumento.
White Dress
Suszkowa, matka Ryśka
Careerist Maciej gives a lift to a hitchhiker with opposite beliefs as they both head to their hometowns. In the meantime, the local community gets prepared for the annual Corpus Christi procession.
Colonel Kwiatkowski
matka Romana Sankowskiego aresztowanego przez UB
Maximilian Kolbe
En 1941, el sacerdote polaco Maximilian Kolbe fue arrestado por los nazis. Sería recluido en el campo de concentración de Auschwitz. Con motivo de la fuga de un prisionero, los nazis escogieron a varios hombres al azar, para ser ejecutados y desalentar nuevas escapadas. Cuando uno de los prisioneros elegidos, padre de familia, suplicó por su vida pensando en los suyos, Kolbe se ofreció voluntario para sustituir a ese hombre. Juan Pablo II canonizó a Kolbe en 1982, proponiéndolo como mártir de la caridad.
Sobre el globo de plata
Na Srebrnym Globie utiliza la ficción para acercarse más a la filosofía que a lo estrictamente científico y/o tecnológico. A fuerza de pura cinematografía, en escenarios naturales y sin mayores efectos especiales que algunos pocos filtrados, Zulawsky reflexiona aquí sobre lo humano a través de una prosa poética que da forma a un relato que abreva tanto en las preguntas como en el simbolismo de distintas tradiciones místicas y/o religiosas.
Cupid's Bow
Lavish romantic melodrama, obsessively concerned with sex. Maryska's husband is off to war. He soon is reported missing, and she does not protest much when is seduced by the husband's friend, a seedy professor with sickly wife and other mistresses on the side. However, the love of Maryska's life turns out to be a shy 17-year old, son of friends with whom she goes to stay.
Angel of Fire
Set in the 16th century in the Grand Inqusition period. Ruprecht stops overnight at an inn, and falls in love with the lovely Renata. She however, has fallen under the spell of Count Henryk, whom she believes to be an "angel of fire". The girl eventually brings him before the Inquisition.
Pierwsza miłość
Story about youthful love
Oko proroka
Mężczyzna niepotrzebny!
The Palace
Set in 1944. A shepherd boy enters an abandoned palace he has seen only from the distance since he was a boy. Once he enters the palace, strange things begin to happen as though he was dreaming the events rather than living them.
The Calm
Kryśka Stańczak
A young man in his twenties leaves prison after a three-year sentence. He wants to start a new life in a place where he is not known and dreams only of a job, a wife and a family. He succeeds partially in fulfilling these dreams, but then runs into a conflict on a construction job between the corrupt boss and fellow workers secretly planning a strike. He becomes a pawn in one camp while remaining true to his ideals in the other. Filmed in 1976 and shelved for five years.
Jerzy Stuhr plays a high school teacher with a sensitive outlook on life and a soft spot for students who like art and literature as passionately as he does. His adversary is a possessed sports instructor, gaining growing control over the students and authorities. His methods are questionable and his influence dangerous, but the handball team's prospects look good and the school needs success...
Hospital of the Transfiguration
Patient in hospital
The film is set toward the beginning of World War II, at a psychiatric hospital in the country. But this is an unusual hospital: there are several incurable schizophrenic cases, staff is bit strange and a writer has voluntarily entered the clinic because he is "peculiar" and a drug addict. Then, the occupying forces arrive...
Hospital of the Transfiguration
The film is set toward the beginning of World War II, at a psychiatric hospital in the country. But this is an unusual hospital: there are several incurable schizophrenic cases, staff is bit strange and a writer has voluntarily entered the clinic because he is "peculiar" and a drug addict. Then, the occupying forces arrive...
Marta Foerder
Dagny Juell was the doctors daughter who left Kongsvinger for Berlin to study music, and became famous painter Edvard Munchs mistress and model. Than she ran into August Strindberg. They had a brief affair but after a couple of weeks Dagny left him for Stanisław Przybyszewski.
Sein letzter Fall
Noches y días
Relata la vida de una familia de la burguesía rural polaca desde 1863 a 1914.
Balance matrimonial
Maria, koleżanka Marty
"Balance matrimonial" narra la historia de una mujer de poco más de 30 años, quien trabaja sólo unas horas como funcionaria, feliz, casada y con un hijo, que un día se siente atraída por cambiar de vida cotidiana: toma contacto fortuitamente con un antiguo compañero de gimnasio e intenta "liberarse" de sus obligaciones como madre y esposa.
Sędziowie. Tragedya
An old man appears in Samuel's inn and seek revenge on the owner.
Sanitariuszka Lidka
During the war, a nurse finds footwear belonging to a Soviet soldier. The discovery haunts her.
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