William L. Campbell


Anatomy of an Illness
Art Direction
Biopic of Saturday Review editor and political journalist Norman Cousins who developed and promoted a self-made health therapy consisting of intake of large quantities of vitamin C and making oneself laugh as much as possible.
Cocaine and Blue Eyes
Art Direction
O.J. Simpson plays Michael Brennen, a San Francisco private eye who gets dragged into a drug-smuggling operation while searching for the girlfriend of a deal client, leading Brennen to a politically prominent family.
Help Wanted: Male
Art Direction
An unmarried career woman decides she wants a baby and finds a suitable partner, a sportswriter working for the magazine she publishes. After she maneuvers him into proposing marriage to her, she learns that he happens to be sterile.
Fallen Angel
Art Direction
Twelve year old Jennifer is unhappy with her widowed mom's relationship with a family friend. Feeling lonely, she readily accepts the friendship of an adult man named Howie and joins the softball team he coaches. Soon, Howie is convincing Jennifer to pose for photographs which become more and more revealing. Howie turns out to be a pedophile who works in child pornography and he plans to make Jennifer a "star". Will Jennifer's mother be able to help her daughter before it's too late?
Alcatraz, historia de una fuga
Production Design
Un joven de raza india, Clarence Carnes, ingresa en un reformatorio a los 16 años por un robo. Después de intentar fugarse varias veces sin éxito es condenado a cadena perpetua en Alcatraz en 1945. Allí planea una nueva fuga, también fallida, tras la cual adquiere cierto prestigio e importantes contactos dentro de la prisión, además de trabar amistad con el recluso más famoso de "la roca", el conocido "hombre de los pájaros". En 1962 prepara un segundo plan de fuga junto con Frank Morris y los hermanos Anglin. Viéndose estrechamente vigilado y temiendo que ello malogre la huída de sus compañeros, decide abandonar el plan pero se compromete a ayudarles en todo lo posible.
Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Cop
Art Direction
Walk Proud
Art Direction
A young Chicano gang member in Los Angeles comes to realize that the gang life is not what he really wants but doesn't know how to get out.
The Rebels
Art Direction
Philip Kent (Andrew Stevens) toma parte en la revolución americana y en el recientemente formado congreso.
Loose Change
Art Direction
Three girlfriends -- an author, an artist, and a political activist -- mature and change during the turbulent 1960s.
The Other Side of the Mountain: Part II
Art Direction
The Other Side of the Mountain Part 2 is a 1978 film directed by Larry Peerce. It stars Marilyn Hassett and Timothy Bottoms. It is a sequel to The Other Side of the Mountain
The Art of Crime
Art Direction
A Romani antique dealer, who is also a private detective, gets involved in a murder case when one of his colleagues is accused of committing the murder.
Delancey Street: The Crisis Within
Art Direction
The story of Delancey Street Foundation, a self-help group devoted to reclaiming ex-junkies, ex-convicts, and others.
Delancey Street: The Crisis Within
Production Design
The story of Delancey Street Foundation, a self-help group devoted to reclaiming ex-junkies, ex-convicts, and others.
A Cry for Help
Art Direction
A talk-radio host, who specializes in abusing and insulting his audience, gets a call from a disturbed teenage girl who says she is going to commit suicide. After first encouraging her, he has a change of heart and frantically tries to get his listeners to help find the girl before she makes good on her threat.
Aloha Means Goodbye
Art Direction
A young woman who is battling a rare blood disease must also fight against a greedy doctor who needs a heart-transplant donor, and has her in mind.
Skyway to Death
Art Direction
The passengers in an aerial tramway are trapped when the tramway breaks down 8,500 feet in the air.
Art Direction
Una mujer mata a la esposa de su amante y urde un plan para que su marido sea acusado del asesinato.
Call to Danger
Art Direction
A federal agent recruits a computer whiz to try to free a Mafia witness who has been kidnapped and held in a heavily fortified compound.
La hija del diablo
Art Direction
La joven Diane regresa para presenciar el funeral de su madre. Allí conoce a Lilith, una vieja amiga de su madre que la invita a alojarse en su hogar. Pero pronto la joven descubrirá que detrás de la amabilidad de Lilith, se enconde un macabro secreto...
The Steagle
Art Direction
In the midst of the Cuban missile crisis, a mild-mannered professor decides to live out all of his daydreams, travelling across the country and adopting a different persona in each city.
Assault on the Wayne
Art Direction
The U.S. submarine Anthony Wayne is underway for a top-secret mission. Onboard is a highly classified device that will give the Americans a decided nuclear advantage. The entire mission and the secret technology are threatened when the sub commander discovers his crew has been infiltrated by enemy agents. The commander is charged with trying to protect the device while ferreting out the enemy agents. Compounding matters is the state of the commander's physical and mental condition, which is being questioned by his crew.
Art Direction
A family of doctors that runs a medical clinic finds itself up against a sudden cholera epidemic and other difficulties like a movie star who refuses to cooperate with her treatment.
The Immortal
Art Direction
A professional race-car driver discovers that there are certain properties in his blood that will make him, basically, immortal. A dying multi-millionaire also finds out about the racer's blood, and is determined to get it to keep himself alive. This pilot film preceded the later TV series.
Tierra de alimañas
Art Direction
Un antiguo representante de la ley se traslada con su familia a Wyoming con la intención de reconstruir el rancho de su padre y comenzar una nueva vida. Al llegar deberá enfrentarse a un feroz oso que aterroriza a los colonos y a un peligroso enemigo que busca venganza.
Una trompeta lejana
Art Direction
El teniente Hazard (Troy Donahue), un joven oficial recién salido de la prestigiosa Academia Militar de West Point, llega a su primer destino: un fuerte en Arizona con una pequeña guarnición poco disciplinada y constantemente amenazada por el jefe indio Águila de Guerra. Al problema de instruir a sus hombres se une el de que Hazard se enamora de la esposa del oficial al mando del fuerte.