Milan Jelić

Nacimiento : 1944-09-21, Rekovac, Serbia


Slavica is living on the margins of society, always skirting borders of what is legal. She is trying to change her ways and to make a living, but it turns out to be an impossible achievement for her. Not having any other means to survive, she turns to stealing, but is quickly apprehended and severely sentenced. She tries to cover her tracks and takes on the identity of Marija, a successful scientist who is preparing her PhD in psychoanalysis. The real Marija learns about this identity theft, which awakens an interest in Slavica's way of life. The two of them switch identities and discover worlds which are sure to change them.
Fundido a negro
Pale Journalist
En 1948, Orson Welles llega a Roma para protagonizar una película. Su carrera no atraviesa un buen momento y todavía no se ha recuperado de su divorcio de Rita Hayworth. Únicamente Lea, una esquiva actriz, parece darle nuevos ánimos. De repente, un actor muere en sus brazos mientras le susurra unas palabras al oído. La policía intenta demostrar que se trata de un suicidio, pero a Orson esta teoría no le convence.
Terrace on the Roof
Two very different, but aging neighbors, Ratko and Krekich, share a rooftop terrace. Their settled lives are overturned by the arrival of an outgoing young girl, Andja, who takes the empty flat next door. But their dreams of revived youth and love and a better life, outside the strife of Yugoslavia's civil war, are short-lived as jealousy and army duty tear them apart.
A man who works in a travel agency sees his chance to quit his job and do nothing for a while after his wife found a job, but now all the kitchen work is up to him.
The Big Fuss
Čeda is a clerk, pushed around by everyone. He is "everybody's girl". He walks his poodle, makes coffee for a group of poker players and their wives. Čeda goes to sanatorium because his mother-in-law decided to go on vacation just then, and he is her obligatory companion. When he returns alone, because of his job, he finds big fuss in his house, many tempting, unknown girls, local bullies and other, funny creatures. He is wondering how to get out of it.
Strange Night
A student of veterinary and his girlfriend meet Sanja in the park, the wife of his friend. The student starts some sort of romance affair with Sanja, which makes things complicated. Meanwhile, Sanja's husband has mistress as well. One night, Sanja takes the student to her mother's apartment, where they suddenly meet her husband and his mistress. The meeting of four lasts until dawn with fights, hits, reconciliation and a game of cards... After that, everybody decide upon their own future.
Strange Night
A student of veterinary and his girlfriend meet Sanja in the park, the wife of his friend. The student starts some sort of romance affair with Sanja, which makes things complicated. Meanwhile, Sanja's husband has mistress as well. One night, Sanja takes the student to her mother's apartment, where they suddenly meet her husband and his mistress. The meeting of four lasts until dawn with fights, hits, reconciliation and a game of cards... After that, everybody decide upon their own future.
I Love, You Love
The drama called I Love, You Love was made in 1980 but because of the absurd ideological ban, the film entered cinemas nine years later. Pišta is an unmarried man who works at a freight wagon which carries letters and parcels. Alcohol helps him to overcome his handicap of being short and not good-looking. He wishes he had a woman, but the woman he really wants, ageing Viera who reloads the cargoes, has a soft spot for another man. So, Pišta has nobody and nothing, except for senile mother who sometimes fails to recognize him. The film received Silver Bear for Best Director at the International Film Festival in Berlin.
Spy In High Heels
A lady manager of newly formed record house places his administrator, disguised as a cleaning lady, in competing record house. She needs to get the records of some world-famous star, and to provide in that way banking credits for building of studio. After many troubles and comic situations, in which the alleged cleaning lady gets because of her good looks, the manager will finally spend a few years in prison.
Part-Time Divorce
While heading to Spain to spend their honeymoon there, Siniša and Svetlana find themselves at Montenegrin coast due to mistake made by travel agency. They get back disappointed to Belgrade, where new problems expect them: Svetlana applied for an apartment, but divorced mothers with children are those who have advantage. Svetlana and Siniša decide to divorce for a part-time period so they could trick the housing board and get an apartment.
Part-Time Divorce
While heading to Spain to spend their honeymoon there, Siniša and Svetlana find themselves at Montenegrin coast due to mistake made by travel agency. They get back disappointed to Belgrade, where new problems expect them: Svetlana applied for an apartment, but divorced mothers with children are those who have advantage. Svetlana and Siniša decide to divorce for a part-time period so they could trick the housing board and get an apartment.
Watch Your Step
Last school days of one graduating generation. They should say goodbye to a part of life, part from their friends, and there is also uncertainty, hope, plans, wild love "for the rest of the life", and parents with their ambitions, and it would be all incomplete, if not for professors who are slowly losing their authority. Senior prom is the central place for serious and funny events in which parents, professors and pupils are involved.
Watch Your Step
Last school days of one graduating generation. They should say goodbye to a part of life, part from their friends, and there is also uncertainty, hope, plans, wild love "for the rest of the life", and parents with their ambitions, and it would be all incomplete, if not for professors who are slowly losing their authority. Senior prom is the central place for serious and funny events in which parents, professors and pupils are involved.
This Time Only
A young prison inmate gets released together with an old gangster. They go to town together in order to visit their families and friends, but nobody knows that the old man is mortally ill.
Sunday Lunch
A surgeon torn between his family and mistress sees his upcoming promotion as a salvation from midlife crisis.
