Yukiharu Inoue


At the Mercy of Darkness : Ayano's Bizarre Delusion
Una mujer frustrada cuya vida matrimonial no tiene nada de emocionante. Su marido un idiota, egoísta, machista y sólo se preocupa del porno que mira en su portátil, mientras ella se desvive por él. A causa de las dificultades económicas que padecen, ella empieza a trabajar como vendedora en una editorial de cursos de inglés. Allí conoce a alguien con el que inicia una relación extramatrimonial que cambia su vida. Al mismo tiempo, empieza a ver apariciones de fantasmas de pelos largos y un descuartizador anda suelto por su barrio. ¿Cómo estarán relacionados todos estos hechos?
Female Prisoner Ayaka: Bitch-Training Torment
Jail Guard #1 / Debt Collector #2
Ayaka is a bored housewife, stuck in a very ordinary and loveless marriage. Her only escape is to the fantasy world she creates. She begins having dark and graphic nightmares about being in prison and getting molest by the prison guards and warden. The plot thickens as Ayaka's husband's financial hardships cause both of her worlds, the real world and the imaginary one, to collide.
Miss Lady Professor
Reiko Mizukami (Akari Hoshino) has finally become the teacher she always dreamed to be. She finds herself always sleepy for unknown reasons, day or night. When she falls asleep in her class, this starts a series of dreams full of erotica to the point where she's unable to discern her dreams and the reality. She has been trapped in an obscene world...