My Part-Time Dad
The new misadventures of single mother Svetlana, her 12 year old son and (still) part-time worker Siniša. Siniša's plans to marry Svetlana are ruined when her ex-husband comes back from Germany, persuading her to start their new life together.
My Part-Time Dad
The new misadventures of single mother Svetlana, her 12 year old son and (still) part-time worker Siniša. Siniša's plans to marry Svetlana are ruined when her ex-husband comes back from Germany, persuading her to start their new life together.
Part-Time Work
A comedy of everyday life problems of a "temporary" teacher who leads a very "temporary" life. For ten years, he temporarily lives with his married sister in a cramped, one-room apartment in which, his brother's-in-law sister also temporarily lives. He has a diploma, but not a steady job. He's a school teacher for a definite period of time with a "temporary" status. At the mean time, a boy who lives alone with his mother goes to the same school. He wants to have a father by his own choice, not his mother's. It seems that the teacher suits most of the boy's idea of a father. And the boy gains what he always wants.
Part-Time Work
A comedy of everyday life problems of a "temporary" teacher who leads a very "temporary" life. For ten years, he temporarily lives with his married sister in a cramped, one-room apartment in which, his brother's-in-law sister also temporarily lives. He has a diploma, but not a steady job. He's a school teacher for a definite period of time with a "temporary" status. At the mean time, a boy who lives alone with his mother goes to the same school. He wants to have a father by his own choice, not his mother's. It seems that the teacher suits most of the boy's idea of a father. And the boy gains what he always wants.
All Wonders of the World
A now-adult man remembers of one winter of his childhood - 1949.
Šorga's, the retired boxing champion nicknamed "Tiger", wife leaves him for a wealthier guy. He meets a juvenile thief, Čok, and decides to become his father figure. In the process of changing Čok, Šorga changes himself.
The Love Life of Budimir Trajković
Trajković family are bridge builders. Being forced to move every once in a while, the bridges are everything but pleasant thing for 17 year old Budimir, who is unable to make any permanent love relationship. In their last attempt to settle down in capital, a boy will experience love in its full meaning.
The Bug Killer
Svetislav Jelić
A teenager fails to find (and keep) jobs which makes his father doubt the reason might be the boy's lack of sexual experience. As all his efforts prove to be unsuccessful, the father gives up, but not the boy's aunt.
The Bug Killer
A teenager fails to find (and keep) jobs which makes his father doubt the reason might be the boy's lack of sexual experience. As all his efforts prove to be unsuccessful, the father gives up, but not the boy's aunt.
Los misterios del organismo
En 1971, en plena resaca del Mayo del 68, el cineasta yugoslavo Dusan Makavejev se convierte en el artista escandaloso del momento con esta especie de falso documental sobre sexo y política, en el que se combinan noticiarios, entrevistas, ficción y ocurrencias surrealistas varias. El guión, apenas esbozado, gira en torno a la vida y obra del psiquiatra austriaco Wilhelm Reich, descubridor de la energía orgásmica, y a las peripecias de dos jovencitas comunistas con muchas ganas de experimentar con sus respectivos y pimpantes cuerpos. Todo ello mezclado con imágenes manipuladas de Stalin, escenas de sexo explícito e incluso una sesión de electroshock real. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Cyclists
A small town in the first year of the war. A story about young seamstress, a student, a traitor and two Czech artists, their joining the partisans. All of them die and girl stays alone. She's looking for a bicycle bell that is gone...
Sima Milinković, hajduk #2
TV drama that depicts treatment and persecution of outlaws in the Kingdom of Serbia during 1860s.
The Ambush
Pijani mladi vojnik II
Idealistic young man supports the party and the new Yugoslavia's communist regime, but soon gets involved in various political and criminal machinations becoming more and more confused about what's right and what's wrong.
A flat broke aging boxer, living on the verge of existence, teams up with the equally desperate people in the city's suburbia to steal, cheat, and even kill for the money.
A Nun and a Commissar
Stipe, ranjenik
After the war, a partisan hospital is set up in a monastery, with the nuns working as nurses. A beautiful young nun, Maria, becomes very fond of the partisan leader, Commissar Nenad.
The Tough Ones
Two soldiers can't deal with peacetime.
Las ratas se han despertado
Un desilusionado ex secretario comunista que se encuentra paralizado por el miedo de apoyar a Stalin durante el conflicto con la URSS, intenta sin éxito cambiar el rumbo de su vida buscando un nuevo trabajo y enamorándose de una mujer a la que cree capaz de cambiar el sentido de su existencia.
Stronghold of Toughs
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
Children of Duke Schmidt
A group of WW2 orphans, now young people in their late teens, find out that one of them is a child of a war criminal. They are determined to discover his identity, even though this person could be any of them.
The Feverish Years
A story about two people who didn't find their way in big city. He came from the countryside and works in steel factory, she's working in factory restaurant. Their lives change when they meet and fall in love.
The Return
Mladić s tranzistorom u kupeu voza
An-ex convict nicknamed Al Capone, who spent six years in jail, tries to adapt in new environment. Members of the two rival gangs try to engage him in their new ventures, but he wants to make a new start with the girl he loves. At the same time, a young criminal who shares the same nickname replaces him in these actions.
To Come and Stay
Gavrilov drug
Three villagers try their luck in the big city.
Episodic WWII drama that follows a Yugoslav man through the war as he goes from witness to victim to aggressor.